Chapter 19. It was Always You

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I growled viciously as another rope wrapped around my left forearm. I didn't know how to get out of these things, especially with my eyes closed. 

Tyler's POV***

I stood as my mate was being wrapped with vines. I couldn't watch her struggling frame anymore. I had to do something. I ran to the edge of floewr field, but before I got far, Blossom grasped me by the neck and flung me down to the ground. She stayed on top of me and pressed her all her weight onto her hands which were on my neck.

"What are .. . doing?!" I choked out in a raspy breath. I saw regret in her eyes, but what the hell was she doing?

"I'm sorry Tyler. I can't risk this. My pack's been through enough, and I'm not going to let you and your mate ruin what little we have left!!" She shouted as a tear fell off her cheek. Her orange hair fell over the side as she pressed more weight onto my neck. 

My wolf growled, more than pissed off at her betrayal to me and Raven. Before I could help it, he was in control. 

I grabbed Blossom's fragile arms with my hands and dug my claws into them, forcing a yelp to emit from the young Alpha. She jumped off and landed on her side before she was back on her feet. I got up within no time and had her pinned up against a tree, my arm pressed against HER neck this time.

In the distance, I heard Raven shout in pain. I glanced back at her to see she was now free of the green vines and was taking off towards the tree. With that as a distraction, Blossom kicked me in the stomach, making me fall back. Her eyes were now black, and I could tell her wolf was in control now.

I snarled viciously at her she inched towards me. She was hiding something behind her back as she lunged for me. It was almost like slow motion, but in reality I only had two seconds to counteract. She brought out a large rock from behind her and tried to slam it down on me, but I sidestepped, grabbed her by her leg, and flung her down to the ground.

She may be an Alpha, but she's a young girl and I'm stronger. My wolf made sure to remind her of that. With her unconscience, I glanced towards the field to see Raven who was almost to the middle.

"Raven!! Stop! You're there! Bury the necklace!!" I shouted across the field, but not until something hit the back of my head, causing me to fall into blackness.

Raven's POV***

As soon as I tore through a vine with my claw, it let go and recoiled. I didn't take any time to prepare myself for any surroundings as I took off with my eyes still sealed shut. I ran as fast as my feet continued to carry me, waiting for the sign saying I was at the middle.

"Raven!! Stop! You're there! Bury the necklace!!" I heard Tyler say from afar. His voices sounded tired and full of plea, and a little bit of his wolf was there. What had happened while I was in the field?? I just hoped Tyler was ok. If something happened to him, I'd feel awful. I stopped running and hasitly pulled the pendant off my neck, not bothering that I broke the chain.

I scooped up a little dirt and dropped the necklace in the hole, praying it landed inside. I covered up the ditch with the dirt in which I'd removed. Before I knew it, something made me fall back, as if the ground was rising up. I tripped backwards and tumbled down a small hill. God I wish I could open my stupid eyes.

"Raven, you may open your eyes now." Someone said, but their voice seemed familiar. I didn't do anything.

"Can I trust you?" I whispered.

"I don't know. Can you?" The man replied. I realized he was right. I was going to have to find out for myself if I could or couldn't. Slowly, I pried my eyes open. I saw the field I was now in. I had made it quite a ways out here. In front of me was a large tree, it looked like a willow tree actually. The trunk and branches were a soft grey, practically silver. The leaves fell off in a deeper, darker shade of grey.

I looked up to see an old man.

"M-Mr. Gibbins." I stuttered as I gaped at the old man with white hair.

"As this town knows me, yes. As your kind see me, Ragnor. However I disdain such a foolish name. Call me Gibbins. Now, I hear you've been looking for my tree." He said, kneeling down with a friendly smile. Wasn't he a hunter? Doesn't he want to kill me? I'm not only a Werewolf, but I'm also a rogue. Double hate.

"Yes. And lemme jussay it was a bitch to find." I said flatly. Gibbins the 200 year old mythical Hunter started to chuckle at my words. WHAT?!?!?

