Chapter 2. Is This Really Happening?

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QOTD : What country are you guys from?


Tyler's POV***

"Let me go, now!" Raven growled as I dragged her behind me. I ignored her. "I'll kill you if you don't let go!" she shrieked, but I said nothing and let her struggle. I dragged her through the forest, allowing my other packmates to go on ahead of us.

Suddenly, she plopped down behind me, sitting on her butt and crossing her arms, though I still held one. She looked away defiantly like a child. I growled.

"I'm not getting up," she said very matter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes. "Fine," And with that, I reached for her but she squirmed. To no avail, I threw her over my shoulder, her pounding against my back with her small hands. "Put me down now!" she hissed. 

"No can do," I told her. I heard her mutter a string of curses. 

"Okay, fine," She said with a hint of a smile in her voice. She quit squirming and took a breath. Curious, I turned my head to stare at her as she hung against my backside. Her eyes were squeezed closed and her lips were puckered and her face was starting to get red.

"Hey, stop that you're going to pass out," I told her, but she continued to redden. My palms got sweaty as I watched her continue to hold her breath. "Hey!" I snapped, but she ended up dropping her head against my back. Great. She fainted. 


I growled angrily  as I dropped her lightly onto my plush bed. She was wearing only my shirt, making me grow with lust, but I reminded myself and my wolf that we had other priorities.

She was a rogue. No. The rogue. All rogues looked up to my mate, Raven Dark. Raven was almost like their Goddess in a sense. Rogues wanted to be her. Everyone wanted to know her tricks, and how she did it.  All packs hated my mate and prayed that they'd never have to deal with her. All for good reason too. She was an absolute  nuisance. She was a grand prize to many; a free spirit that many tried to capture and yet would fail. 

Sure, I had heard of her from other neighboring packs that had witnessed her and her ways. They often called her "The Slip." I'm guessing it's not that hard to understand why she was given such a nickname.  No one knows how she came to rise to her fame, but one day, her name popped up and never managed to deteriorate  through the years.

I looked at her  frame. She was a rogue for some reason, and I was more than determined to figure it out. Now that fate had combined out futures, I had no choice but to accept her. Having a mate was not in my curriculum but I sure as hell wasn't stupid enough to reject my soulmate. I called to the pack doctor, Ez, to check up on my mate to ensure nothing was wrong. Minutes later, she appeared in my room. 

She walked around the bed where Raven lay due to her fainting. Taking out her stethoscope from around her neck, she placed the metal circle on Raven's chest and back before examining her wrist.

"Alpha Tyler, she has possibly dislocated her wrist and there are minimal bruises. Do you have any idea how this happened?" Ez asked. I bit my lip, guilt consuming my body. I hadn't done that . . had I? It was never my intention. My wolf growled angrily at me.

"Don't answer that. You might want to leave the room." Ez whispered, completely understanding the mishap.

"No. I'm staying." I growled, making Ez shake her head.

"Ok, don't say I didn't warn you." and with that, Ez neared Raven's hand and lightly grabbed it. 

"Well, she's fine other than her hand. Her pulse is racing, so I can expect that she'll be anxious around this many pack members. Usually, rogues don't tend to let themselves be surrounded by many, so seeing this many people could cause her to have an anxiety attack. For now, me and you are the only ones welcome in this room. Understood?" She asked. I nodded. Ez shook her short red hair before grabbing Raven's wrist and twisting it.


Once I heard that snap, I nearly lashed out on Ez. "I had to pop it into place." She exclaimed before I attacked her. An hour passed before Ez put a small splint on Raven's arm. I sighed. My mate was going to be hard as hell to deal with.

Raven's POV***

{I saw all four of our lives flash before our eyes. Brent stared at me for the longest time, before slowly, his eyes closed. I tried to scream, but I only took more and more water in my lungs. His figure started to float and his hair aimlessly wandered about in the water.

I undid my seat belt although it took forever. I reached Brent's and undid his, but I could tell it was too late. My lungs were burning for air, and I had no choice but to disappoint them. More water filled up the car, flushing away the blood as well . . .}

I awoke in a frenzy, sweat all over me and my hair probably in a ratchet mess. I sighed and calmed down from that hectic nightmare. Taking a deep breath, I began to stand  up.  I moved but winced once my wrist felt tender. I stared at the splint and it all came back to me. I got out from under the covers and saw an IV attached to me. I raised my eyebrows and plucked it out.

