Chapter 20. Guilty

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It's been a day since my arrival back in Oakwood forest. When we got back, everyone had stopped what they were doing and were staring at me. I looked at each one as they marveled at me. Kids were running around, but when I walked on, they stopped and stared at me like I'd grown a second head or something.

I stared at the house in front of me. The oh so familiar pack house in which I'd stayed when I stepped foot in Tyler's territory. I felt a sense of relief, nostalgia and comfort as it came into view. I had missed it to be truly honest. The 3 story wooden cabin house made me want to be inside.

Tyler walked next to me, hand in hand as the pack members that were outisde simply stared at me. I couldn't help but stare back at them. I was accepting Tyler now, so that meant I also had to accept my new title as a Luna. It was going to be hard as shit, but I was willing to try.

We came to the front door, and I hesitantly reached out to twist the door handle. Once it opened fully, I took in all the sights around me. The living room was right in front of me, there were stairs here as well leading upstairs.

"What happened to Connor?" I asked, as I looked down the hallway. Tyler sighed but let out a small smile.

"I'll show you." He said slightly before pulling me into the kitchen. As we walked in, someone had their back turned to us, with shaggy blonde hair.

"Connor?" I whispered. The boy turned around to stare at me with shock and an agape mouth. Those familiar blue eyes stared into mine before a huge boyish grin over took his face.

"Raven!" And with that, I ran to him in a crushing hug. I felt Tyler growl from behind in a warning but I dismissed it. It felt good to see him. He was the one person who I really connected with or didn't constantly pick a fight with. It was good to see a friendly face.

He let go, sensing Tyler's uneasiness.

I smiled.

"Is it true? Do you remember everything?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Yes." I turned to Tyler with a frown. "And don't think I'm forgetting about you throwing him out of the window." I said flatly. Tyler stopped the possessive growling and stared at the floor.

"I'm sorry. " He whispered. I widened my eyes, as did Connor. Tyler's eyes hesitantly sought out Connor's.

"And as a commence, would you, Connor Grite, take the position as my beta?" Tyler suddenly asked. Now I was completely shocked. I totally forgot about how Jarod was the old beta, and that he and Connor were brothers. I grinned ear to ear. That would be so awesome.

"I, Connor Grite take the position as beta." He said with a slight bow of his neck. I smiled.

"This. is. Awesome!!" I shouted before we all started to laugh.

Tyler had some alpha duties to attend to right as we got home, so I took my sweet time in talking with Connor, and playing some sick video games.

"Whatever." He muttered bitterly. I grinned happily. I kicked his ass in Soul Caliber. I played a character named Talim while he played some hooker chick named Ivy.

"Awe, don't pout little Connor." I said with a laugh.

"Hilarious, really." He growled. I grinned.

"So, are you and Tyler official?" He soon asked as we made some lunch. I blushed at the memory. Oh wow. That's ironic. "I blushed at the memory" considering that not that long ago, I didn't even have memories. Oh the sweet, sweet irony. Bitter sweet.

"Yes." I replied. Connor grinned ear to ear.

"He's lucky, you know that right?" Connor asked. I furrowed my brows. Then it hit me. Tyler really wasn't lucky to have me. By accepting him, I was being selfish. But what should I do now? Reject him? He didn't know about what I've done in my past. But I've already fallen for him is the problem. By accepting him I've just made everything worse. And if he ever finds out about what I've done . . . he'll reject me as though I was never his. He won't want me. The thought alone made my wolf howl in sorrow.

"Hello? Earth to Raven??" someone cooed in my ear. Snapping out of my thoughts, I replied with, "What?"

"I said, he's lucky to have you as a mate." He said with confusion.

I bit my lip. "Yeah.." But in real life, I knew it was a lie.

"I'm tired, so I'm going to take a nap. See ya." I murmered as I hastily flew up the stairs. I immediately ran into Tyler's room, enjoying his scent being all around me, filling up my lungs with the joyful air.

I smothered myself in the sheets, and forced tears to stay weld up in my eyes. The guilt was starting to eat me alive. They came crashing in. All the old memories. All the bad ones. And this time, there was no stopping them.


"I love you daddy." I told him as he stared at me with happiness. Today was my 16th birthday, and he gave me permission to go out and see the town a little. That was the greatest gift of all.

"As long as Brent goes with you." He added carefully. I grinned and gave him one last hug before Brent marched down the stairs.

"You ready?" He asked as he flashed me a smile. I grinned. It was seconds later before we were walking along the outside of all the shops.