"I suppose it was, but then again that is its purpose. So, I'm assuming you've lost your memories." Gibbins said as he lended me his hand to help me up. I stared at it with confusion and doubt.

"I'm over 200 years old, what damage could I possibly do?" He asked, noticing my discomfort. I bit my lip and grasped his hand which helped me stand back up. Again, I felt that power radiate off him.

"Are you going to kill me?" I couldn't help but ask. His smile faded.

"No no. Those days are behind me. That was my past." He said with the scrunch of his nose.

"I don't understand. You're a Hunter."

"I was. Past-tense. Now I'm a librarian!" He said with a goofy smile. I frowned.

"Ok." I said simply.

"Now then, I've kept a great deal of eyes on you, Raven Dark. The rogue who was kidnapped by the Beta of an Alpha, who is your mate." He said. I smiled.


"Then what is the problem?" He asked.

"I can't remember him from before." I told him. Mr Gibbins frowned.

"Ok. Now what's the real reason?" He dug deeper, and now the world went silent. My real reason? I wasn't sure if I should say. Inside, I think I knew the other reason though. It was something I'd pushed far into my mind.

"I don't know who I am anymore . . ." I whispered, staring at the ground. 

"And?" He asked, pressing. I stared up at him, saying nothing.

"I wanted to remember what it was like to be loved." I whispered as tears filled my eyes. Who'dda thought? A rogue crying.

He let out a heartily laugh.

"Oh but my dear girl, you already know both of those things. Raven Dark - famous rogue, running from a hideous past, praying the memories will vanish, hoping no one will ever get close again due to previous events years ago. The headstrong girl in which others look up to. The one who doesn't take slap from anyone. The girl who stands for anything she believes in. The girl who won't back down." He said. 

I gasped as memories came pouring in faster than I could handle.

Hiding out in a tree, being caught with a net.

Hitting a wolf with a rock.

Being taken to meet the Alpha of those woods.

Running, first thing when I met him. That smell of pine and chocolate. The tingles that shot up my spine when I even glanced at him. 

Connor getting thrown out of the window, because of Jarod trying to pursue me in misleadings. Being kidnapped. Realizing Jarod's schemes. Tyler came for me, but he was just a tad late. 

I stared up at the old man, panting as I remembered everything from birth till now.

"But . .h-how? I . . I don't . . why did . ." I couldn't find the words as my breaths left me in short.

"The girl who only needed to remember everything. The good and the bad in order to regain herself." Gibbins said with a giddy smile. I stared at him. 

"You saved me." I whispered. He simply shook his head.

"No no Raven. You saved yourself. Always remember that. You can be your own hero if that is what you choose. I simply led you down the right path." He said while winking. I couldn't help my actions as I wrapped my arms around the old man who supposedly hated my kind.

"Thank you." I said. He laughed.

"No my dear, thank you." He said as we let go of each other.

"But . . why would you help me?" I asked him.

"I'm not proud of my lineage and my past actions. I've killed more wolves than I can remember, all because I felt like it. I don't want to continue to hurt people. You see, I didn't want you to rely on this tree. I've seen it happen over the years. Others rely on silly myths when they just need to know they hold the power within themselves. Unfortunately, my tree wasn't able to salvage the memories of some." He explained.

Suddenly, the large tree that had grown started to subside and warp back into the ground. It was just like magic. At least I was pretty sure that's what it was. I remembered my mate and looked back to see him on the ground. I gasped.

"Tyler!" I screamed.

"He'll be ok. Unfortunately Alpha Blossom has knocked him unconscience. Ever since her last mate, she's lost a part of her. It leads her to do things out of her control." He explained as the poppies in the field started to wither away, and warp into the dirt just like the tree had done.

"So she's crazy?" I asked as he slowly walked us back.

