Chapter 30. Impossible Part 2

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So I think I shocked a lot of you guys with her brother coming back.

I'm just going to answer a few questions before we kick off a new chapter just to clear things up.

1) BM = Blood Moon, AB = Alpha Brent

2) Her brother is alive and yes that's him.

3) We still don't know about the whole dagger situation yet!

4) Yes, Tyler's father will still have a large part in this book.


Here we go.

QOTD : What state are you guys from??

Raven's POV***

No one spoke.

No one moved.

I couldn't even breathe, so I was holding it in.

My brother, Brent, couldn't be alive! I watched him die that day in the lake! I watched his eyes close! 

"No, my brother died." I replied, my eyes trained on his face. It was impossible. He couldn't be alive. Even if he was, why didn't he ever try and find me..?

"I thought I did too." He replied, standing up and walking down the small steps. He was now in front of me, and I couldn't help but take in his new manly features.

"Is it really you?" I whispered, still in shock.

"Yes Raven." He responded, looking very sure of himself.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions piling up in that head of yours, so come with me to my chambers and we'll discuss them." He proposed, giving me that heart warming smile he used to always portray.

I nodded in silence, still shocked. A million questions were buzzing through my head.

He led me down the hallway, to the left and into an enormous office, book shelves standing up to the cieling.

"Wow.." I mumbeled. 


He came to a leather couch, where I sat down after him.

"Ok, let's start." He said wihle sitting.

"How are you here? I watched you die!" I shrieked.

He let out a laugh. "I'm glad you think this is so funny." I hissed.

"Raven, I never died. You thought we were all dead. Granted, mom and dad are gone . . . Anyway, I had no choice but to pretend I was dead. You wouldn't have gotten out if I hadn't."

"Wait . .  what?!" I replied. Not actually dead!?!

"If I continued to look alive, you would have struggled to get me out, and your lung capacity couldn't keep up. If you stayed to try and help me, you would have died no matter what. So I did what I had do."

"What about Kate? Where is she? Do you have any idea what I put her through because I thought you were dead?!" I spat.

His face grew grave and dangerous.

"Look at the pack I rule. Blood Moon. Home of brutality. Do you honestly think I want Kate to be subjected to this? She worked in a flower shop for God's sake Raven. She couldn't handle this." He replied, looking down at his feet.

"Where is she now?" I asked gently.

"She's still alive, but she has another mate. She lives in Florida." He replied, rubbing his eyes. 

Immediately I felt pity for him. He lost his mate, and she also still probably thinks he's dead.

"That life is better for her." he muttered. I felt the need to find Kate and tell her everything. But a part of me felt selfish because I didn't want her to hate me. Or even Brent.

"How did you become the Alpha of this pack? The're not even supposed to exist." I asked.

"After I got out, I made sure to get stronger. I stumbeled on some guy, who turned out to be the Alpha of Blood Moon. Immediately, I challenged him. Besides, it's what I needed to do." He trailed off.

"Why didn't you . . . why didn't you come and find me?" I whispered in fear. Maybe he did hate me. But why am I here now?

His gentle hand slowly lifted my chin so I could look at him.

"Look at the life you have right now. You think I want to ruin that so you can be apart of this? You were too young for this. But now it's easy to see that you've handeled yourself so well. Don't be fooled sister, I have been keeping tabs on you all throughout your years. From Red Wine, to The Slip, from vicious rogue, to Oakwood Forest pack's Luna. Don't think it was easy for me to let you go. I knew I had to do though." He revealed.

Kept tabs on me? 

"Then why am I here now?" I challenged.

"Raven, don't think that everything has happened for some freak coincidental reason. It happed for a reason. I've discovered something mom and dad kept from us. The reason as to why we were rogues in the first place. And it makes so much sense now." He revealed.

"What is it?" 

"I can't tell you now. But a lot of things need to happen." He suddenly stood up and walked over to a large desk.

"Um what now?" I asked, watching his every move.

"The maids will show you to your room, and help heal up your ankle. I apologize for Tanner." He added.

