vii. superman

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Quinn slowly grabbed the envelope, looking over it with her flashlight before peaking it out of the hole for someone to take. She could hear JJ take in a breath of air. "That's not gold."

Quinn hopped on her tippy toes to look out the hole, clearing her throat to get Popes attention. She lifted her arms up like a child wanting to be carried as she looked at him just above the stones "Help me out, would ya?"

Pope immediately nodded. "Oh, right." He mumbled, grabbing her hands and lifting her out of the hole. Once Quinn's top half was out of the hole, Pope moved around so his back was to her and gestured for her to fall on his back to land in a piggyback position and after a few seconds, she finally got on his back just as the sound of vehicle approaching rang through the cemetery air.

"Code red. Code red. Square groupers! Square groupers!" JJ whispered, gesturing for the group to run. Quinn let out a small squeak, tightening her grip on Pope as he ran after the group, hiding behind the stone wall.

Quinn jumped down off of his back and pointed and John B and JJ's flashlights. "Lights! Turn your fucking lights off, guys!" Quinn whispered and JJ quickly turned his off as John B fumbled with his, panicking the group.

"John B? Your light!" Kie whisper yelled at him. As the footsteps of the men grew louder and louder. "I see something!" One of the men said and Quinn turned to Kie beside her in slight fear. "Do you think it's them?"

JJ peaked his head out from behind the wall and shook his head. "Homie's got a gun." Kie looked around the group before scoffing, grabbing Quinn's hand and running. "Screw this."

"Right here!" A man screamed from behind the girls as the boys started following after them.

Quinn grunted as she hopped the fence, struggling at first but quickly getting it as Kie and JJ jumped off after her. "Hurry up!" JJ whispered as John B landed

"Guys! Guys! Guys, I'm stuck." Pope whispered and Quinn looked at him with wide eyes. "How the hell did you get stuck, Pope?" Pope turned to her defensively as Kie and John a tried to get him down. "I didn't do it on purpose!" He looked down at what Kie and John B were doing, his eyes instantly gojng wide as he shook his head.

"No, no. You're gonna rip me. Wait. You're gonna rip me!" Pope said, his whispers getting louder and louder until the sound of his shorts ripping rang through the air. Quinn quickly grabbed onto him before he tumbled to the ground as she held back a laugh, running with him towards the van. "You're fine. Come on!"

"It's a little Tootsie Roll." JJ cheered as he, Quinn and Pope climbed into the backseat. Pope let out a small shriek, covering himself with his hands as Quinn laughed. She quickly took off her jacket and handed it to him.

Pope gave her a grateful nod and a small smile for her offer, making Quinn smile, feeling a small tingle in her stomach.


"That bread had mold on it three days ago." Quinn told JJ in disgust once they got to John B's. JJ shook his head, ignoring Quinn as he continued to spread the bread. "I'll just pull off the bad parts. Plus, mold is good for you. It's just a natural organism."

Quinn looked at JJ with a dumbfounded expression before scoffing, walking away as Kie screamed for JJ to join the group.

"Yup, yup, yup! Hot damn! Let's do it." JJ said, running to the living room as she he put the bread in his mouth, instantly gagging, making Quinn and Pope chuckle.

John B opened the envelope, revealing a map, a small 'X' on it. "Holy shit." He whispered, making Quinn lean over his shoulder to look at the map, sighing. "Oh. X marks the spot."

"Longitude, latitude." John B mumbled as JJ looked through the envelope, his eyes widening. "Wait, there's somethin' else in there."

John B immediately grabbed the envelope, pulling out the object. "What's that?" JJ asked, making Quinn scoff. "It's a tape recorder, dumbass." JJ turned to her at her insult, smacking the back of her head. As soon as he hit Quinn, Pope turned to JJ, hitting the back of his head.

JJ whipped around to JJ, ready to yell at him but was interrupted by John B turning on the tape recorder. "Dear Bird."

"Who's Bird?" Kie asked as John B breathed out. "That's what my dad called me."

"I hate to say, 'I told you so,' but I told you so. And you doubted your old man. I suspect at this moment, you're filled with guilt and self-loathing over our last fight, but don't kill yourself just yet, kid. I didn't expect to find the Merchant either." Big John said, making Quinn's eyes go wide as she turned to Pope.

