Chapter 30. Impossible : Part 1

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I guess I have finals in like 2 weeks so yay!

School and studying can suck butthole.

Wehlp, Here is a chapter!!

QOTD : What grade are you guys in?

Raven's POV***

I kept my eyes locked on Tyler as he studied the note. Blake and Cayde cleaned up the horrible murder scene whilst Connor kept tabs on the Young's private funeral.

That dream I had . . . it had to have been more than a dream. I wanted to tell Tyler, yet I didn't want him to worry about me. He had enough on his mind alerady, what with the dagger issue, this new threat and such.


There was only one pack that I could think of that had those initials. 

Blood Moon.

According to many, it was nothing but a myth, a rumor. Yet, if magical trees, 200 year old hunters, werewolves, vampires and liquid that makes you lose your memory are real then I can only imagine this to be real.

Gathering my thoughts, I caught up to Tyler who was walking back inside to the pack house.

"Hey, do you have a second?" I asked, following him through the halls.

"Sure angel, what's wrong?" he asked, turning to me. I could tell his mind was elsewhere yet he was still willing to listen to me.

"Maybe we could talk about it in your office?" I offered. He nodded, grasped my hand, and led me to his work space. I let out a small smile at his small affectionate action.

We came to a clear door, that read "Alpha's Office". Tyler opened the door, me following suit after him.

He closed the clear door before sitting on his brown leather couch and staring up at me with anticipation.

"Blood Moon." I rambled.


"Oh um, that note. BM. The initials of Blood Moon." I told him, knowing I'd sound crazy. But hey, I'm Raven Dark, and I'm pretty sure we all know I'm one crazy beeyotch.

However I had a feeling about this. I knew there was a connection. Crazy or not, I just knew it.

"Raven," he sighed, "I know you're still hung up on the prisoners and their whispers of Blood Moon pack, but I really don't think they're real."

"Ok so, a magical tree that can grow from the ground and control crazy motherfucker vines can be real, but a pack of wolves rarely heard about can't be?" I retorted, leaning against his desk.

Rubbing his hair with his large hand, he looked up at me.

"Yes, the  tree was real. But that's-"

"Different?" I cut in flatly.

"Yes. BM could stand for anything. A person, place, a-"

"Pack of wolves." I offered. Tyler bit his lip before standing up and walking towards me. I leaned further against the desk to shy away from his proximity. I knew what he was going to do. Get me all riled up and wanting to kiss the hell out of him, and try to make me forget what we're talking about.

Before he could kiss me, I bared my neck to move away from his beautiful lips.

"Hey, what's this about? Three siguils?" Tyler asked, looking down at me. I  groaned. Yet another issue we had to discuss.

"Yes, but don't change the subject. We need to talk about this now."

"Talk about what?"

"Tyler." I groaned in aggravation. He let a cocky smirk play on his lips before he grabbed my hands off the desk, and kept them in his hold.

"I'm only teasing." He whispered against my forehead, and breaking apart.

"Well, don't."

"Don't what?" He asked, placing kisses on my jawline. I closed my eyes and shivered. Even my wolf was feeling ecstatic. My eyes shot open as I realized he was still teasing me.

"Tyler this is serious." I huffed. He backed away and stared at me.

"Raven, I really don't want to hear more about Blood Moon pack. They're not real." He chastized in a serious tone, and I could tell he was getting annoyed.

"Why? Why can't they be real?" I pressed, clenching my fists in his hands.

"Because! They're just fairy tales!"

"Humans think werewolves in general are fairty tales! Blood Moon could be real! Why can't you just-"

"I am the Alpha and you are my Luna, mine. What I say, goes. You're supposed to support that and go with it!" He started to raise his voice.

"Oh, so I'm just going to be that Luna that stands by and watches her Alpha make all decisions?!" I began to raise my voice as well. I released my hands from his clutches in anger. Why did he he have to be so damn stubborn?!

"That's EXACTLY what you need to be!"

"Oh, just a trophy wife Luna thing?" I shot out.

"Well it would most certainly make everything ten times easier!"

"Oh would it now?" I seethed, our voices ringing through the room.

"Yes it would! Why do you always have to question everything?! Why can't you just be like everyone else and follow through with what I say?!" He boomed, his eyes swiveling into black.

"Because everyone else is stupid and you're acting immature!" I hissed.

"If anything, you're the most immature, most stubborn and annoying creature on this planet!" He shouted, throwing his hands in the air.

"If anything, you're the most dumbest, most irritating, most thick skulled idiot that was ever born!!!" I shouted back into his face. His face got red, and I could feel mine getting hotter and hotter.

"They're not real! It's utterly impossible and for you to think so makes you childish!!" His Alpha voice appeared, but oh Hell no I wasn't standing for that shit. He had some power, but don't forget I'm Luna as well, and have a Luna voice. And I was damn ready to use it.

"You don't know that! Oh so now I'm childish too?! Ha! Says the Alpha who refused to believe his mate was marked by someone else, and I'm the childish one with strange beliefs? Ok that makes sense!" I screamed. 