I got up and took a glance at the room around me. Well this was it. Glancing down,  I saw I was in a tank top with normal basketball shorts. I was grateful for whom ever did that, but I didn't have time to thank them. I had to get out of here, even if it meant leaving my mate, the one person designed for me.

I sighed and ran to the window nearest the bed. It wasn't too bad of a drop. I sighed deeply, opened the window and hoisted half of my body out of the window.  I was half way out when I heard something come up the stairs. I sighed, I was just going to have to land sloppily. I didn't have time to be my kick ass agent self.

I let go of the window sill with my good hand and flew down, eagerly landing on my back. I groaned but ignored the pain. There were about 4 Werewolves in human form just looking at me. 

"Where's your Alpha?" I demanded. I heard whispers, and other looked at me with shock written on their face.

"He went in town to-" I didn't care what else they had to say. This was my perfect opportunity to hit the road!

I nodded and just ran off, not giving her time to finish. I smirked as I made it passed all of them. I ran farther until I heard snarls from behind me. I shrugged to myself. Who cares if I only had one available hand to use. It was something, right? I smiled as I zigzagged through this forest, feeling hopeful.

I turned around to see all of them inching near me. My wrist was throbbing, but I had to ignore it. I ran and jumped over a small brush, but someone had grabbed my foot, making me fall on top of them. And judging by their scent, I could tell it was non other than the Mr. Alpha himself. 

I gasped at our close proximity as I stayed on top of him. I raised my eyebrows before scrambling off him, but his large arms grabbed me before I had the chance. My wolf was in conflict over the fact that he was our mate and she wanted him, and that he had done this to our hand/paw.

"Let go." I spat out dangerously. He put his hands up in the air, making me fall back onto him. I growled before getting up and backing away from him. I turned but I was caught by the waist.

"A little touchy feely aren't we?" I huffed out as I blew a hair away from my face. Tyler smirked. "I am." He whispered huskily.

"Why, why are you always running?" He asked before taking a step back and looking at me. I furrowed my brows. Trying to get info from The Slip? Not a chance buddy.

"Why aren't you?" I retorted stupidly. "Nothing to run from." Tyler said, his eyes squinting sexily.

"What makes you think I'm running? I go wherever the hell I please." I said before crossing my arms.

"Raven." He said slowly, taking another step towards me. I eyed him and moved back.

"I know what my name is." I snapped. He growled. 

"I've been more than patient with you my little mate, and I'm just about done with your disrespect. It's not like I asked for you as my mate, it happened, deal with it. If you keep disrespecting me, I'm going to have to put you in your place!" Tyler growled angrily. I smirked and started to laugh.

"Glad your amused." Tyler said lowly. I stopped laughing and just stared at him.

"I'm glad you think you can put me in a cage. Besides, I didn't think men were supposed to abuse their mates, " I said whilst pointing to my cast. He was about to speak but I cut him off.

"I belong to no one and therefor I have no obligation to you. I don't think you realize quite who you're dealing with Mr. Alpha." I said with a smirk.

"Yes, you are mine. And mine only. You are-"

"I'm going to stop you right there buddy.  I am nothing to you!" I spat out hurtfully.

"Well like it or not, you're going to be something. Why-" He growled out.

"Again, you won't get answers from someone like me. And I don't trust you at all. So I say this. A possible rejection from me or you, considering it's what's best and-"

My wolf howled in pain once I spoke out the word "rejection." I was cut off by two strong arms grasping my shoulders,  sending sparks.

"You won't reject me. And I won't reject you. I can feel your wolf's want and need for me." Tyler said lowly. I jerked my head back, determined not to get sucked into his attractiveness. 

"Too bad that is merely only how my wolf feels." I whispered defiantly. 

Without warning, Tyler's lips came crashing onto mine.


{I stared at my mother as we fell. Her eyes remained cold and sad. She mouthed, "I love you." just before we all plummeted. . .}

Immediately sickened by my old thoughts, I pushed Tyler back with force, making him stumble.

"Don't ever do that again!" I screamed, somewhat afraid. His eyes were now pitch black and I could tell his wolf surfaced.

"I can do whatever I please to you." He growled out before grabbing me and pinning me to a tree. He kissed my lips harder than before. I pushed him away but he only came forward at me. I scrambled backwards.

"Get off!" I screamed in pure terror. Uh oh, there it was. I felt my hands go numb and my throat burn up. Black and red clouded my vision before . . . nothing. My last thought . . .








 Pic of Tyler on the side --->

QOTD : What  country are you guys from?

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