one - madmax

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"Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch!" Imogen opened her bedroom door, inspecting her younger brother grumbling and cursing as he rearranged the house.

She sighed at him pulling the cushions out of their places from the couch, making her walk in her room grabbing her keys and handbag.

A police chase rocked downtown Pittsburgh earlier this evening...

Imogen muted out the Television walking into her mom cuddling with their cat Mews. She loved animals, but Mews and her had a strong aversion for each other. She tried to get along with the feline, but it was just a relationship that would remain the same no matter what.

"Another stupid penny!" Dustin threw the penny out of the couch he was rearranging.

"Dusty, watch it! You almost hit Mews" Imogen chuckled softly leaning on the wall next to her.

"Can I please check under your cushions?" Dustin sighed looking over at their mom

Claudia tilted her head petting Mews," Dusty" she let her words drag

"Mom, please? It's an emergency!" Claudia whined playfully making Dustin mock her, as she got off the armchair.

"Who's your buddy? Who's your buddy?" Claudia cooed Mews and looked at her daughter," Hi Immy, going out?"

"Well, now I am—" She eyed her brother," I'm going to chauffeur voluntarily" Dustin was humming happily probably finding coins she thought, smiling at her little brother who ran out of the room," Love you, Mom!"

He didn't see his sister standing there and walked by, making her sigh following after him. She heard the sound of her brother's radio contacting one of his friends.

Imogen took the time to open her handbag hearing Lucas respond," Take your puny haul and multiply it by five"

Dustin gaped looking at his radio," How?"

"While you were scrounging around like a homeless bum, I mowed Old Man Humphrey's lawn"

"Old man, Humphrey's got that kinda cash?"

"Just call Mike already"

Imogen hummed pulling out what she was looking for her in the endless pit of a handbag.

Once her brother finished calling Mike and Will, she knocked on his room door," You know, you did fix my radio the other day" She said slowly

"Yea, I did, what about it?" He looked at her confused

She smirked pulling her hand out of her bag," I meant to give this earlier, but I kind of enjoyed just watching panic" She teased making his eyes lit up at the Ten Dollars in her hand.

"Please don't be shitting me" He mumbled

"I would never Duffin, now take it or leave—" Before she could finish her sentence the bill was snatched out of her hand, getting trampled in a hug by her brother.

"I love you!!" He laughed making her ruffle his hair," I love you too, now let's go kiddo, there is no way I am letting you ride your bike to the arcade this late"

"Can we get the others on the way?" He asked as they both walked out

"Do you even need to ask?"


During the ride, after picking up Lucas first Dustin turned to her," Are you like—still seeing Jonathan?"

Lucas chuckled at the way Dustin's tone sounded unamused. Imogen held back the urge to roll her eyes," Does it bug you, Duffin?"

"Yes actually, because you know as much as the next person, he is all hung up on Nancy" Dustin frowned facing back to the road

"To answer your question, He and I are not a couple, we just—

"Do things couple do?" Lucas leaned forward from the back seat making Imogen look through the mirror and narrowing her eyes," Careful Sinclair" She hissed

He laughed leaning back," It's just the truth really"

"I mean out of all people why can't you find someone else?" Dustin whined

"Yeah? Like who?"

"Steve," Dustin and Lucas said in sync making her purposely raise the music on the car radio

"What? Sorry, I didn't hear you two" She yelled motioning her hand to her ears, making the boys roll their eyes.

Imogen was all of the boys' favourite within the teens—except for Jonathan with Will—making them very protective of her despite being older.

Before Nancy and Steve got together, Imogen had been in a relationship with him, but after a fight, the pair broke up. He then started dating Nancy, and she started seeing Jonathan, but for them, it was strictly physical.

Imogen had become numb, since their break-up, and caused a wild streak within her. She was not the same as before—partying, getting drunk and not being able to commit herself to a relationship.

Imogen Henderson was damaged, which she was very familiar with when her parents divorced. She was a lot like her mother, coping by smiling and acting like everything was fine and dandy, but behind that laugh and smile—were the Damaged goods.

Dustin was very aware of this and often found himself constantly looking out for his sister. He missed the old her, and he knew she was still in there, he just had to bring the only person back in her life that brought it out.