I wasn't proud of what I had said, for my anger was flying out of the roof. I immediately heard a growl come from my wolf.

[We've made him feel guilty about that! He doesn't need to feel worse!] She yipped in annoyance.

I wish I could've taken back those words. I knew Tyler always had it on his mind how I was almost taken from him. Now, I had just made it ten times worse. Tyler's eyes softened, and so did the redness in his face. I felt my eyebrows unscrunch as I stared at him.

We just stood there in an awkward silence as we reveled in my words of stupidity. He was right. I was the most childish person in the world. How could I have brought that up again? That was a shallow move, and it was something the old me - Red Wine Raven - would've said. But that wasn't me. It proved that still, just a small part of me, was still that same heartless monster. 

Tyler's eyes drifted to the floor, and I could see the remorse hidden in his eyes.

Feeling incredible embarrassed, I mumbled, "I need air." And with that, I departed from Tyler's office, and walked down the halls.

Part of me was angry and the other part was annoyed. 

I'm angry at Tyler and annoyed with myself.

I kept my feet going, and going until I reached the front door. Opening it, I walked off the porch and to the side of the house. I didn't hesitate to make a run for the clearing, needing to clear my head.

I ran into the thickets, hid myself behind a tree, stripped and shifted into my wolf. I could tell she needed to blow off steam as well. We were angry at ourselves and Tyler.

My paws thudded against the ground with rthym (<---A/N I cannot spell that xD)

I spent at least 10 minutes running full throttle, but the rustle of a bush from afar had me halting.

I sniffed the air, but couldn't place a name on a scent. I perked up my ears and tail, lifting my canines, showing I wasn't afraid and was ready. Another swift sound occured from behind me. Swiftly, I twisted my body and peered into the woods surrounding me. I didn't realize I had traveled that far from Oakwood Forest pack. It only hit me that I'd come far when I couldn't smell any oak or any sign of my pack.

Growling, I stood my ground. 

"Red Wine, stand down. Or do you still go by that?" Someone jaunted from behind a tree. I let out a snarl. Who here possibly knew my old nick name?

"Hm, or you go by The Slip nowadays. Either way, it doesn't matter. At least not to me." Another voice rang out.

Suddenly, two men appeared from behind the trees. One had blonde hair and was built like a solid rock wall. The other was a little younger with a shaved head, and peircings on his face, along with tattoos on his bulky arms.

"Oh, so she's a white one eh?" Tattoos asked.

"I didn't think it was true." Blondey replied. I growled.

"I think Ms Dark . . . my bad, Miss Dark, isn't feeling all to patient." Tattoos added. He knew I had a mate? Who were these men and what did they want?

"Well, again, who the fuck cares?" Blondey cut in, a cocky little smirk appearing on his face.

"Tanner!" Blondey added. Before I had the chance to turn around, a hard substance clashed with the back of my wolf's fuzzy head.

I was knocked to the ground, seeing in blurs. The voices of the men were heard as though we were under water. It wasn't a second longer till black spots over took my vision.


Throbbing in my head allowed me to wake up. I realized I was slung over someone's shoulders. I blinked a few times, gathering my thoughts. I was still in my wolf. 

I remembered I was standing in front of two guys, Tattoos and Blondey. Tattoo was holding me over his shoulder, and I was getting nothing but the view of his large ass.

Before they could suspect a thing, I placed my forepaws on his shoulder, and kicked off.

"Wha-hey! Michael, Tanner!" He called as I landed on the ground. I didn't hesitate to get myself running.

At first I was a little slow and even fumbling on my paws, but after a second I gained composure.

I remembered the training with Craig and focused on my breathing and the way I ran to save energy at going a fast pace.

Growls were heard from behind, but I didn't dare look back. I dodged branches, thickets, bushes, rocks you name it. I had to get back home! But I had no idea where I was.

My legs were already on fire, and so were my lungs. My wolf and I were tired from exherting so much speed and energy into this rapid sprint.

I made a turn, but the jump of a grey wolf twice my size landed in front of me, teeth bared. Frazzled, I turned around, but another wolf, almost bigger than the one behind me appeared. 

I had been in this situation before, but something about these wolves were off. Different. 

A raw blood curdling snarl from behind me caught my attention. I turned my head to see a black wolf, with a peircing in his left ear. Tattoo was huge! His teeth were bared and his claws were huge. I didn't stand a chance.

I slowly backed away from all three, but they began to walk in a circle around me. 

Before I had the chance, the first grey one appeared and grasped my leg, followed by the lighter grey wolf, who clamped down on my ribcage. I howled in pain as I tried to shake them off. Then Tattoo walked over.

 He bit down on my other ribcage, and immediately I fell in defeat.

They wouldn't release their hold on my legs, and their teeth were still digging into my flesh.

"Tanner!" The black wolf hissed.

But, that was impossible!! Wolves can only talk in mind links! It was like I was in a movie, watching him actually talk as a wolf! What was giong on here?!

Immediately, the dark grey one let go, followed by the lighter brown one.