"You were probably right to call me out. Wasn't exactly Father of the Decade. What can I say, kid? I could smell the barn. And hopefully, we're listenin' to this in our brand new sugar-shack down in Costa Rica, livin' off passive investments and pulling on permits. If not, and you find this for less than optimal reasons, well, that's what the map is for. There she is, the wreck of theMerchant. If somethin' happens to me, finish what I started. Go for the gold, kid. I love you, Bird, even if I didn't always act like it. I'll see you on the other side."

The sound of the tape recorder clicking off made the group sigh. Quinn watched John B sadly as he quickly got up, running off towards the hall, sobbing.

JJ let out a small whoop, throwing his hands in the air. "Holy shit, he did it! Big John... He found the Merchant..." Quinn hit JJ's shoulder as Kie glared at him. "JJ! Can you... can you please?" Kie whispered, pointing at John B, making the blond boy wince, nodding. "Sorry."


"How much was it again?" JJ asked, throwing his hook of the fishing rod into the dock. "Five hundred mil." John B mumbled, leaning up against the pillars. Quinn sat beside him, dangling her feet on the edge as she rested her arms on the bar.

JJ sighed, setting his fishing rod beside him as he leaned back, looking off at the group. "All right, let's talk the split. Now, before we say evenly, may I remind you that I am the only one that can properly defend us from those groupers who were after us. Protection? Not cheap, okay?"

Pope immediately scrunched his face at JJ's words, shaking his head. "You haven't trained. You've done zero training." "YouTube, bro! That's at least a five percent bump right there." JJ yelled, making Quinn's brows furrow. "Five percent?"

JJ ignored her, raising his hand. "Any objections? Didn't think so." Pope cleared his throat, raising his hand. "Yeah."

"I don't hear any, so..." JJ interrupted, making Quinn roll her eyes, turning to Pope across from her. "What are you gonna do with your 100 mil, Pope?"

Pope immediately answered as if he had planned out his answer. "Pay for college in advance. And also, textbooks. Those are expensive."

Quinn smiled at his answer, nodding her head as she turned to Kie. "What about you, Kie?" JJ playfully hummed, turning to Kie. "Yeah, what does a socialist do when she's rich?"

Kie chuckled at Jj's words, shaking her head. "Just wanna make a double album. About OBX, the Pogues. You know, the way Catch a Fire is about Kingston. Record it at Marley Studio, Peter Tosh producing."

"Peter Tosh is dead." Quinn mumbled but Kie didn't hear her. "And before Quinn says how Peter Tosh is dead. I know. Spirit of Peter Tosh will never die."

Quinn laughed as JJ sighed, stretching his legs out. "I know what I'll do. I'm gonna get a big ass house on Figure Eight and go full Kook."

Quinn turned to him with amused brows. "You're gonna go full Kook?" JJ turned to her, immediately nodding. "Yup. Gonna live right across the street from you folks so your mom can see my marble statue of myself, and then my koi pond everyday." Quinn rolled her eyes, laughing. "Oh, she'll love that."

"Hell yeah. Put a bunch of those fish-" "I'm never visiting." Kie interrupted, making JJ scoff, turning to Quinn. "What about you, shortstack? Gonna by a pancake factory?"

Quinn instantly shook her head, leaning back so she was lying down on the dock as she looked up at the stars. "Definitely getting a house in the Bahamas."

JJ immediately let out an 'ohhh' noise as Pope leaned back to lay down beside Quinn. "I'm gonna need to stay there some time, shortstack. Incase I get sick of my kook mansion." JJ said and Quinn nodded, leaning towards Pope. "Oh, you're all gonna have your own rooms when you guys come visit me."

Pope nodded at Quinn's words, pointing at a star above them. "I better be getting one of the master bedrooms since I'm your favorite."

JJ and Kie immediately shook their heads, turning to Quinn and Pope. "Uhh... I don't think you're Quinn's favorite, Pope." Kie said and Quinn immediately shook her head. "Oh, of course not." Quinn said before turning to Pope and winking and mouthing 'you are'. "But only if I have you're hat." Quinn mumbled so only Pope could hear, taking the hat off his head and putting it on hers.

