two - trick or treat, freak

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"Oh!! I want to see those pearls. Yeah!" Claudia screamed happily with the camera in her hand. Imogen was yawning but smiling at her brother who was posing for the camera.

"Who you gonna call?" Claudia sang the melody, as Dustin continued to pose," Oh!"

"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you? I can pick up the boys as well" Imogen called out to her brother who was about to walk out the door.

"Yeah sis, it's fine, you need a break once and a while" He added running out the door," Love you!

"Love you too!" She yelled back," Be safe!"


Imogen pulled out of the heated kiss, her lips feeling swollen. She pulled away from Billy who looked like he wanted more, but she was finished. She got what she wanted, and it was enough.

"Hey," His voice had a husky tone to it," Come on Blue Eyes, are you going to just stop there?"

She put a hand on his chest stopping him from leaning closer," Yeah Hargrove, you are hot don't get me wrong, but you don't fit my sleeping type"

"Really?" He smirked," I could show you how wild I can get" He lifted her chin with his hand," Or if you like it gentle that can work too"

She pushed his hand away gently," It's a nice gesture" She leaned forward only giving him a light peck," But kissing is where I draw the line"

"You play hard to get huh?"

"No, I just don't spread my legs to just anyone"

"How about I convince you at that Bash tonight?" He whispered in her ear

She chuckled patting his chest," No thanks"

"Really?" He whined as she stepped back opening the small room's door

"Yes really" She waved," See you around Hargrove, good luck finding someone who'll sleep with you"

She heard him groan as she walked through the empty halls, but was halted by someone grabbing her arm.

She was about to kick whoever it was, but stopped seeing Jonathan," God damn it Jonathan you scared the shit out of me"

"I didn't think he was the type you went for" Jonathan nudged his head to Billy who was walking in the other direction. She furrowed her brows looking at him," Were you watching us?"

"No!" He quickly defended scoffing at her accusation," You too were getting a little loud in there, you are lucky I was the only one in the halls"

"We were just kissing Jonathan—Look I gotta go, I need to meet with Tina, I'm helping her prepare for the bash" She pulled her arm out of his grip

"Hope to see you there," She said in a monotone voice walking away with her arms folded.


"Okay, why is he acting like he owns you or something" Tina derided bitterly as she laid out the alcohol bottles on the table.

"I don't know" Imogen shrugged her shoulder," If I stayed any longer, I feel like things could have taken a turn for the worst"

"Well get drunk tonight, find a man and have fun! It's your last Halloween here in Hawkins, and I want to make it the fucken best night of your life!"

"Babe, I'm not even sure I'll have enough money after we graduate"

"Oh honey, you have more than enough—and if not, I'll chip in for charity" She teased

"Oh, yes please" Imogen put out her hands playfully," Donate to the Imogen Henderson is leaving this shit town charity as soon as possible!"

A few hours later, the house filled up, and there was hardly room to walk around without bumping or stepping on someone's foot. Imogen was already drinking blissfully, getting drunk as she danced with a lot of people, to even kissing a few random girls and guys.

It was the wild streak that broke out, and when it did—no one could stop her. Imogen swayed around and ended up outside to see everyone cheering for Billy.

"We got ourselves a new Keg King!" Tommy shouted obnoxiously making Imogen roll her eyes.

"That's how you do it, Hawkins!" Billy shouted taking a swig of his cigarette as everyone chanted his name.

Imogen shifted her body turning back into the house, knowing to avoid him at all cost. She was drunk as hell, but not enough to end up making a mistake and sleeping with him. Once she walked in she saw Steve and Nancy at the corner talking to each other.

"Oh, great" Imogen mumbled lifting her cup to her mouth and drinking most of the contents. She felt an arm on her shoulder and she peeked over to see it was Billy. She almost gagged to the smell of beer he was drowsed in," Hey Blue Eyes, I have been waiting for the chance to find you"

She let out a sarcastic laugh pulling herself out of his arms," Not a chance Hargrove!" She slipped away into the crowd as he sighed waving his hand and walking over to Tommy who was bragging to Steve.

She went over to the punch bowl refilling her cup to the brim, and saw Nancy walking over," Hey Imogen" She smiled at the female

Said girl waved with her fingers," Enjoy yourself, babe, this Bash will be a night for fuck it all!"