Suddenly, a woman wearing a black typical maid outfit appeared - only it was super slutty.


"I may not have a mate. But I sure as hell have my maids." He replied with a smirk, before grasping the young blonde and keeping her under his arm. She giggled, pressing her jumbo jugs up to his chest.

Ok um . . . awkward much? 

"Help my sister to her room, and you'll be rewarded." He growled, making the girl bite her lip.


The blonde turned before bowing, showing her bare ass to my brother due to her low cur skirt.

"This way my lady." She said. I snorted before following her out.

"Make sure she's comfortable." He added before we walked out.

"My name is Moira, my lady." She said as we walked down the hall.

"Please God just call me Raven." I groaned as we walked down the lonely hall.

"Yes ma'am." She said as she turned to unlock a room. As we walked in, I gasped. It was like a room for a queen or something! Huge bed with a canopy, large balcony. It was huge.

As I walked in the door was shut behind me, causing me to turn in surprise. I eyed it as I heard a locking sound from behind it. What?

I grasped the handle, and turned it but it was locked from the other side.

I groaned. 

[Something isn't right.] My wolf chimed in.

[I can feel it too. Something is off about this place. About that maid. And about my brother.] I revealed to her.

[There's also something about his wolf. It seems like it projects its presence more thoroughly than others.]

[What do you mean?]

[I could hear almost every growl, feel every emotion of his wolf. And they were not pleasant things. He's sick. Twisted. Cruel. Evil. I want to go home. I want our mate. I don't care what the cost, but we have to go back to him. It's beginning to hurt being away from him.] My wolf added in sadness. I felt her mourning state and I agreed with her. I didn't care what fight Tyler and I had, I just wanted to be in his embrace more than anything.

I quickly took a look at my dry blood stained ankle. I could see it starting to swell, but it should get better within the hour, because hey, we all know that us werewolves heal faster than shit.

I found an arch to the left of my new bed, and inside it was a huge bathroom. I walked in, admiring its beauty. I mean, Tyler's place was big but my brothers was huge. I found my way to the shower and didn't even hesitate to turn it on.

Stepping in, I realized everything that had happened.

Each drop of the sizzling water that pelted my skin was like a memory.

Memories of the daunting past. Memories of ten seconds ago. Ten minutes ago. Ten hours ago. Ten days ago. Ten weeks ago. Ten months ago. Ten years ago.

Then it zoomed to the day where the car sped off into that frozen lake.

I brought my hand to my wet face, ignoring my wet hair splashing into my face.

I rubbed circles into my eyes.

Tyler. Tyler. Tyler. 

That name rung in my head constantly. I felt something stab at my chest. Immediately, my hand clutched my chest. It was sharp and painful, causing me to groan.

[It's our bond with Tyler . . . being apart hurts us. Ever since we were marked.] My wolf barked in pain. I panted as I struggled to regain composure.

It left as soon as it came.

I was on my feet again within seconds. I tried my best not to think about Tyler. I had to figure out how to get out of here and back to him. I had to figure out WHY I was here, and why Brent is showing up in my life again.

After cleaning my wound, washing my hair, I stepped of the shower wrapped in a towel.

I embraced the fresh air as I walked out of the arc and into my room. As I turned the corner, I reached for the wardrobe, about to strip out of the purple towel.

"Well shit, this is nice." 

Immediately I jumped backwards and let out a shriek. My eyes landed on a stranger with brown hair jelled up, beautiful blue eyes and smirk on his clear face.

"Who the actual flying fuck are you?!" I growled, wrapping the towel around my body even tighter.

"Call me Damon, or whatever you want." He replied with a side smirk.

"Ok, Whateveryouwant, why the fuck are you in here!?" I shouted. God who the hell was this guy? Why was he in here? How did he get in?

He was leaning up against the pillows on the satin bed, black shirted, along with dark pants and army boots.

"Fiesty. Lovin it." He muttered. I growled menacingly.

