v. cooped up

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Quinn laid on the last step of her houses staircase, reading a magazine Sarah had left at her house when her mother came down the stairs, letting out a large gasp when she saw her daughter on the floor.

"Jesus Christ, Quincy! I almost stepped on you!" Marian screeched as Quinn quickly sat up, pulling her feet to her chest so her mom had space to walk and once she passed, Quinn laid back down. "Sorry momma. I was just stalling while I waited for Kie and Pope to her here."

Marian sighed at her daughters words. "How are those friends of yours?" Quinn smiled at her words. Her mother had never been too found of Quinn's friends but Quinn was always glad that her mom still asked about them.

"They're doing good!" Quinn smiled out as her father walked down the stairs, noticing Quinn on the last step and laughed, quickly joined her, laying down one step above her.

Quinn giggled slightly at her dad as he held a goofy smile on his face. "I can see why you lay here all the time. It's quite comfortable." Henry mumbled. Marian turned her head to see what her husband was talking about and shook her head at the sight of Henry and Quinn on the stairs as she tried to hold back a smile.

The sound of a car horn honking made Quinn shoot up from her spot on the stairs, quickly grabbing her bag by the door as she turned to her parents. "That's them! Bye!"

Quinn could barely hear her parents say goodbye back before she slammed the door, running towards Kie's car.


"And all we hear is just, "Bam! Bam! Bam!' Knocking paint off the wall, G! From the inside. All right? And I'm just looking at him, like... Wait, first off, look at this shit." JJ rambled, running over to the couch, running his hands through his hair as little white particles came out of his hair, making Quinn cringe, scooting closer to JJ as Kie groaned. "That's dandruff.

"Okay, thank you." Pope sarcastically said as Quinn pushed JJ's head away. "Look at all that. All right? That's paint." Quinn sarcastically raised her brows, nodding her head. "Yeah... paint. You keep telling yourself that."

Pope stifled a laugh as JJ ignored her, pointing to the white grains. "At that point, I was just, like... I'm waiting for death."

Pope rolled his eyes at JJ's words, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Oh, okay, so you saw the guys that shot at us, right?"

JJ nodded as he took a hit of his joint. "Yeah."

"Did you get a good description of them?" Pope asked and Quinn immediately nodded, turning to JJ. "Yeah! What did they look like? Anything?"

"Anything we can bring to a police report?" Pope asked and JJ turned to them casually. "Yeah. Burly."

Quinn tilted her head slightly before turning to Pope beside her as if JJ was crazy. "Did he just fucking say burly?" Pope turned to Quinn, slowly nodding his head as JJ groaned. "Yeah. You know, like... Okay, well, no, like the type of guy at my dad's garage. I mean, you guys know he made cargo hides for drug smugglers."

"Yeah. Yes. No, we know." Kie mumbled, making JJ point to her. "So, I can tell you with full confidence, these boys, these killers... they're square groupers."

This time, Pope turned to Quinn with a confused look before turning back to JJ. "They're square groupers, like narco square grouper? Like Pablo Escobar square grouper?" Pope asked and Quinn groaned. "You guys, not everything is a kingpin movie."

"You weren't there. Dude! I wasn't taking little mental Polaroids the entire time. I was under duress, okay? But I can tell you... I can tell you by the way that Ms. Lana was screaming... that these guys are serious, serious hombres, man. It's a heavy vibe right now, okay?"

"I'm not liking this very much." Quinn mumbled and Kie looked up to her, nodding as Pope sighed, running a hand down his face. "Why do they want the compass? It's a piece of shit. You couldn't pawn it off for five bucks if you wanted to." Quinn quickly whacked Pope's arm, gesturing to John B who looked down sadly, making Pope sigh. "No offense. I know it's in your family..."

"The office." John B breathed out. "What?" Quinn asked as John B started walking into the house, making the rest of the group follow. "My dad. My dad's office."

"He always kept the office locked because he was worried about his competitors stealing his Royal Merchant research. We used to laugh at him like he was gonna find it. But now that he's gone, I've just kinda... I just left it as he kept it." John B rambled as they walked towards the locked door.

Kie said, elbowing Quinn beside her, making the blonde groan as she nodded. "Yeah, for when he gets back."

John B nodded, opening the door as the five walked in. "I've slept over here like 600 times, and I've never seen this door opened." Pope mumbled as Quinn slowly nodded her head.

John B quickly grabbed the bulletin board standing on the table and quickly laid it down. "Here, look. This is the original owner, right here. Okay. Robert Q. Routledge, 1880 to 1920."

"There's the lucky compass, right there." Quinn mumbled, pointing at the picture of Robert. John B groaned sligthy. "Actually, um... he was shot after he bought it." Quinn winced at his words as one of the roosters crowed loudly.

"Then the compass was shipped back to Henry. He was killed in a crop-dusting accident when he had the compass. After he died, the compass was given to Stephen. Stephen had the compass with him when he died in Vietnam." John B explained as Quinn slowly looked up, locking wide eyes with Pope.

"Let me guess, he died in action, right?" JJ asked, crossing his arms as John B slowly looked up to him. "Sort of. Uh, a-actually, he was killed by a banana truck. In... in country. Anyways, after that, Stephen passed the compass down to him, my dad."

Quinn hummed, nodding her head. "I'm sensing a reoccurring theme." Pope nodded, pointing at her. "Death compass, you have a death compass."

John B rolled his eyes. "I do not." "You have a death compass." Quinn said louder. "Get rid of it. It's cursed, and made its way back to you." JJ said as John B shook his head. "Look, my dad used to talk about this compartment in here. Soldiers used to hide secret notes."

