The Famous Rogue vs. Possessive Alpha

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Raven Dark = played by Adriana Lima

I stared at the large grey wolf in front of me and let my cocky smirk take place on my face. I dealt with incompetent and confused wolves often. I mean, that's sort of what I do. And I like it.

I love the rush. The excitement. Call me an adrenaline junky if you wish, I wouldn't hold it against you.

"Another one bites the dust, eh?" I asked. The wolf growled lightly, his angered eyes narrowed in on my figure. Not a second later did he elongate his fangs and charge. Tightening the my pack, I squeezed the handles. I waited till he was a foot in front of me before jumping high up, landing on his face and landing behind him. He turned, clearly angry. I smiled and started to run.

I'm quite the popular Werewolf rogue around the place. All the rogues know me, like how in Lady and the Tramp, everyone knows the dog, Tramp. That's me. I can slip out of any Pack territory if I pleased. Which, ironic enough, earned me the nickname of the Slip. Of course, I've never gotten caught to the point of no return, and I never will. My ego is about as high as the moon. I don't have family or friends so I don't really get tied down. It leaves me free to do what I please without having to worry about someone else.

My name is Raven Dark, and I'm the infamous Rogue. I don't care to know what a pack life consists of. I do not care to even want to care.

I smile as I dodge a branch. The chase was starting to become a bore. 

 I ran up a tree limb and jumped onto a branch, sat down and swayed my legs to and fro. I'll admit, I have an asshole attitude. I'm cocky as hell; which isn't exactly a bad thing. Besides, it keeps people away. They don't bother me, and no one gets close. And that's just how mama likes it!

I smelt the wolf scent inch near. Finally, after what seemed like decades, he arrived and was snarling up at me.

"Finally! I was worried I was going to be a senior citizen by the time you arrived!" I said dramatically. He let out a raw snarl, but I leaned my head back and chuckled. Pack wolves are incredibly easy to annoy.

He snarled angrily before howling for back-up. Awe crap. I hated when wolves did that. "Well, this has been fun but-"

Suddenly, more footsteps approach. Two men appeared from the thickets, accompanied by another wolf, one slightly smaller than the one that chased me. 

"Raven Dark, famous little Rogue aren't you?" One shouted from afar. Yeah, I kinda have a name for myself. 

"Awe, you think I'm famous?" I said whilst putting my hand on my heart. His face didn't falter, only make me want to pester him even more. 

"Why are you in Oakwood forest Pack?" The other asked more strictly. He was younger than the other, for he had a boyish innocence to him.  

"I got bored." I asked. Not to sound like a snob, but it was true. I needed a good chase every once in a while.

"Well find somewhere else to amuse yourself. Get out. Now." The older seethed. I smiled.

"Gladly!" And with that. I stood up on the tree limb, the three other guys looking at me with awe as they studied my incredibly balance.

"Connor, warn  . . . packs . . " I heard someone mutter. I ignored it, but couldn't help but feel agitated. 

"Make me get out." I said with a daring smirk. Perhaps if they continued to bother with me, they wouldn't call more backup. I stared at the wolf who had chased me. "What's the matter huh? You their little bitch?" I taunted.  The wolf bit into the bait and ran towards the tree, preparing to pounce.  jumped down, landing on his face before jumping off. He shook his head and scowled back at me like before.

"He just doesn't learn, does he?" I asked his two human friends. One of them seemed amused, but the other was fuming. 

"I'll be sure to send you a postcard!" I said as I took off. I got too close to their Alpha, I know it. This time had been close. They were considering calling him.

Number one rule of being a Rogue, no Alphas. Avoid them. The words, "We'll take you to the Alpha." Are what all Rogues dread. We hate authority. I mean, hell, can't you see I'm more a rebellious spirit? 

Rule # 2, Be the smartest wolf in the forest.

Rule # 3 Never let your gaurd down. Expect the worst.

Rule # 4 Get close to no one. It'll cause pain to you and them as well. 

Rule # 5 Make your own rules.

"Get her! She doesn't escape!" Someone howled from afar. I smiled and laughed. That voice let out a sense power. It was the pack Beta. "That's more like it!" I said as 2 wolves appeared from behind me, both grey, and one with a white snout. 

My brown hair aimlessly swished behind me, and my backpack was eagerly jostling side to side.

All the sudden, Whitesnout jumped and landed in front of me. I smiled before turning. I ran right into the wolf that I landed on. I smiled and glanced at the wolf behind me. Clearly I was cornered and they knew it. . As if on cue, they each attacked me from both sides. I raised my eyebrows at their lack of knowledge. They were each a step away from me before I reached up, grasping a low but sturdy branch, and hauling myself into a backwards twist.

The wolves skidded into one another, letting out furious and confused growls. Hopping down from the branch, I seized my opportunity.

I couldn't help the laughs that escaped me as I continued to run. Stupid pack wolves.

I happily sat down to eat my sandwich. I glanced at the dark lake beneath me and shivered. It was now night-time and I was no pack territory. I squeezed my eyes shut before opening them. I hated lakes. I hated water.

I picked up a stone and angrily threw it into the water, making it unintentionally skip.

I rolled my eyes, not finished my sandwich all the way. I picked the turkey out from it and threw the bread in the water along with other condiments. Hehe . . . condiments. I mean come on, I know you maybe mentally giggled at that word. Or at least I did.

I stood up and started to walk back to the tree in which I was staying in. 

I found it and climbed up with my agility before falling asleep against the bark.

I felt something rub against my skin, then my legs and head followed. My eyes immediately flew open to see a large net around me in my tree. I growled in anguish and forced my claws to extend so I could cut off the rope.