"Why don't you come take a seat next to me, and we get to know one another? If you're lucky, we can do more than talk." He said, raising his eyebrows. I scoffed at his cockiness.

"No, if you're lucky you'll walk out with only one broken bone. I won't ask again, who the fuck are you?" I snarled.

He put his hands up in surrender as he grinned. He soon slid off the bed, and I was able to take in what he looked like. Muscles galore. Tall. Kind of like Tyler.

"Well, I can tell your brother hasn't told you anything." He murmered, doing a kickstand against the bed post.


"Who the hell is this motherfucker?!" I screamed at Brent in his little throne room. Damon shifted as he chuckled next to me.

"Watch your language! And second of all, this is Damon Blackwater. The true ruler of the night. Raven, you're going to be one lucky bride." Brent revealed with a grin.

My heart stopped. Time stopped. 

I turned to look at Damon, who had his arms crossed, examining me.

"Excuse me? Care to say that one more time?" I whispered in disbelief. I felt my wolf stir in anger.

"Oh you heard me."  He said with a grin.

"Oh in one second you are going to wish I hadn't!" I shouted, beginning to walk over to him.

Before I could move, two people grasped my arms. 

Tanner and Michael. When did these idiots get here?

Brent's demeanor changed within a second. His expression became hard as he strode towards me in menacing steps, eminating off his Alpha.

"You dare threaten me? Look at me Raven. I'm the King of Wolves. Look at me!" He snarled.

I shrank back at this new side of my brother. 

"King of Douchebags." I spat. 

Before I could react, a hard hand slapped me across the face.

"You won't talk to the king like that." Tanner hissed.

I spat out the blood in my mouth and cast a glance at Damon who was glaring at his oh so mighty King.

"You will marry Damon, and become the ruler we need you to be. Don't you see it Raven? This is why."

"Why the fuck what?!" 

"Stop with that language! This is why we were rogues. Our parents didn't think we could handle our true nature. Our true lineage rests in this pack. Blood Moon. They were weak. They couldn't handle it. But I know we can. We're stronger than our parents."

"What are you saying..?" I whispered. He was crazy.

"Technically speaking, you are the rightful heir to this throne. I would be, but Blood Moon was always meant to be ruled by a Queen. Yet you will have Damon at your side. I of course will be the Hand of the Queen and King. This is our true nature. Our blood is this pack. Raven, we are royals."

I felt the air get knocked out of me before I dropped to the ground. Royalty? This was impossible! How could this happen? And me, mating with this Damon player guy? Fuck that. In the butt.

"The wedding is to be held in three days." He announced.

"No." I whispered.

"What was that?" Brent tested.

"I said, NO!" I screamed, my voice echoing off the walls.

"Oh yes, you will. Because if you don't, you may as well kiss Oakwood Forest pack good bye. Again as I said, I've been keeping tabs on you. I have allies. Secret allies. All which are set up around Oakwood Forest. That little boy? Yeah, the one we mauled? He knew. He found out about us. So we killed him. If you don't go through with this wedding, that will become the fate of your pack." Brent explained.

Everything was happening too fast.

"You digusting little shit. I can't believe how much you've changed. You're no king. You're no brother of mine." I spat in hate. How could my sweet, caring and loving brother, turn into this conniving, evil asshole?

"Raven, I'm doing this for the good of our family."

"Don't. You lost the right to even call me your family ever since you abandoned me." I replied weakly. I couldn't stand up. I was too weak. I didn't know what to do. How could this be happening?

If I don't marry this Damon guy, my pack gets obliterated. If I do marry him, what about Tyler? Thinking about him only brought a pain to my chest.

"You have three days to change the attitude of yours. And if I hear one more cuss word out of you-"

"Bastard." I muttered.

"You insolent little-" Tanner spoke before his fist aimed for my face. Ready, I dodged his hit, twising my hand out of their arms.

I remembered everything I learned from Craig. I swiped my foot underneath Tanner and Michael before they fell to the ground. I quickly got up, ready to bolt.

