Chapter 18. The Meadow

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We all trudged through the forest, our paws barely able to keep us upright anymore. Raven and Blossom were falling behind me as the day dragged on.

[AlphaTyler, we're getting close] Blssom said, her mind link sounding just as tired as her. 

I glanced behind my furry back to see Raven next to Blossom's dark brown wolf. Each seemed incredibly tired. The prey around here was scarce, and not to mention we hadn't been able to make any stops. 

Suddenly, I didn't hear the pawsteps behind me. I turnedd to see what was going on.

Raven was on top of Blossom, snapping at her neck with her ferocious jaws. They each were growling and snarilng aimlessly at eachother. Raven's white wolf was hissing at Blossom and trying to snap at her neck. Immediately I ran over.

[Raven! Stop!] I shouted. Raven's eyes saw mine but she didn't stop attacking Blossom. Her white wolf was flown off as soon as I ran and headbutted her on the side. It hurt that I had to basically tackle my mate off Blossom, but she was nearly about to kill her. Raven forced herself up and was staring at me.

[Who are you?!] Raven screamed at Blossom and I. My heart shattered for the millionth time this week.

[Raven, again, it's me Tyler and Alpha Blossom. Do you remember anything?] I asked her. Her green eyes widened in terror.

[I'm . . . I'm so sorry . . .] She said before glancing at her paws. I sighed in relief as she recalled who we were. I got up and pranced over towards my mate. I could tell she was feeling awful about all that just happened. Blossom walked over and sat down.

[It's ok Raven. We're almost at the Silverlace tree, ok?] Blossom said in the link.

She glanced at us and nodded.

[Well then let's go.] She said with determination. I sighed and took the lead once more. 

We walked on for about an hour before the air started to smell damp and dank. I wrinkled my nose at the scent of drenched leaves.

[We'll shift back here.] blossom revealed. We all nodded and went behind our own separate trees to get dressed. 

After I shifted, I grabbed some shorts and a shirt before coming out behind the tree, greatful for my two legs. Raven was standing next to Blossom. Her dark hair was splashed down her back, and Blossom's was in a tight pony tail.

"Why are we walking in human form?" Raven asked as we contiued to walk, this acrid stench following us wherever we stepped.

"It's easier. Plus, we are getting into the more swampy area, hense this smell. After my pack, Ragnor and I agreed on the deal, and while he was in the midst of creating this place, he had the help of other Hunters that still live on. There are more traps in here than there are in an abandoned underground cave."

"I still don't understand." Raven said with the roll of her eyes. I smiled, missing her old attitude.

Blossom sighed. "The traps were set for wolves specifically. Do you see the trees? What do you notice about them?" She asked. I looked at each set of trees and frowned.

"Each one smells different yet amazing, but I feel like they have an intersting aura around them. Kind of . . . dark." Raven revealed. I couldn't help but feel the tensino in the atmosphere as we arrived deeper intot he swamps.

"Exactly. Each tree contains a special poisen. They smell so good to lure wolves in to touch them, and/or sniff them. That alone will send gastrous toxin into the air and suffocate us. Once you breathe in the toxin, it will automatically enter your blood stream and slowly waste away your organs." Blossom said as we continued to walk. I scowled at the trees and made it my goal to make sure NOT to touch them or even go near them.

"Ok, so the scent lures in wolves. Big deal." Ravven said with a shrug.

I shook my head but chuckled non the less. 

"How much farther?" I asked Blossom.

"We're nearly there, I can assure you."

And as soon as she spoke those words, We each came to a clearing. In front of us laid a meadow of silver poppies. There were so many that just sat there, flowing in whichever way the wind was blowing them. They were beautiful.

"It's beautiful." Raven said in a trance. 

"It is." I replied.

"Ok, do you have the pendant?" Blossom asked, turning to Raven. Raven grabbed the necklace from down in her shirt and showed it to her.

"Yup, right here." She replied.

"Great. Here's how this is going to work. Tyler and I cannot go into the feld. Simply because you are the one who needs curing. Now then, all you do is walk in through those popies with your eyes closed and you must make it to the center. There, with the pendant, you must lay it on the ground and whisper an incantation." She revealed to us each as we continued to stare at the meadow.

"Wait what? Closed eyes? How will I know when I'm in the middle!? What's the incantation???" Raven interrogated. I could tell she was a little nervous. Her hands were trembling by her sides and her brows were furrowed.