He quickly twisted off the cap and Kie's eyes went wide, pointing at the back. "What's that?" John B looked to where she was, his eyes going just as wide as hers.  "That wasn't there before. This is my dad's handwriting."

"How can you know that?" Pope breathed out and John B quickly showed him the compass. "Because he does these weird Rs with the... See it?"

Quinn slowly nodded as JJ leaned over her shoulder. "Can I see it?" John B quicjly showed it to him, JJ squitning as he tried to read the words. "Red... Rout... No, I think that's an A."

Kie rolled her eyes, turning to JJ. "It says Redfield." JJ  pulled his lips into a line, nodding his head. "Right."

Quinn shrugged, looking down at John B. "Okay, well, what's Redfield?" "The most common name in the county." Pope muttered sarcastically, making Quinn elbow him in the ribs.

"Oh, maybe... maybe it's a clue. Alright?Maybe it's a clue to where he's hiding." John B said as Pope rolled his eyes slightly. "A clue? Come on, that's-" Quinn cleared her throat, making Pope look at her and sigh, stopping his sentence. "But if it is a clue, maybe it's an anagram?"

JohnB snapped his fingers, pointing at him. "Yes. Perfect. Anagram. You need paper."

Quinn nodded as John B grabbed a paper, sitting it in front of Pope and Quinn. "Here you go." John B muttered as the rooster crowed again, making Quinn groan. "How can you concentrate with that fucking thing crowing at you?"

"JJ loves the rooster." John B shrugged as JJ hummed, nodding. "I love the rooster."

Quinn nodded, looking down at the paper. "Ok. Great." She mumbled sarcastically. "Let us think." Pope added.

"Dedfiel. Colors... That's stupid." Pope muttered. "What about Ritalin?" Quinn asked, looking up at Pope but he shook his head.

"Dreidel? Fiddler?" JJ asked, making Pope groan slightly. "Let's stick with what we're-" "Wait! Defile. Does that mean anything to any of you?" Quinn asked, looking to Pope, Kie and JJ, all of them shaking their heads, making Quinn sigh.

"Guys?" John B asked but no one hard him.

"No. You're missing a letter." Quinn mumbled, scribbling out JJ's word as John B turned around to face the four. "Guys! Somebody's here."

The four quickly ran over to the window, watching as two men hopped out of a black van, walking towards the house. "Guys, guys, is that them?" Kie asked as JJ sighed, walking away to start pacing.

"John B, I told you. Why does it always-" "JJ! Hey, look at me. Where's the gun?" John B interrupted. JJ gulped. "Gun? I, uh, I can't... I don't..."

Quinn felt her heart start racing, her hands going to the sides of her head. "Now you don't have the gun. That thing was glued to your fucking hip and the one time we need the gun, you don't have it?"

JJ's eyes shifted between his friends as he tried to think. "It was in my backpack, and then I..."

"On the porch. It's on the porch." John B mumbled and JJ quickly nodded, making John  push JJ out of the room. "Go, go."

"John Routledge! Come on out now!" One of the men screamed, making Quinn gasp for air as Kie grabbed her hand.

JJ came runing back into the room, closing the door. Quinn eyes went wide, noticing he wasn't carrying the weapon. "Where's the gun?"

JJ slowly looked to her, shaking his head. "They're on the front porch."

"Routledge! Where you at, boy?" The second man screamed.

"We gotta leave!" Kie mumbled as Quinn looked around the room, her eyes falling on the window and she quickly pointed at it. " Guys, window. Window."

Pope and JJ ran to the window as glass smashed from outside the door, making Quinn jump and turn to the two boys.

"What's wrong? Why is it taking so long?" Pope quickly turned to her as they continued to try and open the window. It's painted shut."

Kie quickly walked around the room as Quinn tried to control her breathing. Kie grabbed a small knife that sat on the table and ran to the windows. "Okay, guys. Guys. Here, I got it."

Pope quickly moved out of Kie's way so she could open the window. He watched JJ and Kie struggle before turning around, his eyes landing on a panicking Quinn. He quickly walked up to her, pulling her into his chest as he rested his cheek on top of her head.

"Come on." JJ mumbled to Kie, angering the girl. "I'm going as fast as I can!" Kie said a little too loudly, making Pope and John B shush her.

The door Quinn, Pope and John B were leaning on started to rattle making them jump away as the wood started to break. "You better not be in there!" The man yelled.

Kie gasped for air as JJ finally got the window open. He quickly pushed Kie out the window before getting out himself. "Come on. Come on!" JJ whispered.

Poep quickly crawled out after him ad Quinn was next, hopping out of the window. Pope caught her just before she fell to the ground from the slightly high jump considering her height.

Once John B jumped out of the window, JJ started running to the chicken coop, making everyone follow after him.

Quinn had her knees pulled up to her chest, hiding her head in her knees as the roosters continued crowing, making JJ groan. "Do something, Pope. Shut him up."

"What do you want me to do?" Pope whisper yelled

"Pet it, or talk to it. I don't know." Kie whispered as John B leaned up against the wall, one of the men looking towards the coop.

Quinn shut her eyes tightly, shaking her head as the rooster clucked louder, running around the coop, hitting their legs as it passed them.

"You do something." Pope whispered as JJ tackled the rooster. Quinn shook her head in her knees, shaking her head when a sickening crack echoed through the coop and the rooster stopped clucking.

She slowly lifted her head and saw JJ leaned over the rooster, his hands around it's neck. Quinn let out a quiet, shaky breath. She felt a hand grab hers and looked down, squeezing Pope's hand tighter.

"Ratter! What the hell are you doin'? Let's go." The man screamed and Quinn slowly looked out one of the cracks of the coop, watching as the man walked back to his car.

—we love robbins family moments😫🤚

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