1 ▪︎ Peanuts

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• Anya said: "_" : a character's speech (example Anya)

• Peanuts... - Anya: character's POV =))

• "_" - Anya: Still character's speech

• (_) : Author's speech because yes why not :))

Okie! Enjoy reading folks (❁'◡'❁)


On a beautiful morning, a Wednesday of the week, today, Anya Forger, for the first time ever in her school life, was early to school.
Damian was walking to the school gate when he saw her coming closer. He stopped until she was near him and asked:

"Huh? You're here early today?"

Seeing Anya this early... Is it a bit strange...? - Damian thought as the girl walked to him.

"Oh, good morning Sy-on Boy. Well... I had some business at home to deal with haha..."

He tilts his head, looking at the short, pink fluffy cotton candy hair with two horns on her head, asked: 

"What kind of business is it?"

"Well, you see-"

Before she could say anything, her stomach growled. Damian just stood there and laughed loudly at the poor little hungry kid like some crazy drunk guy on the street =))

"H-Hey! Stop laughing! I'm just hungry!!!" - Anya said, puffing her cheeks.

Awwww... Look at the way she puffs her cheeks... So adorable... - Damian thought as he kept laughing.
(I don't know if this looks right-)

Anya looked at him and tilts her hand in confusion, making weird faces at him as if she just heard something. (Or maybe she read his mind oh god-)

Damian, still laughing, asked her:

"You haven't eaten breakfast right shrimp?" 

"W-What else would it be! And stop calling me wacky names! You meanie!"

He looked around for a minute, there wasn't anyone familiar around yet. Was this the perfect opportunity for him to be alone with her? He thought to himself for a minute.

Should I buy her something to eat...? But... what to buy now...I don't even know...

She opened her eyes bigger than ever as she filled up with energy and joy. 


Damian startled, and shivered, looking at Anya as if she had just read his mind and answered him. (Well... she did technically read his mind :P)

"Y-You want peanuts?" - Damian looked at the Anya as she nods her head quickly like she really wanted it.

"T-Then... stay there!" - Damian muttered, enough for Anya to hear him. But, Anya followed him anyways, for her, standing there waiting would be boring, and just walking along would be near to communication.

"H-Here...! Take it...!" - Damian said, holding out a bag of peanuts premium edition. His face was bright red, he couldn't even look straight at her, just looked away. (Very tsundere Damian hEhE)

"Woa!!! Thank you Sy-on Boy!!!" - Anya said as she hold the bag of peanuts premium edition as if she just found treasure on an island in the middle of the sea. Her eyes were glittering like beautiful fireworks lit up in the dark dreamy sky...

Why does it have to be you... It's just a bag of peanuts... Why do you have to be so... - Damian looked at her as she ate each piece of peanut, his face got red once again.

"Are you sick Sy-on Boy?" 

"W-What!? N-No I'm not! Mine your own business..."

"Or... You're also hungry as well?" - Anya said as she gave him a piece of peanut.

"N-No... I-I don't need it..." - He mumbled.

"It's okay! Don't worry! Have a bite." - Anya said as she tried to put the piece of peanut in his mouth. And finally, he gave up and end up eating it anyway.

"You just had to eat it. Isn't that simple?" - Anya said as she continues eating. Damian just kept silent, trying to bear this cuteness from her. All they could do was walk around the school ground. Tho, many eyes were on them, Damian didn't care much, for him, this feeling feels nice, way better than having to do something that others want. He enjoyed this feeling, being near her.

Some time passed by, and finally, those familiar faces showed up.

"Anya! You're so early today! Did I keep you waiting too long? I'm very sorry if I kept you waiting." - Becky walked out of her black Roll Royce car, eyes were all over her, admiring her beauty as she walked in.

And of course, the bell finally rang. Everyone was on their way to class, marching inside the school. When Anya finally made it to the classroom door, she saw Damian talking to Ewen and Emile. She ran to him, and pat his shoulder.

"Thanks a lot again Sy-on Boy!'

She walked into class, leaving Ewen and Emile looking at each other in confusion, while sir Damian was blushing bright red as a tomato. 

Well, Anya... I can give you anything you wanted... I'm just waiting for my answer from you...

[End of 1]
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