ix. jail birds

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"All right, JJ. Pin it here." John B screamed over the thunder as JJ started to steer the boat. "Roger that! X marks the spot. All right, ladies and gentlemen. To going full Kook!"

Quinn looked over the edge of the boat before looking back to the screen her and Pope were watching. "All right, JJ, we're right over it. Ten seconds northwest." "Got it! Ten seconds northwest." JJ screamed.

"One hundred feet." Kie yelled, dropping the drone lower. Quinn squinted as she tried to notice anything in the camera. A squid popping up on screen made Pope let out a loud gasp, jumping back slightly. John B ran over as Quinn gave him an 'are you kidding me' look.

"What? What, what, what, what?" John B asked excitedly and Quinn shook her head. "It was nothing. Scared of Squidward... Really?"

Pope shook off Quinn's insult, turning to John B. "And to quote The Hobbit, 'Down, down, to Goblin Town.'" "Down, down, you go, my lad." Quinn continued the quote, malign Pope elbow her in the ribs.

"Four hundred feet!" Kie yelled as the thunder rumbled through the air. "The tide's turning!"

"Hey, JJ? Ten seconds easy. South-southeast." John B yelled and JJ let out a loud hum, readjusting the boat. "Copy that!"

"Kie! Keep the tether out of the prop!" Pope yelled , noticing the rope tied to the drone was getting too close to the propellers. "I'm trying!" Kie yelled as John B turned back to JJ. "JJ, keep going!"

"John B, is that good?" JJ yelled and John B sent him a thumbs up even though he couldn't see it. "We're good!"

"Okay, 700 feet!" Kie yelled over the thunder. The boat started to rock at its harsh waves, making Quinn yelp. Pope quickly grabbed her hand as John B turned to the JJ. "JJ, hold it steady!"

"Okay, 900!" Kie yelled as the boat grew even more shaky. "JJ, we'll turtle in this storm." John B yelled.


"Crank it north by northwest! Ten seconds!" John B yelled at JJ before turning back to Quinn and Pope, leaning on the table beside Pope. "Quinnie, Pope, how are we doing?" "Almost there." Pope mumbled.

"There's too much current! We're gonna lose it! Quinn! Help me out!" Kie yelled and Quinn immediately let go of Popes hand, running to help Kie hold onto the tether. The thunder crashed as the girls groaned at the rope burn growing on their hands.

"South, southwest, JJ! Hard! Half speed. Steady at this bearing, JJ!" John B yelled, turning back to Pope. "What do you got, Pope? Come on, man. What do you see?"

Pope sighed, stepping away from the monitor slightly. "Nothin'. A whole lot of nothin'." John B slowly shook his head in denial. "You should be right above it, brother." He quickly turned to the girls. "Quinn!"

"960!" Quinn yelled,already knowing what he meant.

"970!" Kie yelled a few seconds later.

"980!" Quinn yelled before she let out a happy cheer, Kie turning to Pope and John B. "We're at the bottom! We're at the bottom!"

"Okay, steady here, JJ! Steady here. Quarter speed, all right?" John B yelled as he looked towards the monitor. Quinn quickly tied off the tether so they didn't lose the drone and she and Kie ran towards Pope and John B.

"You should be seeing something, man." Pope mumbled and Quinn squinted, noticing somethign shining in the water. "Wait, wait!" She quickly pointed at the shining object and everyone froze. "Oh, good God." Kie mumbled.

"See anything?" JJ yelled as Quinn, Pope, Kie and John B crowded around the monitor. As soon as they saw the lady at the tip of the structure, they all knew what it was.

"Holy fuck." Quinn muttered, a small chuckle escaping her lips. "It's the Royal Merchant." John B breathed out.


"I'm so glad that they're still doing this. Keep calm. Carry on. Aren't you glad I made you come?" Kie said happily the next day after dragging Quinn, Pope and JJ with her to the outside theater. Quinn let out a small 'hmph' noise as Pope groaned. "Ecstatic."

"My couch was pretty comfy, I'll be honest." JJ said as Quinn looked up to Pope, noticing his almost scared look. "We're out of the green zone, man." She could hear him whisper to JJ

JJ's eyes went wide, looking at Pope like he was crazy. "Dude, tranquilo, okay?" "We're in the middle of Kooklandia. This is the last place I wanted to be." Pope rambled as they sat down. Quinn squinted at the boys, crouching down behind them, between the two boys

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Quinn whisper yelled in between the two boys, making them jump. Before they could answer, Kie called out to her. "Quinn. Help me get snacks?"

Quinn sent Kie a quickly thumbs up before turning back to the boys with a slight glare. "When I get back, you're telling me what ever the fuck happened."

Quinn ran over to catch up with Kie just as they made it to the snack bar. "Hey, uh... can I get two Pepsis, please?"Kie asked the worker, making Quinn perk up. "Oh! And a cherry slushee? Thank you."

Quinn looked down at the counter, drumming her fingers as she felt a body walk towards her. "Hey, Kie. Quinn. What's up? How are you?"