I was about to throw it over my head before someone threw something at me. It was large and it hit my head. I growled, jerking back. Was this another Rogue? I wasn't in a pack territory.Throwing the net off my head, I leaned too far back, my backpack slipping off my shoulders and landing beneath me.

I fell to the ground, the net falling off me in midair. I landed in a crouching position before looking around and taking a whiff of the air.

I smiled. "Oakwood forest Pack back for more?" I shouted out loud.

I heard a few snarls but saw nothing. I stood and walked back to my tree before performing a kickstand position against it.

"Well, I'll wait for you to come out." I said with a smirk.

Different scents whirled around me. Annoyed, I couldn't tell them apart. There must have been two other pack wolves working with them

I tried not to look agitated. That was a Rogue weakness. To show their weakness and annoyances. The  smells kept swirling around me, making me feel sick from the different scents. But I couldn't give up. I have more tricks up my sleeve than they even think. Taking a second, I took a deep breath.

 I stepped away from the tree to pick up a stone. I closed my eyes and found the hiding scents. Determined, I raised my hand and threw the rock with mighty speed before it disappeared in a bush. A howl sounded from inside it. I could tell I had somewhat hurt one of them, for blood was clear in the air.

Two wolves from that same pack rushed at me. I rolled my eyes and started to run again, forgetting my precious backpack. Running. All I had ever done these days.

I kept running but froze when I realized  about a half a dozen wolves were surrounding me in a circle. Okay, this was a little new. But hey, I've been a rogue for quite some time, so no doubt filled my mind that I couldn't get out of this. 

I sighed and put my hands up in defeat.

The wolves all stared at each other confused until the wolf from yesterday, Whitesnout appeared. She growled and apparently she was the one I had hit with the stone. I shrugged at her, making her growl.

I walked to the skinny wolf in front of me. "I give." I said coolly. They all glanced at each other before pushing making a light hum in their chest, a sound they made when they were speaking to one another.

A girl suddenly appeared from the thrush, her hair in a loose side braid. "We're taking you to see the Alpha, " She revealed.  And there it was. Those 6 words that all Rogues would normally dread. I shrugged, "Cool," I replied before we all started walking.

The girl quickly went behind a thick tree before coming out as a ginger wolf.

4 wolves lead the way while I was being followed up by 2 behind me while the girl led us.

"Awe shoot. I forgot my back pack. Oh but one thing I'll never forget, awe yes, My Rogue loyalty. Besides," I said while running out of the way from the 2 wolves from behind me. "They don't call me The Slip for nothing you bloody fuckers." I said before whirling past two pelts, but my speed lessened once a tingle vibrated down my spine.

I grabbed my backpack from the ground and put it on before I decided to shift. If you are going to run into anyone with a high rank, it's best to hide your human face. I became my white wolf. I'd heard white wolves were rare and represented the Moon Goddess, but that could easily be a bunch of phooey.

 The 6 wolves appeared but stayed where they were and bowed their heads.

Now this, I have never dealt with. I turned around, the chocolate mint scent hitting me harder with each breath I took. I gulped as a large man stood in front of me. He leaked power and authority.

This . . . this was the Alpha. The fates wouldn't be so cruel as to let him be my mate, would they?! Yet I think that deep down I already knew the answer.

His eyes bore into mine. "You're mine." He growled. I felt everyone stiffen. Even I did before I came to my senses. I hated what I had to do next, but this was a special situation. I was super self conscious, don't get me wrong, but in order for my escape, I had to test his limits towards me. I shrugged my backpack off my wolf shoulder, and forced my bones to glide. 

Within seconds, I stood there in all my naked glory. In front of 6 wolves, a girl, and their Alpha. His eyes turned pitch black in an instant before he harshly grabbed my wrist and threw me behind him. I screamed out loud at his bone crushing force. He snarled at the 6 wolves, who turned away. I glanced down at myself and began to hide my breasts.

I was shocked tears weren't falling down my face. My wrist was killing. Their Alpha turned to scan my body. His grip began to lighten. Immediately, I took off, butt naked. Now that's what I call the grand escape. My wrist throbbed with each step I took. Before I got very far, a hand grabbed mine, the hurt one. I screamed out loud before falling down to the ground.

Their Alpha took his shirt off and threw it at my face. I scowled and put it on.

"Raven Dark. You are trespassing, and I am your mate. I am the Alpha of Oakwood Forest Pack. My name is Tyler. You will not run from me. You will not show your body to anyone else in the world except me and my wolf. You are mine. And you will come with me and be my mate." He said harshly, no emotion showing in his eyes.

I nearly whimpered in pain from my wrist but kept my eyes on his angrily. I refused to show weakness.

"Yes, I am Raven Dark. I'm more than aware of where I trespassed, who you are, and who you are to me. I am no ones. I can show my body to whom ever I deem worthy." I said the last part with a British accent.

He growled and picked me up bridal style unexpectedly. My pack fell from my hands and landed on the ground, but he kept walking.

"Hey! I need that!" I screamed in his face as I squirmed.

"No. That contains your Rogue life style. This is a new beginning for you. So you won't need that backpack." He said angrily. I immediately growled in protest. I then became aware of our close proximity and the sparks exploding from where his bare chest met my shoulder.

He didn't understand what was in the backpack. I needed it. Oh well. When he wasn't looking. I will return for it. If anyone takes it, then I shall show no mercy and let em have it. Not the bag.

We neared a large mansion in the middle of the forest. I saw wolves and started to panic a little. I didn't take well to authority and being around others. It used to give me anxiety as a child. My breathing picked up and and hands started to feel numb and my throat was burning up.

What had I gotten myself into?

I have hella other books. But I needed something different I suppose. Tell me what you think! Pic of Raven on the side ——>

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