And as much as he tried to deny it, and dislike Steve, he couldn't, because it was so obvious that the pair of them loved each other.

Once she picked up the last of them, excluding Will knowing that Joyce was dropping him off. Imogen was glad the topic of Steve was not brought up again, and instead just spent the ride singing Jessie's Girl obnoxiously making the boys sing along with her to arrive at the arcade finishing off with Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now.


After dropping her brother and his friends off, she went had gone to the Byer's residence. It was like most nights, where she would go and visit him, as the pair of them sought out comfort in each other. It was a dangerous and pathetic thing the pair of them had been doing.

When she arrived at the house which only had Jonathan's rundown car in the lot, she didn't bother knocking walking straight into the house, to his bedroom.

No words were exchanged, and the pair of them were already attached, hands all over the place, and the sound of their uneven breaths.

For Imogen, it was a natural thing but Jonathan was still very new to the whole thing. She was his first in everything, and even if he loved Nancy.

The night felt short for Imogen, needing to fill the empty void in her chest, and Jonathan was never going to make that happen because it was what their relationship was.

It was just physical, with no strings attached.

At school, the pair of them were strangers because what was the point of them openly acting like a couple, when it would just be a lie? It was the only thing that probably the pair of them were not imprudent about. The opportunity could have given them both the façade image to make the two people they wanted jealous, but it was something they could not do.

It was pointless.

As the night had ended and the day had come, the pair of them had woken up on opposite sides of the bed, not even thinking of the idea to be holding each other, since it would feel all very wrong. They had done what they always did and acted as if the night prior never happened.

Imogen grabbed her things, and walked out of the Byers household, not running into anyone knowing the time everyone woke up.

She was not sure if Will and Joyce were aware at all about her coming and going, but then again—she never left evidence.

Her car was always parked a little way down the street, in front of an elderly couple's neighbour's house they did not mind having her car in front of their property, since she would often spend time just chatting with them—which they enjoyed since their children and grandchildren hardly visited.

It was just another routine she had added, and sometimes having breakfast with them, to help with some chores around the property.

Imogen smiled seeing the elder woman Georgina Parks, walking to her mailbox "Imogen"

"Morning Mrs Parks" She greeted opening the mailbox taking out the mail and handing it over.

"Thank you, sweet child, are you up for some breakfast? Frank is trying oriental this time" Imogen nodded following the elder woman, who she had ended up asking the usual questions 'How are you?' 'Do you need help' 'What did Mr Parks break this time' and so on.

"He is a nice young man Imogen, and you are a nice young girl" The elder woman started," You two should just take what is yours and be happy"

"I wish it was that easy, I mean Jonathan should go for it—I keep telling him, it's so obvious Nancy feels the same way"

"I feel most people see it—but my dear, what about you? Steve and you share the same, no?"

Imogen sighed leaning on her palm," We did—now? Probably not, I know my love for him had fallen into a past tense"

Georgina held back the sigh she wanted to let out, she knew how Imogen was in denial. She felt dismayed that the elder Henderson was a replica of her mother. When Claudia was in school, she had a similar issue much like her daughters, and would often come to her and Frank for advice.

The thing about the Henderson females was that they were truly stubborn.

Once she had her breakfast and helped the elder couple, she had gone straight home to get ready for school. She knew her brother and Mom had already left, and it was time for Imogen to let out all of her pain.

She would blast the mixtape she made with Jonathan a year ago before the pair of them had the relationship they have currently.

Before the entire mess, before the whole upside down, and before her and Steve's break up, everything was normal for Imogen.

She had friends that cared about her, and now she didn't have that either. The friends she had were all fake and only kept to the status quo. She did not have anyone to talk to anymore.

Before it was Jonathan and Steve but that was gone.

Imogen was sure her life was just pure bad luck, or her go-to—blaming the town itself.

After her self-indulgence singing loudly to Journey at the top of her lungs and getting ready for school, she went straight to her room pulled out a jar and threw in the money she had got from Frank since he refused to not pay her for all the help she does.

'Leavin' Hawkins' was written on a plain paper that was taped to the jar.

