vi. shortstack

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"I mean, it's obvious, right? He had to know it was gonna get back to me, right?" John B said as JJ twirled the compass around his hand.

"Ohh. Let me take it. I can be like a fortune teller." Quinn hummed from behind JJ, carefully snatching the compass out of his hands as he began talking to John B.

Quinn turned to Pope and dangled the compass from my finger tips. She smiled at the sight of the small smile gracing his lips as he pointed at her hand. "It's gonna be like one of the gender prediction shit pregnant women do." Quinn said, tilting her head to the side as she felt a smirk go on her face as Pope rolled his eyes, holding back a smile. "I'm not pregnant." Pope said, making Quinn shrug. "I don't know. My fortune telling compass is saying otherwise." Quinn laughed out and leaned towards Pope, dangling the compass over his stomach.

"What now?" Quinn asks after a few seconds of the chain swaying back and forth. "Well, first of all... you should know since you're the fortune teller but if it goes back and forth in a line it's a girl, if it goes in a circle..." Pope looked down and watched as the necklace went in a cirlce over his stomach, making Quinn chuckle. "It's a boy!" Quinn sang, making Pope roll his eyes and hit the compass away from him, making Quinn put her attention back on the main conversation.

"I- I don't need a therapy session, okay? I'm not trippin' out. Look, my... my dad is missing, okay? Missing. You don't know what it's like to have the person closest to you vanish and have no idea what happened. Just wake up every morning wondering." John B yelled. Quinn slid down her seat at John B's words. "Its been almost a year." Kie mumbled, making Quinn whip her head to her "Kie." Quinn warned her, not wanting her to finish her thought.

"Hey, he could have been kidnapped. That's definitely a possibility." JJ suggested making Quinn roll her eyes. "Yeah, could be in a Soviet sub getting interrogated by the KGB somewhere." Pope added. "Absolutely. Uh... or Atlantis." JJ said.

Quinn shook her head at the boys jokes, leaning in between the two front seats as she looked at John B. "What do you think the message is?" "Redfield. The lighthouse. That's my dad's favorite place." John B said as he pulled up to the lighthouse and they all got out of the car.

"Right. You're gonna post up and look out for bogeys, okay?" John B said as he walked up to JJ. "Wait. Why me?" JJ asked, making a Pope sigh. "Because you two are not coming." "Why?" JJ asked, making Quinn bring a hand to her forehead, looking to the blond. "Look, JJ. There are independent and dependent variables. And you are independent variables. We don't know what you will do."

JJ rolled his eyes, ready to make a snarky remark to Quinn but John B immediately spoke up. "Listen to me for a second. Pope, Quinn, you two stand look out with him. Okay? If we split up, we meet back at Quinn's house-" "Wait, my house?" She asked, furrowing her brows.

John B nodded his head. "Yeah, your mom makes good snacks and no one will think we'll be there." "Great!" Kie cheered as her and John B walk into the light house.

"I'm gonna work on my merit scholarship essay, and try to keep felonies to a minimum." Pope explained, pointing at JJ. "Okay, got it." Quinn mumbled, throwing him a thumbs up as she watched JJ play with the hackey sack. JJ looked up and kicked the ball to her, Quinn quickly kicked it around a few times before hitting it back to him.

JJ kicked the sack back to her when she wasn't completely paying attention, resulting in her kicking the ball right at Pope doing work. Quinn gasped, throwing her hands over her mouth as Pope slowly turned to her with a slightly annoyed look.

She started to laugh at the look on his face as she walked over to sit beside him in the passenger seat. "Pope! Oh my God. I didn't mean to do that." She said, trying to hold in her laughs.

Pope smiled, rolling his eyes slightly as Quinn leaned over the center console to look at his essay. "Whatcha writing about?"

"I need to write about a life changing experience of mine. I cant think of anything." Pope answered, not taking his eyes off of his paper. A joking grin grew on Quinns face as she rested her chin on his shoulder. "You should write about me then."

Pope let out a sarcastic laugh, nodding his head. "You're definitely life changing." Pope laughed out, making Quinn laugh. Pope smiled and turned his head at the sound of Quinn's laugh. Since her head was on Popes shoulder, when he turned his head, their faces were inches away from each other.

Quinn smiled as she looked into Popes eyes, making him smile before looking down to her lips quickly and back up to her eyes, hoping Quinn would notice but she did. Quinn felt a small flutter erupt in her stomach at his actions.

Sirens were heard in the distance, making the two jump apart. "Shit!" Pope screamed as Quinn leaned out her window. "JJ, come on." Quinn screamed, gesturing for Jj to run to the car. JJ quickly ran to the car, hopping into the back as Pope started driving towards Quinn's house.


They dropped the van off at John B's house and walked to Quinn's, the three bickering over nonsense the whole way there.

When they got to her house, JJ walked in as if it was his own home. "Your dream child is here!" JJ screamed as he walked into the home, Quinn and Pope right behind him.

Marian, who stood in the kitchen, rolled her eyes as she held back a smile. "Hello, JJ."

The three walked into the kitchen, making Marian see who else walked in. She smiled at her daughter and Pope. "Where's the rest of the gang?"

The three froze at the question as Pope cleared his throat. "Out."

Marian smiled, looking to Pope. "Out?" The three quickly nodded and Quinn walked up to stand beside her mom. "Where's Pops?"