Quinn silently groaned at Rafe as Kie scoffed. "We're fine." Rafe hummed, nodding his head as he rested his hand on the counter right beside Quinn, leaning towards her slightly, making Quinn send him a 'what the fuçk' look. "Good, good. Um... Tell your boy that we know what he did."

Quinns eyes went wide at Rafes words, looking ahead just as the worker came back her with slushee. Kie's brows furrowed as Quinn took a sip of her slushee to hide her guiltiness. "Sorry, what boy are you talking about?"

"Uh, he'll know. Seems like se does too." Rafe said, nodding his head to Quinn, making the Robbins girl glare him as she drank her slushee, walking away with Lir following after her.

"Bye." Rafe called out, making Kie scoff. "Douche." Kie called out.

"Ass." Quinn yelled, sipping her slushie as she let her red sunglasses fall from the top of her head to the bridge of her nose, lifting her middle finger in the air as she walked away.

"Just saw Rafe, and he said, and I quote, 'Tell your boy that we know what he did.' What is that?" Kie asked and Pope and JJ turned to Quinn with wide eyes as she took a seat in between Pope and Kie.

"Where is he?" Pope quickly asked and Quinn pointed her thumb behind her. "Right there." Pope whipped his head around to look at the Kooks, letting out a small scoff. "Great, the whole death squad." Quinn grabbed the back of his head, spinning him back around to face the front, making him yelp. "Don't stare."

JJ nodded with Quinn, putting a hand on her shoulder. "She's right, bro. Just warning you, bro. If they corner me, I'm coming out swinging, okay? Slice and dicin'. I'm on edge right now."

"Yeah, yeah." Pope mumbled out, nodding his head. "If that doesn't work, I got this right here." JJ said, gesturing to his bag, making Quinn and Kie's eyes go wide as Pope didn't notice his words.

"Yeah, yeah. So, we just gotta stay in the group.  They can't get us in the group." Pope said and Quinn immediately nodded, hoping to calm him down slightly. "Like a school of fish." Pope instantly nodded at the analogy. "Stay in the school. Can't leave the school."

"I'm sorry, JJ... Please tell me that you did not bring a gun here. JJ, there are kids." Kie scolded, making JJ roll his eyes, nodding. "No! Kie, I didn't bring the gun. Everything's fine, okay?"

"Wow, thank you. That's really convincing. I love that, JJ." Kie said, tilting her head before noticing all three of them weren't meeting her eyes. "Founding principle, you guys. No secrets amongst Pogues. What is Rafe talking about?"

"All proceeds... Kie, it might go down tonight." JJ said, leaning towards the group more, confusing Kie. "What does that mean? 'Might go down tonight.' What did y'all do?" Kie groaned and Quinn turned to Pope and JJ, shaking her head. "Deny, deny, deny."


"Hey, where y'all going?" Kie asked, making Quinn turn to her with a mouthful of popcorn. "We gotta wring it out." JJ whispered as he and Pope started walking away.

"What? You gonna hold it for each other?" Kie snarked, making Quinn laugh, choking on her popcorn slightly. Kie laughed, hitting Quinn's back to help her breathe, handing her the coke slushee so she could walk it down.

As Quinn drank to slushee, she saw three figures out of the corner of her eyes.

"Aw, shit!" Quinn mumbled under her breath, standing up to go after Rafe, Topper and Kelce. Kie looked at Quinn with wide eyes, slowly following after her. "Wh- Quinn! Where are you going? Quinn!"

"Let go of him, Topper! Fascist asshole!" Quinn yelled, running to jump on Toppers back as Kie did the same to Rafe.

"Hey, listen, Pope. All you gotta do is accept personal responsibility!" Topper struggled to yell as Quinn sat on his back, punching him from behind.

"Screw you, Kook!" JJ yelled as Rafe went to grab Kie off his back. "Oh, let go of me, Rafe!"

"Stay out of this, Kiara!" Rafe yelled, throwing her off of his back. "Kie! You okay?" Quinn yelled over Toppers shoulder, distracting her for a few seconds, giving Topper enough time to throw his elbow back into Quinn's face, knocking her off of him. "Quinn!" Pope yelled as Quinn groaned

"Come on, man. Just admit it!" Kelce screamed as Quinn slowly looked up, her eyes landing on JJs bag.

"Admit you did it, bitch!" Topper yelled and Quinn quickly grabbed the bag, searching through it to find something useful.

"You don't mess with me, Pogue! You hear me? I'm gonna give you one chance. One chance, Pope!" Topper yelled, making Quinn turn back to him. She started growing more panicked when she noticed Topper holding Pope in a headlock, strangling him.

She looked back down at the bag and her eyes immediately landed on JJs gun, just before she could grab it, Kie ran over, helping search the bag and after a few seconds, she found a lighter. Kie quickly got up, going to light the screen on fire as Quinn noticed the fight; Topper still having Pope trapped in a headlock as Rafe and Kelce fought JJ.

"Got anything you wanna say, bro?" Topper taunted, an evil smile on his face, making Quinn grab the gun. She quickly stood up, backing away from the screen as it lit on fire. She held the gun up, pointing at Topper

"Shit!" Rafe yelled, almost getting burned by the screen as he quickly let go of JJ, running to o Topper.

