~ 17 ~

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I fell back onto the ground in shock. There's no way to get back home. An onslaught of tears overcame me. I didn't like to cry but I couldn't help the tears spill. I crawled to my nest of blankets and curled into a ball. I was going to be stuck here forever. There was no way I could leave.

Maybe he's lying. I tried to convince myself. Maybe he thinks that his lies will stop me from trying to escape.

My depressing emotion ceased for a couple of seconds. I thought about his words. The way his voice trembled when he said that there was no, possible, way.

Everyone else seems to think there's one.

Maybe they're fooling themselves. Maybe Peter's right. Maybe they think he knows but really, he doesn't.

But how did you get here?

So there had to be a way onto the island, there needed to be a way off.

Wendy made Peter take her and her brothers back.

He's just trying to crush your dreams. I told myself. There has to be a way.

The morning sun lightened the campgrounds, yet I hadn't had a wink of sleep. I'd run through my head every possible scenario to get off the island. Mermaids, portals, shadows, had all tried and failed. The mermaids were a bust, simply claiming that they both didn't want to take me, wether they could would be another matter.

Pirates, I wasn't so sure, if they could escape Neverland, then why haven't they? In the small time I'd interacted with them, they came across almost like they were prisoners. Was Jace's hatred against Pan so strong that they had to stay for their revenge? Or was Pan keeping them here somehow?

The Indians both couldn't leave and didn't want to. Unless if they had knowledge of some sort of portal opening, they weren't muck hell in the escape part.

I stood, dusting myself off. With some concentration, I summoned a brush and comfortable clothes in which I could change.

But there was also the problem of the Mortalis, wasn't I immortal now? If I returned would I age normally or have some Age of Adaline problems? I braided my hair and tucked my shirt into my pants. It had a slight pirate-like feeling to it. Maybe my subconscious was inspired by my run-in with the Pirates?

I hung around the entrance of the camp, looking over it warily. About half of the boys were up, beginning chores, poking the embers of last night's fire, sentry duty. Scanning the clearing, I reached out to see if any of the boys were looking my way, they weren't. I scampered across the clearing into the thick bushes on the other side. Scuttling through the bushes I walked into the clearing.

It was a simple place, the dirt was covered by long, sparse grass and dotted with wildflowers. Even though the place was lush, it was dying. The green had a slight yellow to it. The edges of the wildflowers were turning black and dying.

Drawn forwards, I began to walk to the centre of the clearing. I suddenly became aware of my surroundings, the movement of the waterbeds deeply imbedded within the Earth. The flow of the air circulating in the clearing. The ebb of life witching every blade of grass and petal.

In the middle of the clearing, I laid down. I felt life flow from me but not in a way that made me tire or fatigue but increased the flow of life within the plantation. My head nestled by grass, I let my eyes drift shut. I became aware of everything. Almost like enlightenment. Every root, every worm, every wave and current. Every breath by the Lost Boys, every kill by the Indians. Down to every molecule and atom of magic.

I breathed in deeply. I could feel where Pan's touch had occurred. We were opposites, where I was not, he was. Peter was the anti-me and I was the anti him. Or even, perhaps Peter was the absence of me. Both of us were embedded within the Neverland, how I hadn't seen the expanse of our power before, I never knew, but I did now.

I stood, my eyes still closed. I didn't need to open them, to do so would just provide a visual view and why would I need something visual when I already knew everything?

I began to move my hands in a fluid movement, I felt every plant, every tree on the island respond to my call. I felt the waters of the island do so as well. I began searching the island, for a hole of some sort, an emptiness. Something that would provide a way out. I gritted my teeth as I embedded more concentration. I wasn't angry or frustration, I just needed more willpower.

Many. I thought, as my hand trembled over a mental spot in the island. My other on another. But the biggest one was within the mountain. There was flow of energy that moved outwards to a familiar place. Home.

My eyes shot open. So a journey to the mountain was what was called for.

At least it was something.

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