Marian went to the fridge, grabbing a water bottle. "He's out back. Working on the generators. Ours keeps going in and out."

The sound of a horn honking from outside made the three look towards the kitchen window where John B's van was parked, John B inside, waving them down.

"Took him fucking long enough." Quinn groan out, kissing her moms cheek and mumbling a goodbye as she headed towards the car.

"Where's Kie?" JJ asked as he and Pope climbed into the backseat, Quinn going in the passenger seat. "We're gonna get her right now." John B said, making JJ hit the back of the passenger seat as if they were drums. "Let's ride." JJ cheered


"She said she's not coming!" Pope screamed from the entrance of the Wreck. "Why not?" JJ asked from in between John B and Quinn. She turn to John B with an angry look on her face. "What the hell did you do?"

John B ignored Quinn, letting out a string of curses. "Hang on. I'll deal with it." He muttered before he ran out of the car.

"He probably tried to mack her." JJ said, making Quinn instantly hit JJ's shoulder. "Shut up." She muttered as Pope got into the car. "What are you guys talking about?" Pope asked and JJ chuckled.

"John B tried to mack Kie." JJ said and Pope quickly nodded. "Oh, most definitely."

Quinn rolled her eyes, holding back a laugh as she looked out the window, making Pope groan from the back. "You know we're right!"


"You mind if I just relax on this one? It's been a long day, and a lot of weird stuff's gone down. I'm just gonna lay low. Oh, did you want a hit of this?" JJ announced, making Pope shake his head. "I keep the signal clear."

JJ groaned, sitting up to face Pope fully as Quinn watched with entertainment. "Dude, okay. Do you understand that your problem is that you don't get creative? If you got creative-" "JJ, leave him alone." Quinn laughed out, resting her head against the window.

"Listen, I know I was wrong about the lighthouse and wrong about everything else going on. But I was right about one thing. Okay? My dad is trying to tell me something." John B let out as he pulled up to the cemetery parking lot.

"John B, what are we doing?" Kie groaned out but John B only shushed her. "I swear to god, if we get eaten by zombies or get possessed or some shit I'm blaming you." Quinn grumbled out, pointing at John B even though his back was towards her.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You know how you're trying to remember a song and you can't remember who sings it?" "Yeah, sure." Quinn answered John B's question, shrugging her shoulders.

John B nodded. "So, Redfield. This whole time, I thought it was a place, right? But it's not a place. It's a person." John B shone a light on the name of the headstone reading, 'REDFIELD'.

"Voi-effing-lá" JJ let out from beside Quinn. She rested her head on Popes shoulder as John B continued. "See my great-great-grandmother Olivia Redfield. That was her maiden name. Help me with the door, come on." John B encouraged.

As the boys tried to push the door open, Quinn walked next to Kie, linking their arms as they watch the boys. Quinn suddenly heard a slither and a snake popped out of the tomb, making everyone yelp as they jumped back from the animal.

"That's a moccasin, all right. Ye olde Dr. Cottonmouth. Death in tall grass." JJ exclaimed before barking. "JJ, shut the fuck up!" Quinn screamed to him. "You're going to wake the dead man." JJ turned to Pope with an innocent look. "They're afraid of dogs. Everyone knows that."

"Wait, if there's one, there are probably dozens." Quinn concluded, stopping the boys from going any closer to the grave. JJ kept barking at the vines surrounding the stone. "Stop barking at the snakes." John B seethed.

Quinn flashed her flashlight around the tomb until her eyes land on a hole in the corner. She squinted her eyes as if it it could help her see better.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She turn her head to Kie at her question and sighed. "Sadly." Quinn paused for a few seconds before speaking again. "We can get through." "What?" John B asked, walking towards the girls as he shook his head. "No, no, no, no. You think you two are gonna fit through the hole?"

"You guys don't call me shortstack for nothing." Quinn shrugged out.

"Well, only JJ calls you that." Pope said as if it would change Quinn's mind about going in but JJ shrugged. "I say it because of your height, not because I want you to climb into a gravestone but if you want to... go right ahead, I'll give you a boost."

JJ leaned up against the wall as Kie, Pope, and John B got the vines out of the way. "Okay, I'll give you a boost. I've seen it in movies several times. Now shortstack, if you see any snakes, Bark. Okay, ready?"

Quinn chuckled at JJ and nodded her head before turning to John B. "Remind me what I should be looking for." "You'll know when you see it." John B breathed out. She nodded her head and handed Pope her flashlight and he quickly grabbed her wrist. "Be careful." Pope whispered. Quinn smiled, nodding her head as she turned back to the hole.

"All right, so put your hands right there-" "I know what I'm doing. I've seen the movies." Quinn jokingly shot at JJ, climbing into the hole easily.

"Flashlight?" Quinn asked and Pope threw the flashlight through the hole to Quinn.

She looked around but she still couldn't see. "You're alive? You got, like a heartbeat and everything?" John B asked and Quinn nodded even though they couldn't see her. "Yep. I'm going to need more light though." "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got you." John B muttered, putting his hand into the tomb letting his lantern shine.

Quinn looked around at the now lit room and her eyes fell on an envelope, 'BIRD' written in big letters. "Did you find something? Is it gold?" JJ asked but Quinn's eyes stay on the envelope. "Holy fuck."

i don't really have much else to say so BYE BABESSS

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