2 ▪︎ The rain

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• Anya said: "_" : a character's speech (example Anya)

Peanuts... - Anya: character's POV =))

• "_" - Anya: Still character's speech

• (_) : Author's speech because yes why not :))

Okie! Enjoy reading folks (❁'◡'❁)


*Thunder sounds*

On a regular Thursday morning, unlike Wednesday morning. Today is one big rainy day. And of course, we can't forget, Anya got up almost late for the bus as usual :)) Today's raining eh? Will it be a slight rain? Or even a heavy rain? What does the sky have for us today?

"Aw... it's rainy." - Anya said with a frowned face and walked out of the bus to the school gate.

Anya doesn't really like rainy days. The rain makes her all wet and soggy, it makes her feel cold, sacred from the loud noise of heavy raindrops dripping on those concrete roofs. Those lighting strikes in the sky as it made her rumble, she didn't like those sounds very much.

Today at Eden Acadamy, Anya's class had an outdoor activity period, sadly.

"Well, as you can see, it's raining. So, we'll be staying inside to study for today, students. I hope you understand." - Sir Henderson said to the class as they settle inside.

"Aw. What a shame... Outdoor activities are always the best thing ever." - Anya sighed, talking with her best friend sitting right next to her, a beautiful young girl with gorgeous black silk hair.

"You know Anya... Rainy days can be a little romantic heh~" - Becky giggled, still daydreaming about those "romantic" scenes in those movies she had watched.

"Romantic? What is romantic? That sounds really new to me..." - Anya asked, what an innocent girl =,))

"Romantic? Well... Hm... How do I say this?... Well, Romantic relates a lot to love and relationships, you can tell it by actions between two people... Like kissing... hugging... going on dates... " - Becky started listing all those things that are "romantic" to her. Anya can only nod her head faster. But to be honest, she doesn't even understand even half of it.

Love? Why does it have to be so complicated? What does love feel like?... - Anya to herself, trying to get things to go through her brain on what her best friend said. (Don't worry Anya, I don't know about love as well =D)

Romantic...? You're this year old and you still don't know what being romantic is? - Damian thought to himself, eavesdropping on those two girls from afar.

Huh!? Sy-on Boy knows what love and romantic feeling mean...? He must be really smart to understand these complicated things huh...? I'll definitely have to ask him to explain it to me more clearly and specifically. - Anya thought as if she just thought out of the most splendid idea she had ever thought of.
Classes pass by like the wind blew by. And at last, the bell for lunch has finally come.

"Aw... It's still raining...!?" - Anya looked outside the window, making a frowned face while sitting down with Becky, with a dish of omelet rice in hand.

"Don't worry about it, Anya. It will eventually stop raining soon" - Becky said with a confident tone, even tho she didn't want the beautiful and peaceful rain to stop anyways.

"Hm! Oh rain! Oh rain! Go away and come back another day!" - Anya, like a silly little child, pointing her finger to the window like holding a magic wand in Harry Potter. (I don't know anything about this plot ok-)

Oh gosh... You know that you don't have to be that silly... Just so cute... N-No! Y-You! Do not-! - Damian glanced at Anya from his table as he started blushing.

"Um... Boss-man? Are you not gonna eat?" - Ewen said with a stuffed mouth.

"Also sir... Why is your face so red...?" - Emile added to the bunch of questions.

"N-Nothing at all! E-Eating slowly would taste better! Unlike someone who keeps pigging out!" - Damian startled, then pọinted at Ewen angrily, his voice struggling to form words. (If you don't know, pig out means to eat too much food)

Ding Dong...
And so, the bell has finally rung for home time... Well, the rain did stop. But... when she just stepped her foot out, it started to rain again. (Maybe Weather Man wanna ruin the bright sky today-)

"Aw man! It started to rain again-!" - Anya said, her face went from happy little sunshine to sadness overwhelmed, staring at Becky.

"Oh well... guess you'll have to deal with it~" - Becky shrug her shoulders as if she forgot what she said early to her. (If you don't remember then at lunch, Becky said it will stop raining but it did not :V)

Maybe papa and mama will come a little late for today because of the rain... - Anya sighed, stood inside the school, looked at her friend walking to her car, and left.

Since she was quite bored, she decided to take a little view around the school for a while. And since Ewen and Emile went back to their dorms first, Damian got a chance to meet he and decided to follow the little girl.

Hm... The school is quite big I'm not gonna lie... I exploded here a lot, but sometimes I keep forgetting places. Without Becky, I would be lost every time... - Anya thought to herself as she took each step along the breezy wind flowing by in the blue sky. Damian can only slowly follow her from a far, staring at her almost every second.
Huh... Today's rain feels so different somehow... Why does it look so dreamy...? - Anya decided to take a step outside to see the small little raindrops dripping down from the sky. Damian stared at her standing in the rain, her hair flew by like the breezy wind, it made her look so dreamy in his eyed that he couldn't believe it's real.

"Oh! A little kitten!" - Anya shouted out loud as she saw a little kitten hiding in under a tree, she rushed over to the kitten and...

"Ah!" - Anya has tripped over a small little rock and fell in the misty rain.

"Anya!" - Damain shouted as he started running to her and helped her to stand up start.

"I-It hurts..." - Anya said in a hurtful tone. One of her knees has been scratched and it's bleeding. (Maybe she put pressure on the knees too much-)

"It's bleeding... How did you even make yourself fell!" - Damian said in a worried and scared tone, picked her up and take a look at her wound.

"I-I'm sorry... I just saw a little kitten under that tree over there..." - Anya cried hurtfully. (Fell in the rain can sometimes give you a big scratch, and I'm the one who has them too :,D)

"G-Get on... I'll take you to the nurse office to fix you up..." - Damian said, showing his back towards her, giving her a sign to get on his back. She slowly hop on his back as he carried her.

Why does this feeling so weird... Wasn't I freezing a minute ago...? Sy-on boy's back feels so warm... - Anya thought as she laid on his back, she has never ever had this feeling. This "warmth" from Damian felt so strange, is it the feeling that she had been questioning? At last, he had carried her to the nurse office.

"Oh my! Are you okay my dear? Sit down! I'll go get the band aids!" - As Damian putted Anya on the bed, the nursed came in as she saw the terrifing wound on Anya's knee, she rushed back to the medicine room. After a few minutes, her wound was bandaged.

"I'll go and take some stuff." - The nurse stood up as she left for the room behind the counter.

"H-How are you feeling... Are you okay now..?" - Damian asked, his face starts blushing again but the worried on his face hasn't faded away.

"You're worried for Anya?" - Anya looked straight into the boys hazel eyes, I guess his face got even redder from this.

"O-Of course not! I-I just happen to saw you fell so I helped..." - Damian turned away, he couldn't look straight into beautiful green eyes, he won't admit that he's worried about her.

"Heh... Thank you so much Sy-on Boy!" - Anya said, giving out her biggest and cutest smile ever.

"B-Be more careful next time... Got it-!" - Damian said, face red as a tomato while Anya sat there laughing at his face :))

And of course, mama Yor finally is here to pick up Anya, and she didn't forget to thank Damian for like the 21th time-
Damian stared at her as she ran to her car.

If you ever fall, don't worry... I'll protect you... As long as you're save in my arms...

[End of 2]
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