x. midsummers

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Quinn sat in Deputy Shoupe's office, drumming her fingers on his desk as she waited for him to arrive. When the door finally opened, Quinn lifted her heaad, her eyes falling on a disappointed Shoupe. "You're like a little rock in my shoe. I shake my foot, I think I've gotten it out, then dang, there it is again."

"Maybe you just have crappy shoes." Quinn shrugged, making the man point at her as if to say 'watch it'. The man sighed, taking the seat across from her as he opened a file. "Okay. Trespass on protected habitat. Felony destruction of property. All in the last twenty four hours. You're on a roll, Robbins. Just like your mom."

Quinn scoffed at his words, leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms. "If you think I'm gonna rat anybody out, you're crazy." Shoupe sarcastically raised his brows, nodding his head. "You know these two?" Shoupe asked, throwing a stack of papers in front of her. Quinn looked down and immediately noticed it was mugshots of the men that shot at her.

"My question was, do you know these two?" Shoupe asked again after a few seconds after not getting an answer. Quinn pulled her lips into a line, clasping her hands together as she nodded. "They... they broke into John B's house, and... then chased us through the marsh. Other than that, I don't know."

Shoupe nodded before placing two more photos in front of her. "Here's a more recent photo." Quinn looked down and instantly felt sick to her stomach at the dead bodies. She gagged slightly as Shoupe crossed his arms, pointing at the photos. "Somebody gaffed them, then used them for chum. Whatcha think, bull shark?"

After not getting a reply, Shoupe continued. "Here's the bad news, chief. Whoever killed these two men is still out there, and I got reason to believe their next target is a friend of yours... John B. You kids don't think you're the only ones after the Royal Merchant now, do you? And, yeah. I know about that, too."

Quinn straightened up in her chair, looking up at the man with big eyes. "Shoupe, I can promise you, he's not on it anymore." Shoupe rolled his eyes, nodding his head as he gestured for her to get up, the girl instantly standing up as he led her out of the room and towards the front desk where her dad was already waiting.

"Dammit Quinn." Henry scolded as Quinn slowly walked behind him. The sound of the station door opening made Quinn turn her head to see who walked in. Her heart dropped at JJ's dad, steam practically bursting out of his ears in anger. "You his guardian?" The officer at the desk asked and JJ's father sighed. "Sorry to say, I'm his father."

Henry turned to Luke with slightly raised brows before looking behind him to Quinn who was watching Luke worriedly. Peterkin came out, JJ in front of her as the officer at the desk sighed. "Well, hearing will be in two weeks. If you fail to show up, you will forfeit your bail. The restitution will be based on the average of three outside estimates of the cost of the damaged article." He said, handing Luke and Henry slips for their children.

"Restitution?" Luke asked and the man at the desk nodded. "Pay for what they broke. It's part of the plea. Yeah, and... sign right here, please."

JJ stood beside Quinn, leaning down slightly to talk to her. "You okay, shortstack?" Before Quinn could open her mouth, Luke grabbed JJ's arm, yanking him towards the exit. "Don't talk to her. Now, let's go. Go now!"

Henry quickly went after Luke in hopes of stopping him. "Luke. Luke, hey. I'm sorry about all of this. Look, me and my wife are happy to pay for some of JJ's restitutio-" "I don't want you and Mary's pity money, Robbins. Just go." Luke interrupted, grabbing JJ's arm and pushing him to his car.


"Twenty-Five thousand dollars?! Are you kidding me, Quincy?!" Marian screamed as soon as her husband and daughter walked into the house. Quinn quickly turned to her dad with a slightly betrayed look. "I thought you didn't tell her!"

"I didn't." Henry whispered back as Marian crossed her arm, her face growing red with anger. "He didn't have to! The sheriff station called and told me! What the hell were you thinking?!"

"They beat Pope up with a golf club, Mom! What was I supposed to do!?" Quinn yelled, taking a step towards her mom. "You should've called us! Or called the police!"

"If we called the police, they would be getting nothing but a slap on the fucking wrist!" Quinn yelled, making Marian quickly point at her daughter. "Now you watch your tone-" "You know I'm right, Mom! You were a pogue! They always got the shit end!" Quinn screamed, making her mom slump slightly.

Quinn sighed, running a hand through her hair tiredly. "They hurt my friend. They hurt Pope. I wasn't gonna let them get away with that." Quinn mumbled before walking passed her mom and up to her room.

"And take that dress with you! It's Midsummers tonight. And even though you just got out of the station, you still need to go." Marian yelled after her daughter, making Quinn groan, grabbing the red silk red dress on the railing of the stairs.


Quinn slowly walked into the party behind her parents and as soon as she stepped foot in the grassy area, she felt arms wrap around her from behind, lifting her up into a hug.

"Woah! Woah!" Quinn screamed before hearing Kie chuckle, making Quinn calm down. As soon as Kie put her down, Quinn spun around and jumped into a real hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Kie breathed out before she pulled away, slapping Quinn's arm. "You dumbass!"

"Ow." Quinn whined childishly, rubbing her arm, making Kie roll her eyes as she held back a smile. "Whatever. Pope wants to see you. He's been freaking out." Kie said, pointing just passed her to where Pope stood at his fathers stand.

Quinn smiled at Pope, making Kie chuckle, pushing her towards Pope. "Hey Pope! Look who it is!" Kie screamed, making Pope look up as Quinn walking towards the cart, waving to him.

"Oh, Jesus Christ! You're okay!" Pope groaned, instantly wrapping his arms around Quinn's waist, lifting her up in a hug as he spun her around. Quinn laughed as they span, hugging Pope back and slightly hiding her face in the crook of his neck.