"You know we can't seriously harm her." He added, his voice coming out deep.

They obviously sensed my confusion as their eyes came down on me. How in the hell were they talking like this?!?!

"Confused are you? Get the hell up." he growled at me.

I got up, although my left back leg was seeping blood. I was shaky but I refused to show weakness. 

"You can talk like us too you know?" The one known as Michael asked, trotting to the black ones side. He talks too?

I shook my wolfy head. Of course I couldn't! 

"She doesn't know yet." Tanner spat, his wolf lips moving as he spoke. Know what?!?!

"Behind that tree is clothes. Shift into them, and don't even try running." Tattoo explained. I pathetically limped to the tree in annoyance.

Shifting was painful, but I endured it.

I put on the red and white . . . dress? It looked like it had been ripped or shredded at the bottom, and red ombred into white from top to bottom. I walked out and saw they had all shifted as well.

"What the fuck do you want?" I spat.

"They're a lot alike." Tanner whispered to Tattoo.

"I doubt that. She's gone soft."

"Hey!" I shouted, getting all their attention.

"I'm right here ya know?" I added. All three guys rolled their eyes.

"Move it Raven, we have to go now." Michael stated. Tanner pushed me forwards and I stumbled in pain. My ankle was covered in red liquid, and I had him to thank for that.

"Easy shithead, you nearly ripped my ankle out of place." I hissed.

"Talk to me like that and I just might make that happen." He whispered behind me. I rolled my eyes and limped  behind Tattoo.

"Why did you take me?" I asked them as we walked on through the forest.

"It's not like we had a choice." Michael said at my side.

"So, who's choice was it?" I asked. All three snickered.

"Secrets don't make friends." I groaned.

"Our pack doesn't make friends. We kill them." Tattoo replied in a snarky tone. I gulped. Why did I have such a horrid feeling about this pack?'

We walked on in silence. Seconds transformed into minutes. Minutes turned into hours. 

Was Tyler looking for me, despite the horrible thing I had said? If I did end up dying, our last confrontation was a fight, where I managed to make my mate feel like shit. I found myself getting emotional.

"Told you she was soft." Tanner snickered from behind me. 

Anger bubbling through me, I turned on my heel, and punched him smack in the nose. He stammered back, clutching his now displaced and bloody nose.

"An ankle for a nose. Fair trade I think." Michael chuckled. I kept my angered face on as we walked on. 


"The one and only." I muttered poisonesly.

We walked on without him making any more comments.

I just wanted Tyler. It was all I wanted.

We stopped suddenly.

Tattoos bent down, and splashed around leaves, like he was clearing something. I couldn't see for I was being held against my will behind him by Michael and Tanner.

A creaky sound emitted from a latch that appeared from under ground.

"In ya go princess." Tanner announced. An underground pack? What the hell?

I followed after Michael, my feet cautiously tapping on the winding staricase. It was dark as I relied on my senses to take me further into the cavernous place. We reached a plat form after 30 steps, and took off forward.

"Where are we?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Our 'headquarters'," replied Tattoo.

I sighed at his dumb reply.

We came to a hall way, with one door at the end. With the twist of the golden nob, the door was opened, and we were now stepping on a red carpet that led to a huge golden throne, with a man sitting splat on it.

What was this? What, were they running some sort of wolf Monarchy?

"Keep moving. He wants to see you." Tanner hissed in my ear. We neared the man staring at me intently.

His blue eyes seemed familiar as I searched his face. His brown hair was jelled up to the side, and he seemed quite young to be an Alpha.

Why did he seem so familiar? Maybe we've met or something.

I found myself in front of him.

"Kneel before the king!" Tanner spat, kicking my calf. Immediately, I fell due to my ankle and was kneeling. King? 

"King of what, douchebags?" I said flatly. The guy on the throne laughed a hearty laugh. I squinted my eyes. Who was he?

"Tanner, Michael, leave us. Tattoo, stay here." The "King" ordered. His voice was deep, and it seemed like I'd heard it before. Ugh this was killing me! Why couldn't I figure out who he was?!

I stared up at him, still trying to figure out how I could've known him.

His hair had small streaks of blonde running through it, like dirty blonde and brown. He seemed about 6 feet, and he smelled of Alpha. His strong jaw was pointed down, staring at me. His face was clear, not a hair on his face in sight.

Tanner and Michael nodded, kneeled, and then waltzed out without another word. Tattoo left my side and joined the King of Douchebags at his side of the golden throne.

"Dear dear Raven, it really has been a long time. Time has done you well." 

"Um . .  have we met before?" I asked.

He grinned, looking excited with a bit of humor in his eyes.

"Oh Raven, don't tell me you've forgotten about your own brother."

You have to tell me your thoughts! Comment below and vote!


I've planned this from the VERY beginnning

Was it expected???

Did anyone have annnnny tiny idea???

Don't hate me for this lovely little cliffhanger. 

Please comment it's imperative, I wanna hear what you guys think!!!



Also, QOTD : What grade are you in?

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