"Almost. She is slowly going mad, and for that I feel pity. Yet she brought it upon herself. Her mate didn't believe in the concept of the tree, however she forced him to go merely because she believed that was the only cure for him. And as for the silverlace running through your veins, I can tell you that whoever gave it to the decietful Beta, it wasn't me." He said as we walked to my knocked out mate laying in the dirt.

"Is it gone? I mean, out of my system??" I asked him. 

"Yup. The liquids effect only lasts as long as you refuse to believe in some other kind of cure. It does eat up your insides and your memories yes. But you've burned it off with all your adrenaline. You have a strong aura Raven Dark. Use it to your advantage." He said. I smiled at him and ran over to my Tyler.

"As for Blossom, forget the promises you made her. I'm going to speak with her later so do not worry." He regarded before I ran to Tyler.

My Tyler?? Hm . . .that had a nice ring to it actually.

"Tyler! Tyler wake up!!" I shouted as I kneeled down to his level. I turned his face towards mine. I looked back to see Gibbins, but he'd vanished. I smiled to myself. Don't judge a person. Major lesson learned today.

I returned my attention back to Tyler. He moved a little and murmered a few words. 

"Ty!" I hissed before poking his cheek. I gasped as I felt shocks. I pressed my whole hand to his face to see if he could maybe feel the sparks as well. I rolled my eyes.

Welp, here goes nothing.

I closed my eyes and pressed my lips on top of Tylers in a sweet, feather light kiss. Suddenly, his eyes jerked open in surprise. Before I had a say in anything, he wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me down on top of him.

"Did it work . . ?" He asked groggily, burying his head in the crook of my neck. I smiled.

"I remember." I clarified for him.

He recoiled and brought his head back.

"Every detail?" He asked. I smirked.

"EVERY detail." I said with a grin. 

"So . . . do you remember what I said to you when you first woke up but didn't remember me?" Tyler asked out of the blue. I nodded, listening to his every word.

"That you loved me." I replied. He seemed nervous but waited for me to do something.

I brought my hands down on his chest and rested my head on them.

"Yeah, so we kinda have a problem." I told him with a sigh. His eyes widened and I could see sadness in them.

"I think I fell for you along the way and now I just don't know what to do with ya." I said, looking off ino the distance, although I was actually really nervous about how he'd take it. I was slammed into a hard chest, and welcomed all the warmth and electric currents tingling down my spine. 

I had accepted my mate. Something I wish I would have done ages ago.


I kissed Ro goodbye on her forehead.

"SOO! When are you coming back??" She asked as I neared the wing of the plane. I chuckled at her.

"Hopefully soon! You should come up and visit us too." I told her. Her blonde hair was in a long side braid and her big blue eyes were staring into mine.

"Well I'm happy you remember all that fun stuff." She regarded. Her dad, Victor came in and grabbed her by the shoulders, making her pout.

"It was a pleasure meeting you and being able to help." He said with a grin. I nodded and smiled, although he irritated me for some reason.

"Bye Tyler! Take care of her!" Hanna said as she hugged my mate, making me uneasy. He smiled in her embrace.

"Oh she'll take care of herself before she lets me do that job. I'll miss you guys, and thank you all for the help. If you need something, don't be afraid to come by." Tyler said as he let go of the family.

Ro, and her parents stepped back as Tyler and I boarded onto the plane, hand in hand. We found our seats and took an eager seat down.

So, I finally had my memories back. The good and the bad ones. I didn't care. I had Tyler back and that was all that mattered. 

[It's good to be back.] My wolf said from inside. During my memory loss, I'd barely spoken to my wolf. It felt good to have her back, and now we were on good terms since I accepted Tyler.

[Tell me about it.] I replied. 

The plane ride was long and I ended up falling asleep on Tyler's shoulder. I didn't care though. It felt right. I was happy now.


Don't worry this wasn't the last chapter although it looked like it.

Pic of the memories coming back to Raven --->

Thoughts please!


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