Pope slowly set her down, the two keeping their hug. Quinn hugged into him tighter, making Pope heart jump slightly. After a few more seconds of the hug, Pope sighed, pulling away from Quinn to look off at everyone around them.

"You ever seen this many Kooks in one place?" Pope breathed out, making Quinn hum, nodding her head. "Yeah. Last year."

"We're in the lion's den." Pope mumbled and Quinn sighed, leaning into Popes side slightly. "I'm always in the lions den..."

"Exactly. You experted the lions. I'm sticking with you." Pope said, moving his arm to wrap around Quinn. "Hey, have you heard from JJ?" He asked, looking down at her. Quinn sadly sighed, shaking her head as she looked off to the ocean. "Not since we left the station."

Pope sighed at her words, his head dropping sadly as he shook his head. "It's all my fault." Quinn immediately shook her head, standing up on her toes and grabbing Popes face to have him look at her. "Uh... You didn't do this, Pope. Topper almost killed you. Remember?" Pope looked at her for a few seconds in pure awestruck before slowly nodding his head. As he stared at her, the corner of his eyes got stuck on a bright pink dress walking into the party, making his head turn.

"Here come Lord Capital and the Exploiters." Pope groaned, making Quinn turn her head, instantly throwing her hand to her mouth to hide her giggles from Rose's outfit. "She's gonna poke somebody's eye out with that. And I hope it's mine if I have to suffer seeing Rafe and Kelce in their pink and blue tuxes." Quinn chuckled as she took a sip of her coke.


Quinn had spent most of her night dancing with Kie until Kie's mom pulled her off to the side and she started dancing with Sarah, who grabbed her arms and pulled her further into the dance floor.

As the two girls danced, Quinn felt a back press against hers. She turned her head to see who it was and let out a loud gasp at JJ. "Holy fuck! You're okay!" Quinn yelped, wrapping her arms around his neck into a hug. JJ hummed, hugging her back as he turned to Sarah behind Quinn, passing her a letter. "Glad to see you're okay, shortstack and uh... Sarah? I got a, uh, note from Vlad." JJ said, sticking his hand out to hand Sarah a letter through his hug with Quinn.

"From Vlad?" Sarah asked as Quinn pulled away slightly, looking back and forth between JJ and Sarah. "Who the hell is Vlad?" JJ smirked at Quinn, mouthing 'John B' making Quinn's eye brows raise. JJ turned back to Sarah, nodding his head at the letter. "Read the letter." He said before walking away.

"Hey, I'l be right back." Sarah said, not even waiting for a reply from Quinn before walking off, leaving the Robbins girl in the middle of the dance floor alone. Quinn looked around for anyone to hang out with when her eyes fell on Pope at Heyward's stand, not many people around.

Quinn happily walked towards the stand, sending a big smile to Pope as she playfully stuck her hand out to him, asking to dance. Pope groaned, shaking his head as he pointed at her with a spatula. "No. No, Quinn! I have to work." Quinn raised her brows at his words, almost taking it as a challenge.

"Hey Heyward? Can I steal Pope really quickly for a dance?" Quinn yelled over the music to Heyward. The man chuckled, nodding his head. "Go on, sweetheart. It's fine by me." Quinn smiled at his words, grabbing Popes hand and instantly pulling him to the dance floor where everyone danced to the upbeat song playing.

Pope looked right passed Quinn and frowned slightly, turning back to look at the blonde. "You're parents are watching."

Quinn shrugged, playfully spinning around him. "And we're dancing. Your point?" Pope looked down at Quinn, giving her a 'really' look but Quinn only smiled brighter.

Pope sighed, grabbing Quinn's hand and spinning her before dropping her into a dip. Quinn let out a yelp that turned into laughs, wrapping her arms around Popes shoulders so she didn't fall.

Quinn and Pope slowly met eyes as Pope stood her back up. Their eyes never left each other's until Pope looked down to her lips for a split second. Quinn smiled, doing the same. She felt herself slowly lean in and just before their lips could touch, a yell made the two jump apart.

"It's okay, everybody! Do not panic. Leave it to the men and women in uniform!" JJ yelled as he was dragged out of the house by security. "Let's hear it for them. Rose! You look like Lady Liberty. It's good to see you again. Hey, Henry, can I have one of those?" JJ asked Quinn's dad before taking the drink out of the mans hand and downing it.

"Let go of him!" Kie screamed from the terrace as the security guard pushed JJ, making the blond boy yelp slightly. "Hey."

"You can't boot him! I invited him here." Kie screamed, making Quinn nod, raising her hand. "So did I!"

"Quinn!" Marian schooled from the terrace as Kie's mom did the same, only making the girls want to continue defending their friend.

"We're members of this club." Quinn said, making the security guard holding JJ, looking away from the not, giving JJ enough time to push the security guard off of him and into the snack stand. "Sorry about that." JJ screamed before looking off at the rest of the crowd.

"Hey, mandatory power hour at Rixon's, Kie. Shortstack! Pope, you as well, all right? Rixon's Cove. Let's roll. Workers of the world unite. Throw off your chains!" JJ screamed, running off the premises.

Quinn smiled widely as JJ ran towards John B, going a small salute with him. Quinn went to go running after him, hearing her mom scream from her as she ran. "Quincy Robbins, I swear if you go-" "I love you, Mom!" Quinn screamed, interrupting her mom and running towards her friends. "No! Don't do this. Don't do this! Where the hell do you think you're goin'?"

"Later, losers!" JJ screamed as Kie ran into his arms and he spun her and Quinn jumped into Popes back. "Onward, My lads!" Quinn screamed as Pope went running forward, making her yelp and hold onto him tighter.


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