Before I could get far, someone grasped my wrist, and slammed my back to the wall. Immediately I let out a groan.

"Listen, if you want to survive here, you'll stop the shit Princess." Someone whispered. I looked up to see Damon hovering over me. My face grew red at our proximity. I sighed, looking down. Damon's icy eyes shot through me, and I found myself slinking to the ground.

"Take her." Brent ordered before turning and leaving with his two guards.

I didn't get up. I felt so hopeless.

I suddenly realized I was now in Damon's arms as he carried me through the red carpet hallway. I just sat there. Feeling empty as he continued to walk down the hall with me in his arms.

We got to my room, which we quickly went into.

"C'mon, it's not that bad here." Damon teased as he set me on the bed.

"You're right. It's worse. And I've only been in two places of this stupid place. The main throne room and this nightmare of a room." I whispered as I pulled my knees up to my chest. 

"I bet I can make it better." He said with a wink. I rolled my eyes.

"No way shitface. Only in your dreams."

"Especially the ones at night." He grinned. My face heated. Did he really just say that?! Hell, Tyler was upfront, but damn this was something else.


The thought of him made my heart sink. Would he find me? Even if he did, would he be able to get to me past these blood thirsty wolves?

"Listen Raven, I already know you have a mate. It's kind of obvious considering the mark on your neck and your scent. But, maybe within time, you could-"

"I will never, ever, forget Tyler." And with those words, I turned on my side, closed my eyes, and tried not to sob.


"Wakey wakey, eggs and b-"

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." I groaned. A ray of sunlight hit me and immediately I snarled in annoyance.

"You need to get ready." A voice from in front of me said. 

Wait, where am I . . ?

The underground palace.


Blood Moon.


Arranged marriage.

It all came back. It wasn't a dream . . . it was real. 

"Get ready for what?" I asked Damon. He grinned.

"Tour of the castle."

"Castle?" I asked as I burried my face into a pillow.

"Underground castle, pretty cool right? Buuut, if you want we could do other activities-"

"I'm up!" I shouted. I stretched, yawned and sat idlessly in my bed.

"Were you here all last night?" I asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. Did you dream about me being here all last night?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, only it was a nightmare." I retorted.

"Ouch. Cupid has struck me with her arrow, right in the chest." He muttered dramatically as he put a hand to his chest.

"I hope it hurts." I said. I quickly got up and walked to the wardrobe.

"Out." I ordered.

"Awe why, I personally think you should let me stay. After all, I wouldn't mind seeing-"

"OUT!" I yelled. He shook his head in sadness before slowly walking out of the door. I sighed as I opened up the wardrobe.

I grasped leggings and a tank top. I didn't want anything fancy in this stupid castle place. After I shrugged them on, I got an idea.

If I'm too much trouble, they won't want me here. So what can I do to cause trouble? I grinned.

I walked over to the bathtub, plugged the drain and turned on the water to full blast. I did so with the shower and the sinks. I laughed as the water sounds plummeted. I walked out of the bathroom and into my main room. What to destroy next? 

I noticed a TV on the wall and had the most exquisite idea.

I ran over to it and pried it off the wall. I fell backwards as the weight really came to my shoulders. I groaned as I stumbeled.

Quickly, I turned in a few circles before releasing the flat screen. I watched it hit the neighboring wall, creating a large gap.

Before I could grab something else to ruin, the door was slammed open.

"Um . . ." Damon stammered.

I turned and raised an eyebrow. "Problem?" I asked.

"Well geeze, this looks like the outcome of really really good werewolf sex." Damon purred. I rolled my eyes.

"Could you try to be PG-13 for once?" I whined.

"Nope. I'm more, unrated." He whispered as I walked out of the thrashed room.

"Fantastic." I groaned.

"So, ready for the tour?"

"Um, no." I growled.

"Or we could go and-"

"So how about that tour?" I pressed.

Ok so not the best chapter ending but whatevs it's all good.

Thoughts on the marriage??? Thoughts on Damon ;D

Damon = Zac Efron




QOTD : What state are you from?

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