"Calm down, you can do this." I grasped her by the shoulders and spoke close to her face. I could feel the tingles shooting down my hands, and the warmth was flowing through my body. I could tell she felt it too by the way her beautiful eyes would widen. Her lost eyes searched mine for answers that I wished I could give her. I couldn't garantee her safety, I couldn't garantee we would all walk out of this swamp happy. I couldn't garantee that I could keep her safe as long as her memory kept deteriorating.

And those were things mates should be able to provide for eachother. Love, safety, and protection. All things that I could have given her if only I had just taken her word about my beta, Jarod. This all could have been easily avoided. 

"Tyler?" She whispered, her breath lingering on my chin, due to height difference and our proximity. I glanced at her, knowing this could be the last moments we have together. My heart was slowly crushing into a thousand pieces.

"Yes?" I asked her, quite silent but she was a Werewolf, so she had incredible hearing. She took a deep breath.

"If this does end up working, I want you to know that I'm willing to give you a chance. For whatever it is that you did that you keep blaming yourself for. Ok?" She spoke in a silky voice, and had me questioning if this was real or not. I was still feeling guilt pool at the bottom of my stomach. 

"Are you sure? I mean-" I started, but she merely laughed and put a finger on my lips.

"Tyler, I don't know what you did, but from what I've witnessed, your a great mate. So without further ado, move aside mate. Time for me to haul ass and get my memories back." She said with triumph, getting out of her daze. I smiled. This was the Raven I had missed. She backed away from me and stared at the field.

"We'll yell at you to stop when you're in the middle. But remember, you CANNOT phase into your wolf. If you do, you'll feel lured to the Silverlace poppies, and the oxins-"

"Yeah yeah, I know they'll kill me. Any other advice?" She cut off Blossom, making her roll her eyes with a huff. 

"Do not open your eyes. These poppies are almost alive in a sense. They can sense when wolves are near, what kind, and if they've come for the liquid, or to destroy the tree. You are a rogue and that alone is posing a threat to the flowers. Closing your eyes gives off the illusion that you aren't there. At leat that's how the flowers will see it. After you get to the middle lay down the pendant, say the incantation, back up two steps, three to the right, and if should activate." She explained in a heap. I gulped. I hope Raven could pull this off.

"Piece of cake." She said, stepping up to thlining of the flowers. She took a deep breath before closing her eyes, and taking a step into the meadow.

Raven's POV***

I closed my eyes, clutching the pendant to my chest as I took a hesitant step forward. I could feel the flower slightly brush against my legs, although I was wearing leggings. 

"You ok?" Tyler called from behind.

I hastily gave a thumbs up in the air, squeezing my eyes tight. Again, I took another step, followed by another. I laughed to myself, this was so easy. At leat I thought it was. 

I took one more step before nearly falling over, for a rock was in my way.

"Don't touch the ground!!!!!" Blossom screeched from behind me. I wavered my arms from back and forth, desperately trying to catch my balance. After a second, I gained my footing, eyes still shut.

This time, I slowly took a step forward with hesitance. I groaned as I nearly faltered again, but was faster to catch my balance. 

"These damn rocks!!!" I hissed as I took another step followed by more. I could slightly hear Tyler laughing.

"How far away am I from the middle!?" I yelled, awaitng an answer.

"A ways, keep going!" Blossom screamed. I nodded - mainly to myself and gulped.

I kept walking but something wasn't right. This was all easy. Too easy.

"Raven! Duck!" Tyler called. I frowned, what was he saying? I was getting so far now that it became more tedious to hear him.

"Wha-" But before I had time to say anything, something wrapped around my waist. I squeezed my eyes tighter as I was lifted off the ground. It felt like there were ropes around me. I then realized that whatever grabbed me, wasn't ropes.

"You have got to be shittin me!" I shouted in aggravation.

"The flowers are aware of who you are now, they know you're a rogue!" Blossom screamed from afar. I groaned.

"What does that mean for me?!" I yelled across the field as the vines warpped my waist tighter.

"Stay calm and-" Tyler started until nother rope wrapped itself around my arms. 

"You need to run to the middle as fast as possible before the poppies vines wrap all the way around you!! Don't open your eyes!" Blossom yelled. I sighed deeply. Ok, I can fight, but fighting with my eyes closed is pretty different. 

Yet, I am The Slip. If I can get out of a pack's grip, I sure as hell can get out of these damn vines!

I quickly grabbed the vines on my stomach and struggled to get them off. Instead, they only seemed to tighten.

One thing was for sure, I was in deep trouble.




Pic of meadow --->

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