The words were enough to explain what the collection of money was for.

It was her big plan, just move anywhere that wasn't Hawkins, Indiana.


Imogen cursed silently seeing the only parking spot open was next to Steve's car, in which he was currently inside with Nancy.

"I should have walked" She grumbled to herself pulling into the open spot. She made sure not to turn her head to the side, and just be oblivious to the fact that Steve was just to the left of her in his car.

Once she stepped out the sound of a loud rev filled her ears, making her turn up to a car she never has seen any other student drive in school. It seemed to get the attention of everyone in the lot, including Nancy and Steve making them get out of the car.

Imogen closed her car door walked past the couple, and waved to Tina and Vicki openly ignoring Carol whom she despised.

She peered to the side of the male getting out of the car, and couldn't help but smirk. She could tell from just a glance he was an asshole, but he was still handsome.

Bad boy vibes—obnoxious confidence—just perfect for Imogen. It was just her type and she wanted to take a piece for herself. She kept her eyes on him for a moment and it was like the male felt her stare making him turn to her. The moment his eyes laid on her, looking her over, he mirrored her smirk sending a wink.

Everyone who was looking at the male saw the scene before them.

The girl's envious mumbling complaints, and the males groan in jealousy.

Steve tightened his hold on the car door he was hanging off of, a scowl making it on his face, meanwhile, Nancy noticed the gesture eyeing him inconspicuously knowing who he was staring at.

She was aware that just like how she did not love Steve, he did not love her. Both of them were lying to themselves and hiding their real feelings for other people.

Imogen walked over to the male who walked halfway over to her," New kid huh?"

"Oh, the same old cliché, so do I have the honour of knowing your name Blue Eyes?" Imogen felt her skin crawl in delight at the nickname.

"Hm, honestly, considering you also have blue eyes, I am not sure if you are considering yourself or me" Imogen teased folding her arms.

"You got me there" He smirked," Billy Hargrove"

"Imogen Henderson"


Tina huffed next to Imogen as she handed out her Halloween Bash flyers to the passing students," I can't believe you got dibs on him already!"

Imogen chuckled at the female," Oh come on Tina, you can totally have him after I am done with him"

"No shame as usual Imogen" Tina nudged her shoulder," I'll make sure to keep a room reserved for you"

Imogen laughed," Oh honey, I am not going to sleep with him, maybe a little kiss here and there—but I have my boundaries with who I take in bed"

"Mhm" Tina eyed her," Like that freak Byer's"

Imogen felt herself twitch to not just the insult to Jonathan, but the fact that she knew about her sleeping with him. Tina noticed her posture change making her lean closer," Don't worry, your secret is safe with me"

"And I can trust you why?"

"I want to be offended, but I can't blame you—but don't worry Imogen, I know when to keep my mouth shut"

"Yeah, it's because I am your alibi for your parents, thinking you are sleeping over when you are having the bash while they are on their business trip"

"Exactly" Tina looked at her," See win-win"

Imogen wanted to comment there was no such thing in this situation, and the timing was just horrible when Nancy and Jonathan walked in side by side. She smiled at Nancy as both she and Tina said Hi to her in sync.

"Hey Tina, Imogen" Nancy greeted taking the flyer Tina handed her," Thanks" Imogen felt Jonathan looking at her she averted her eyes but could still feel his eyes linger.

Jonathan walked a little ahead as Nancy turned back," Oh, could I get one more?"

"Yeah, sure" Tina reached over handing another flyer, Imogen peeked over to Nancy handing it to Jonathan.


Imogen was genuinely confused at the younger Byers who was standing next to her car. She had gone to check in with the Parks since she didn't feel like heading home yet.

"Will?" She said softly walking over to him," Are you okay?"

He nodded leaning on her car and sighing," I was wondering if we could talk?"