Pope smiled at her words, laughing. Quinn smiled at Popes laugh, feeling a small flutter in her stomach before she quickly shook it off, turning to John B.

"What are you gonna do, JB?" Quinn asked as John B took a sip of beer before raising it in the air. "To going full Kook." The group cheered at his words, lifting their beers in the air. "To going full Kook!"


"Dad, do I have to go? I mean, the only person that even tolerates me that's going is Sarah and all of her other friends and her boyfriend don't like me. So I'll be alone anyway!" Quinn groaned from the couch as for dad walked down the stairs. Henry decided that it would be best if he and Quinn went to the trash pick up all of figured it was going to participate in.

Henry chuckled at how upset Quinn was, shaking his head as he walked towards the couch, grabbing her arm and sitting her up. "You have to go, Pumpkin." Quinn threw her head back, groaning as he continued. "As soon as it's over, you can leave. Plus, won't you want to brag to Kiara about how you're helping the planet like she's been wanting you all to?"

Quinn pursed her lips, thinking about it for a second before looking up to her dad, getting up and nodding her head. "You're right. Let's go." Quinn said before walking out of her house, making Henry smile as he followed after.


"I mean, he's lucky your dad didn't press charges." Topper yelled as he and Sarah passed Quinn who was a feet feet away from them. Quinn's eyes went wide, pushing Popes baseball cap further down her face so they wouldn't notice her as they continued to talk.

Sarah scoffed, nodding her head. "I know! After stealing scuba from us? It's just... kind of ridiculous to me. After everything my dad has done for him. Just so generous. You'd think he'd be more grateful." Topper sighed, nodding along with his girlfriend. "I know."

"Then he yells at me like it's my fault!" Sarah yelled angrily, making Quinn wince. Topper sighed, shaking his head as he started to laugh. "It's... He's a Pogue, at the end of the day. I mean, you can say we're all just people, or... or whatever, but it's a totally different mindset on the cut. That one's a Pogue too." Quinn could see out of the corner of her eye Topper not so discretely point at her, making Quinn roll her eyes.

"I'm not fucking deaf, Topper." Quinn called out, not looking up from the trash on the ground. Topper scoffed at her words, turning back to Sarah. "And she eavesdrops too."

Quinn, still not looking up from the ground, lifted her hand up, flipping Topper off until her dad came over with a tired smile, wiping his forehead. "Hey, kiddo." Henry said before turning to Sarah and Topper. "You guys got it under control?"

Topper gave the man a fake smile, nodding. "Yes, sir! It's looking good, sir!" "Just clearing the stretch out! Staying hydrated! Almost finished!" Sarah added, making Henry nod, giving his daughter one last smile before walking away.

As soon as her father was gone, Quinn looked up to Toper who was already glaring at her. Quinn kept her emotionless expression on her face as she raised her hand, flipping Topper off again.


"Just a moment, friends, to acknowledge our blessings. To the big Kahuna..." The Pastor said and Quinn could hear Sarah and Topper snickering a few people away from her, making many people give them judgmental looks.

"Thank you for the opportunity for us to come out here and restore Masonborough to its virgin glory." The Pastor said and everyone nodded, Sarah and Toper laughing loudly.

The Pastor looked at them, slightly offended before looking back down. "Amen."

After everyone let go of hands, Quinn wiped her hands on her shorts as she heard someone walk over to her.

"Hey, Quinn!" Sarah cheered, pulling Quinn into a side hug. Quinn laughed, hugging back slightly. "Hey."

Sarah smiled, grabbing Quinn's hand and standing in front of her. "So, are you coming to the party tonight?" Quinn immediately shook her head, making Sarah let out a playful whine as she swung her and Quinn's conjoined hands. "But you never go."

"That's because your friends don't like me." Quinn said and Sarah turned around to face Topper and Kelse who were looking at Sarah with wide eyes for talking to Quinn. Sarah sighed, turning back to Quinn with a sad smile. "Soon. You and I are hanging out."