Rafe quickly got Topper off of Pope cleaving Quinn to turn to Kelce and JJ. "Get off of him!" Kie yelled as Quinn held the gun up higher. "Kelce, let go of JJ!" Quinn screamed, her voice shaky.

Kelce looked up at Quinn, his eyes widening at the gun i her hands at he quickly let go. "Let's get outta here." Kelce yelled running off with Rafe and Topper.

Quinn looked down at the gun in her hands with wide eyes before dropping it to the floor and running to Pope, cupping his cheeks as she checked for injuries. "You okay?" Quinn asked quietly as Pope stared her over. He get his heart flutter slightly at how she cares, slowly nodding his head. "We're okay."

Quinn smiled at Pope, letting out a small breathy laugh as she nodded. "You're a freakin' idiot. You know that?" Pope let out a small laugh, shrugging. "I try."


"Don't let it get in your head. Three of them and two of us." JJ said as he, Pope, Quinn's no Kie helped Heyward around the shop. "That's typical Kook shit right there." Quinn groaned, cleaning the counter and Kie chuckled from next to her. "Hell, yeah." Kie mumbled, sticking her hand out for Quinn to high-five.

"What was your thought process, using your head?" JJ laughed out and Pope smiled, shrugging. "I don't know, man. I just kind of acted off instinct. I was a cornered animal."

"Hey, Pope, Quinn, someone here to see you two." Heyward said, walking into the shop, Officer Shoupe behind him. Pope froze as Quinn gave a worried look to JJ.

"Evening, Officer." Pope said and Shoupe ignore him, walking towards him as another officer walked towards Quinn.

"I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property." Shoupe said as Pope and Quinn felt the metal of handcuffs trap their wrists.

"Wait what?" Heyward yelled as Quinn yelped at the handcuffs punching her wrists.

"Whoa. Shoupe, what'd they do?" JJ yelled and the officer sighed. "Look at the warrant." Quinn heard her heart practically beating out of her chest as she locked eyes with Pope, mumbling 'I'm sorry' but he wouldn't look her in the eyes. "You're arresting them?" Kie asked and Heyward shook his head. "You're just arresting my boy?" "They we're on video. A boy and Quinn." Shoupe said.

"Heyward?" Quinn called out, voice shaking slightly. "I'll call your folks." Hayward said reassuringly, making Quinn slowly nod as she felt her throat start to close.

"Everything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney." Shoupe said as he and the other officer pushed Pope and Quinn out of the store, JJ following after them. "How much did they pay you, man?" JJ yelled but Shoupe ignored him.

Quinn felt her cheeks wet from her tears as she tried to catch her breath. Just as the officer holding her wrists put a hand on her head to lead her into the police car, a voice screamed.

"It wasn't him!"

Everyone froze. Quinn felt her heart stop slightly as she turned around to look at JJ who took a small step forward. "It was me." JJ said. JJ turned to Quinn. He slowly nodded as he silently told her to add along to his lie. Quinn shook her head and JJ slightly gestured his head to Pope who looked like he was ready to pass out. Quinn looked at Pope for a few seconds before turning back to JJ who nodded.

Quinn took a deep breath before turning to Shoupe. "He's right." Everyone turned to her and out of the corner of her eyes, she could see Popes face soften. "Pope tried to talk us out of it, but we were mad because he'd just been beaten up."

Quinn could tell Shoupe didn't believe her so she kept talking. "You said it was me and a boy. I was stupid enough not to cover my face but JJ did." Quinn said and JJ immediately nodded, adding on. "I was so sick of those assholes from Figure Eight that I lost my shit. I can't let you take the blame for somethin' I did."

Pope looked back and forth between Quinn and JJ. Quinn sent him a small, reassuring smile as he shook her head. "You've got too much to lose."

Pope shook his head, looking away from Quinn and turning back to JJ. "JJ, what are you doing?" JJ licked his teeth, chuckling as he shook his head. "I'm tellin' the truth. For once in my goddamn life, I'm gonna tell the truth. Took his old man's boat, too."

"What the hell?" Heyward scoffed and Pope shook his head again. "JJ, come on-" "Just shut up, Pope!" Quinn yelled, making Pope turn back to her. She slowly shook her head. "Just shut up."

"He's a good kid. You know where I'm from." JJ said to Shoupe who sighed, nodding his head. "Yeah."

"This was all us." Quinn said and Shoupe turned to Pope. "That's the whole truth?"

"Whole truth, swear to God." JJ said, lifting his chin higher slight, making the officer roll his eyes. "I know what you think, damn it, I'm asking Pope."

Pope looked back and forth between Quinn and JJ before slowly nodding his head. "Yeah, that about covers it."

Shoupe nodded, turning to the officer holding Quinn as he  gestured towards the cruiser. The officer behind Quinn nodded, putting a hand in the back of her head and lowered her height so she could get in the car.

Once she was in, Shoupe let JJ into the car. Quinn turned to JJ with a worried look, tears still shining in her eyes. JJ sighed at Quinn, scooting closer to her to let her rest her head in his shoulder. "We're gonna be okay, shortstack."

—JJ and Quinn's sibling relationship😫💗

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