Nancy chuckled at her," What's in this?" She looked at the bowl, and the guy next to it finished his cup," Pure fuel! Pure fuel!" Nancy stepped back as he yelled loudly.

Imogen looked up to see Steve walking over, and he looked at her for a little too long, making her turn away quickly not wanting to have to deal with being around him and Nancy.

Imogen did not dislike Nancy at all she enjoyed just talking to her sometimes, just as long as she was not with Steve, she was comfortable with her presence.

Once she walked away, she found herself going outside for fresh air, feeling slightly nauseated at all the alcohol she had in her system. She was pushing her limit that night, and she needed to be careful and not destroy her liver.

"Imogen" She turned nearly gaping at Jonathan who was walking over to her," Woah, you came?"

He chuckled scratching the back of his neck," Yeah—Uh, decided to be normal"

"I thought you didn't like being normal? What happened to live up, to being a freak? I'm doing it" Imogen wiggled her body jokingly. He looked down at her and frowned," Where is the rest of your clothes?"

She laughed looking down," Honestly I was wearing a shirt—but this guy I was making out with puked on me, and I had to take it off"

He sighed taking off his jacket and throwing it to her," Wear that, and if someone pukes on it—Leave it on"

She made a disgusted face as she put on the jacket," That is nasty, so what my costume is going to be a walking toilet?"

He rolled his eyes," It's more fitting than walking around in your underwear"

"Just think of it as a bikini!" She huffed grabbing his wrist," Come on and let's go party!" He tried to protest but she was already dragging him into the house.


When Jonathan saw Nancy and Steve dancing together, he couldn't help but frown, and turn to Imogen who was drinking another cup of alcohol. He took the cup out of her hand and yanked her over to him connecting his lips to her own.

Imogen was aware of what was going on, but not what his intention was. So she didn't care and kissed back. She felt Jonathan's arms wrap around her waist pulling her closer to him. She felt herself grabbing the back of his neck as they continued to make out.

Some people around them looked in confusion, but most were hooting and whistling, and it got the attention of many individuals.

"Get it Henderson!!" One of the guys shouted laughing as it got Steve to look up and froze in the spot seeing Imogen and Jonathan making out. He looked at Nancy who saw as well as she ran off making him stay for a moment but following after her.


"This is bullshit" Nancy slurred to Steve who looked at her. He was not sure what hurt more at the moment, Nancy saying their relationship was entirely bullshit and fake, or the fact that he saw Imogen and Jonathan kissing.

"All of it?" Steve put his hand on her cheek

"It's bullshit—You love Imogen, you never loved me—You are supposed to be with her and not me. We are not" Nancy poked his chest aggressively," In love"

Steve had wanted to openly deny it but her words were like ice. He stepped back and walked out of the bathroom slamming the door behind him.

He walked out bumping into Jonathan making him stop in his tracks noticing Imogen was not around," Where is—

"She left—She realized what I was doing and stormed off"

"What you we—You kissed her to make Nance and I jealous?!" he raised his voice, he grabbed Jonathan's shirt agitated and ready to plummet him, but stopped hearing Imogen shouting. He grits his teeth shoving Jonathan away and runs following her voice. '

Of course, he knew her voice so well, that he was not mistaken.

"Fuck off Hargrove!" Imogen shoved Billy away drunk and angry. Steve ran out catching his breath and looked at Imogen whose face was stained with tears and her mascara running. She looked like an absolute mess.

He ran over to her as Billy stormed off, making Steve glad he didn't continue to harass her. He caught her before she fell over," Immy, how much did you drink?"

Imogen looked up swaying slightly despite being in his arms," Stevie" She said softly making her hand make its way to his hair," It's my Stevie" She slurred

Steve felt his heart pick up, hearing those three words, as he leaned his forehead on her own," It's your Stevie, Immy" he mumbled softly. She hummed leaning her head on his neck and he felt her lean in more mumbling the three words ''It's my Stevie'

He lifted her in his arms walking over to his car," Please don't leave Stevie" He heard her say in her sleep.

"Never again Immy" He placed his lips on the top of her head," I was a jerk"

"My jerk" She slurred as he placed her in the passenger seat running a hand through her hair," I'm going to do this right, no matter how long it takes"

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