Quinn nodded before she looked right passed Sarah to Topper and Kelse who started to walk towards them. Her eyes went wide as she tried to think of something to say when her phone rang. She held a finger up to Sarah as if to say 'hold on' as she quickly pulled it out, desperately answering Pope's call. "Pick me up! Pick me up, right now!"

"We're were already on our way. Where are you?" Pope asked. "The trash pick up." Quinn quickly answered. She heard Pope nod and hang up. She turned around back to Sarah to find Topper and Kelse now standing with her.

"Hey, Quinn. So are you going to the party?" Topper asked, a fake smile on his face. Quinn tiled her head, giving the boy the same smile in return. "As much as I'd love to do that.." Quinn cut herself off, seeing John B driving up to the beach, Pope sitting in the passenger seat, waving her over.

Quinn smiled at the van before turning back to Topper, shrugging. "I have plans." With that, Quinn ran off towards the van, ignoring the glares she was getting from the other kook teens.

Once she got close enough to the van, JJ opened the back door, flipping off the kooks as she hopped in before quickly closing the door and driving away.


"All right, keep a look out. We're behind enemy lines." JJ said, making Quinn roll her eyes as she and Kie hopped out of the van. "We're at my house. Calm down, Superman."

Pope snickered, he and John B following after the girls as JJ sighed. "You know, I'll take that as a compliment!" JJ screamed as they all walked into Quinn's house, going straight to her room.

"Sweet Lord, the internet! I've missed you." Pope yelled, running towards Quinn computer.

"Let me get in there. Gotta check out my Insta models." JJ said, pushing passed Pope to type into the search bar and Quinn quicky grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back. "Hell no."

"We don't have time." Kie muttered as John B opened up the map on Quinn's bed. "Hey. Hey! Hey! I got the map!" Quinn quickly went to John B to look at the map as Pope looked back at her. "Coordinates, please?"

"34° 57' 30 " north. 75° 55' 42" west." Quinn quickly answered and after a few seconds, Pope let out a happy sigh, making her quickly run over to behind his seat, leaning over his shoulder as he smiled at the screen wildly. "Boom, continental shelf right there."

"Well, if it's off the deep end, it's not gonna be much of a treasure hunt, is it?" Quinn asked, pressing her hand on Popes shoulder to lean over more. Pope looked at her shoulder before turning back to the computer, clearing his throat, making JJ chuckle, hitting the Heyward boys shoulder. Pope quickly turned to JJ, glaring as if to say 'shut it'.

"It's on the high side. It's only 900 feet." John B said and JJ shrugged. "That's not too deep."

"Is that doable or something?" Kie asked and Quinn shook her head as JJ nodded. "Yeah, totally doable."

Pope squinted, turning to JJ as he and Quinn looked at him in confusion. "Will we be taking your personal submarine?" Pope sassed as Quinn gave the blond boy an amused smile.

JJ shook his head, ignoring Pope and Quinn. "The salvage yard. They got a drone that can drop 1,000. It has a 360 camera and everything. It's for, like, deep dives and stuff. It's exactly what we need."

"Can your dad get his grimy little hands on that?" John B asked, making JJ scoff. "Well, my dad's grimy little hands got his ass fired. I guess the salvage captain frowns on showing up shitfaced, turns out. But the drone's there. It's in the impound yard out back."

"How much did you say was on the Royal Merchant again?" Kie asked and Quinn swallowed, looking at the computer. "500 million." She mumbled. "500 million dollars?" JJ asked and Quinn quickly turned to him. "No, JJ. 500 million gold doubloons. Yes 500 million dollars!"

JJ looked around the group and everyone except Pope silently agreed on a plan, going to run to the door but Pope beat them. "No. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. No!" Pope screamed, barricading the door with himself, making the group anxious.

"Pope! Move." Quinn said and Pope shook his head, keeping his hands out, blocking the door. "Guys, that's to-" "Come on." Kie muttered, pushing Pope out of the doorway, her, JJ and John B running passed him as Quinn waited for him to compose himself. Pope sighed, looking at Quinn with an almost begging expression. "Can't we do anything legal for money?"

Quinn playfully pouted, standing on her tippy toes to reach Pope's shoulder. Wrapping her arm around his shoulders as she lead him out of the room. "Nope. Come on."

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