"This is incredible." I announced as we passed a cute bakery. Brent let out a happy chuckle.

"The town is pretty exciting." He said as we turned the corner. I agreed whole heartedly. "Hey, doesn't Katie work here?" I asked as we entered a flower shop. He grinned like an idiot on drugs.

"She does."

"She's your mate." I stated.

"How'd you know?" Brent asked as we walked in, and the smell of flowers hit us hard.

"It's obvious. The way you stare at her. The way you talk about her. So mushy. Yuck." I replied with the scrunch of my noes. I however actually liked Katie. She put Brent in his place. They weren't like all the other girls he'd slept with that were all hookers. She was a decent person. But she wasn't a werewolf like how we were. She was something else.

Katie wasn't born a shifter. She was morphed into one. She was bitten by a crazy physco. Once Brent found out, he nearly attacked the whole town, and tried to kill everyone who made him stop. Katie and I were the only ones who convinced him to let it go. Katie can't shift whenever she wants. Only on full moons. It's forceful, meaning she has no choice but to shift. And she usually stays a wolf all night until the first full moon subsides.

She has all the senses and has her own wolf, though. Which is a little beneficial. Her mating bond is still strong like every other wolves.

I saw her handing an old woman a flower pot.

"Katie!!" I shrieked. She was like a sister to me.

"Hey Raven! Your dad let you out into town?" She asked with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah for once!" I grinned. I looked up to Katie. She was truly magnificent. We were like sisters, granted she was two years older than me, and much wiser than I'll ever be. Yet I odolized her.

Once she noticed Brent, their eyes sparkled. I rolled my eyes but smiled nontheless.

"Hey Brent." She cooed.

"Katie." He replied.

"Jesus just kiss god dammit." I hissed from behind them. They grinned before Katie reached over the counter and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"My friend's throwing a party today. You guys should come by." Katie announced. I loved her for not discluding me.

"We'll be there." I stated before Brent could. He stared down at me but I wasn't letting this pass us up. I've never been to a party.

End of Flasback***

Tears poured from my eyes. But the memories were haunting. They wouldn't stop. They were coming and coming. I put my hands over my ears and clenched my eyes shut.

"Stop it." I whispered to no one in particular.

"Stop it." I said verbatim.

I heard the door creak open but I paid it no mind.

Another wave of memories came crashing down on me.


Brent and I arrived at the booming house with smiles on our faces. He eagerly went inside after finding Katie's scent. I stayed behind before slowly walzting in. People were eerywhere, music filled my ears and it was hot.

Bodies were everywhere, grinding up and down. I was so going to enjoy this. It was party time.

One body shot and two crazy dances later, I made friends. I met a girl named Anna who was brought here with some guy that ditched her. She had blonde hair and sweet and innocent eyes.

"Anna, just forget about him. He can't tell you what to do. And if he punch him." I told her.

She stared at me. "He'd get angry." she replied timidly over the loud music.

Speak of the devil, that same guy walked in with an angry look.

"Anna baby, lets ditch." he said whilst slurring his words. I scowled at him. I did not sneak out of my house to a party, make a friend just to have some douchebag take her away.

"I-I thought we could stay." She shyly said. He seemed to be angry.

"Yeah well I want to leave so legs go." he said whole grabbing her hand. My wolf growled.

"Do not touch her." I hissed. The guy glared at me.

"Anna, do you want to stay?" I asked her. I couldn't be the one to set her free. She had to do it on her own.

"Yes." she shouted.

"We are leaving!!" he yelled. Suddenly, Anna brought her fist back, and it made a collision with his jaw.

Now that was sweet.

End of flashback ***

It hurt. It was coming too soon. I let out a scream of pain. It was hurting. Badly.

"Raven!!!" someone screamed. But I knew who it was. Then, they stopped. All memories. Gone.

I didn't open my eyes, afraid of the memories coming back. Someone grasped my hands, causing tingles to spread throughout my arms. Tyler pulled my arms away from my head.

"Raven. Raven look at me." He said calmly. I couldn't dare bring myself to even meet his gaze. His thumb gently tapped me chin up to see him. I blinked as tears fell down my cheek.

"Are you crying because of this?" He asked before pulling a small square. I gasped at discovering it was a picture frame. It was a picture of me, Brent and our parents.

"Where'd you get that?!" I yelled.

"Your bag." He replied with a hard look.

"You snooped through-"

"Raven! Where are these people now?" He asked. I blinked out more tears. I guess it was time to spill the beans. The secrets I've kept for so long.




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