"Yeah sure Bud, what's up?" She said and he looked around

"Well, actually can we talk in my room? I'm kind of not supposed to be outside this late"

She smiled putting the container of food she got from Frank and Georgina in his hands. He looked at her confused," Trust me, it will be a good alibi"

He chuckled not completely understanding what she meant, turning to walk to his house. She locked her car following after, once he was about to reach for the door it opened to Joyce having a slightly frantic face," Oh! Will"

Imogen stepped forward," Hi Mrs Byers! Sorry about that, Will asked me to help him with some assignments he was confused about, and he was just coming out to meet me. I am so sorry for intruding"

Joyce lit up seeing her," Oh Imogen, that's okay, thank you for helping him" Imogen discreetly nudged Will making him look up at her confused as she eyed the container in her hand," Oh! She brought this over, I hope you don't mind her joining us for movie night?"

"Of course not, Imogen you are practically family, especially with everything you have done over the last year and all" Imogen noticed Will go frigid at those words, making her place a hand on his back for comfort.

Once they walked in, she greeted Bob, and went straight to Will's room, both of them sitting on his bed.

"All right Bud, what happened?"

Will sighed and reached over to the drawing on his bed handing it over to Imogen," You are the only person that treats me the same, well the same as Bob, but through people, I know well"

Imogen looked at the drawing that had Zombie Boy she frowned understanding it had gotten very into his drawings knowing that Will only ever drew things that had explained his inner turmoil. Before she could say her thoughts, Will's bedroom door opened making them turn up.

Imogen put on her usual fake smile," Oh welcome to the party"

Jonathan stopped mid-step looking at her confused, but he hid it when Imogen gave him a quick look that told him enough to act normal.

"H-Hey, bud" He turned back to his brother," I didn't know what you'd like, so I got a variety" He motioned his hand to three videotapes placing them on Will's shelf," Take your pick"

Imogen placed his drawing back on his binder," Whatever you want"

"All right," Jonathan said awkwardly as he eyed the bed, in which Imogen took the cue to scoot sitting next to Will.

"What you working on?"

Will didn't say anything and continued to draw," Zombie Boy? Who's Zombie Boy?"

He didn't respond right away and hesitated "Me"

"Did someone call you that?" Jonathan had turned on his protective switch, after Will didn't answer his question," Hey. You can talk to me. You know that, right?"

"Jonathan" Imogen reached over placing a hand on his arm, but he ignored her," Will, come on talk to me"

Will pushed Jonathan's hand away," Stop treating me like that"

"What? Like what?"

"Like everyone else, like there's something wrong with me" Will raised his voice

"What are you talking about?" Jonathan asked confused

"Mom, Dustin, Lucas. Everyone" He looked at Imogen," Except for Imogen so far, it's why she is here. I wanted to talk to someone who doesn't treat me like I'm gonna break. Like I'm a baby like I can't handle things on my own. It doesn't help. It just makes me feel like more of a freak"

"You know what?" Jonathan turned crossing his legs and sitting more on Will's bed, with his knees brushing Imogen's.

"You are a freak," He said straightly, then looked at Imogen making her realize what he was doing.

"What?" Will looked at him offended

"No, I'm serious. You're a freak. But what? Do you wanna be normal? Do you wanna be just like everyone else? Being a freak is the best. I'm a freak. Imogen is one as well"

Imogen looked at him gaping," I am?"

"Yeah you are," He said instantly

"Is that why you don't have any friends?" Imogen snorted at Will's words making Jonathan look at her narrowing his eyes for a moment.

"I have friends, Will"

"Then why are you always hanging out with me?" Will question

"He got you there" Imogen raised her hand only for it to be smacked away by him

"I hang out with Imogen" He defended making Imogen's eyes widen

"You do?" Will looked at her," I didn't know you two became friends again"

Imogen coughed," Well we didn't technically stop being friends"

"Yeah" Jonathan responded

"Then why don't you two make mixtapes together anymore? Or even just hang out and watch movies like before?" With those words, both Jonathan and Imogen fell silent to it. It was true since the pair of them had started their sexual relationship, they completely threw away their friendship.

It was the price they foolishly tossed to the side because of their broken hearts. The conversation had been left unfinished since Jonathan changed the subject drastically. Imogen went along with it, and soon Bob came in and picked a movie.

She joined them watching Mr Mom, sitting on the couch with Will leaning on her shoulder eating popcorn. Jonathan was on a lone armchair peeking over at her a few times, which she noticed doing the same.

They needed to talk about it.

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