xviii. pogue style

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After they checked on Sarah, the four drove back to The Wreck, deciding to spend the night there in case any officers came to their houses.

The next morning, Quinn woke up to the booth she was sleeping in shaking. She groaned slightly, opening her eyes and saw JJ and Pope in the seats across the booth from her, kicking her to wake her up.

When she sat up, both Pope and JJ gave her big smiles. Quinn glared at them, still tired from her lack of sleep and how uncomfortable the booth was. Pope tilted his head at her angry express as JJ sighed, trying to annoy her. "Good morning, sunshine." Quinn squinted at the boys, giving them a sarcastic smile as Pope got out of the booth beside JJ, sliding into Quinn's side, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

Three police cars passed the restaurant, making JJ groan. "He's pinched for sure, man." Quinn instantly shook her head as Kie came over from the counter. "No. They wouldn't still be patrolling if they caught him." JJ sighed at her words, leaning his head back. "Let's hope."

Kie leaned on the table, raising her brows at her three friends. "You know, we were in that car. They're probably looking for us, too." Pope sighed, looking up at Kie as he shrugged. "Well, if we're gonna be outlaws, we might as well help John B." He mumbled before getting out of the booth, grabbing his backpack.

Quinn furrowed her brows at him as he started walking out of the restaurant. "So, find him before they do?"

Pope didn't answer her question, continuing to walk out of the restaurant, making the other three follow after. "Pope?" JJ called out as Pope walked towards JJ's red motorbike.

"I'm gonna get gas for the boat." Pope called out over his shoulder to the three. Quinn jogged over to him just before he started the bike.

"Hey, you be careful. Okay?" Quinn mumbled, her hand on Pope's shoulder. Pope nodded, quickly leaning down and kissing her. "Meet me at the dock at three. Don't be late." Quinn nodded and Pope sent her one last nod before riding off.

JJ and Kie watched the scene from the stairs but JJ raised his hand. "So uh... What was that?" Quinn rolled her eyes, turning to JJ and Kie. "Let's just continuing packing up, alright?"


"Do you think we got enough food for them?" Quinn asked as she, JJ and Kie walked out of The Wreck and towards Kie's car to put away everything John B needed for his getaway. JJ shrugged as he put the boxes in the trunk. "I mean, for a couple of weeks, and that's all they need, so..."

"Where you been?" An all too familiar voice called out, making Kie freeze. The three turned around to the voice and saw Kie's mom and Henry standing in front of them. Quinn sighed, walking towards her dad. "We're fine. I slept here, dad."

Henry sighed angrily, crossing his arms. "Well, we were up half the night, scared to death, lookin' for you. Your mother is searching the Cut looking for you."

"Were you even gonna tell us?" Kie's mom yelled, making Kie shrug. "Well, I'm telling you right now." Henry glared at his daughter before noticing JJ behind her, making him point at both of them. "What the hell are you guys up to?"

JJ sighed, looking at the man he considered a second father to him with sad eyes. "I'm sorry, Henry, we gotta go." Quinn nodded at her dad and Kie frowned at her mom. "Sorry."

Quinn went to walk towards the passenger side of the car as Kie went to the drivers seat. Kie's mom grabbed her daughters arm, shaking her head. "No. I'm sorry. Absolutely not. Have you heard what's going on?"

"Mom, I'll explain later." Kie mumbled as the sound of a car pulling up made Quinn turn her head. She sighed as her mom pulled up, getting out of the car and walking towards her. "Oh, Jesus..."

"Have you seen the storm? This is not safe." Henry said, looking at his daughter from over the car hood as if she were crazy. "I'm sorry, Dad. We have to go!" Quinn yelled and Kie's mom shook her head, turning to Kie as JJ walked towards Quinn to get to the passenger seat.

As Kie and her mom continued to argue, Quinn tried to get into the backseat before either of her parents got to her but her mom caught her arm just before she could climb in. Quinn looked at her mom with begging eyes, trying to pry her hand out of her grip. "Mom, John B needs me!"

Marian nodded, letting go of Quinn's hand to cup her face. "I know. Go protect your friends. Go be a Pogue. Be yourself, Quincy." Quinn smiled at her mom with a big smile, giving her a quick hug before climbing into the car.

JJ quickly sped passed Marian, sending her a small smile that she laughed at as Henry ran towards the passenger side of the car. "Hey, hey! Kids, get out of the car." Henry yelled as Quinn and JJ locked their doors just before Henry could try to open them.

Henry turned to Marian with wide eyes, pointing at the two kids in the car. "Why are you so okay with this? Aren't you the one of us?" Henry whispered in a slightly joking manner, making Marian smile. "Let them go."

Kie climbed into the car, immediately starting it and driving as her mom screamed after them. "Stop it right now. Right now, Kiara! This is not safe! Stop! Stop! Kiara!"

As they got farther and farther from The Wreck and closer to JJ's, the blond boy slowly turned around in his seat, smirking slightly at Quinn. "Your real names Quincy?" Kie snickered slightly at the question as Quinn rolled her eyes. "Shut the fuck up."

The car stopping made Quinn and JJ look ahead. JJ sighed at the sight of his house, unbuckling his seatbelt. "Home sweet home." Quinn frowned slightly, turning to look at JJ. "Do you want one of us to come? 'Cause we will." Quinn asked softly, Kie nodding along but JJ sighed, shaking his head. "No. This will only take a second."

Before either girls could stop him, he got out of the car and into the house.

The two girls sat in silence for a few minutes before Kie sighed, making Quinn look up at her through the rear view mirror. "We're gonna beat this, right?"

Quinn sighed, leaning forward between the two front seats and sticking her hand out at Kie. "Five hundred mil." Kie looked down at Quinn's hand before doing their handshake. "Five hundred mil."

The passenger door swung open and JJ climbed in. "How'd it go?" Quinn asked turning to JJ who turned his head, looking back and forth between both girls, waving the keys in his hand.

Kie let out a relieved sigh, looking back to the road as Quinn went back into her spot.


"There she be." JJ said happily as they walked towards the boat in the big garage. He practically skipped towards The Phantom, patting the side of it. "Hey, girl. A 1983 Formula 402 SR1. The Phantom. The first boat to make the run to Bermuda in under 16 hours, Girls. Forty years old! Forty. And still the fastest thing that Kildare's ever seen."

Kie's face scrunched, shrugging. "It's kind of a junker." Quinn let out an over exaggerated gasp, turning to Kie. "Really? She's right there, Kie. She can hear you." JJ nodded, pointing at Quinn. "Shortstack's right." Quinn snorted, shaking her head as she waved her arms around. "Oh, I was just joking. I just... don't see the big deal."

JJ put his hand to his heart, before pointing at Quinn defensively. "Let's just put it this way. You would not be smokin' weed right now if she never existed, okay?" Quinn's eyes went as she curtsied to the boat.

Kie sighed, crossing her arms. "I just hope it runs." JJ smiled, nodding his head. "Oh, no, she'll run all right. She's faster than any cutters the boys in blue got."

The sound of a motorcycle approaching made Quinn sigh in relief, walking to the other side of the boat. "Pope. Finally!" Quinn dramatically groaned. Just as she turned the corner of the boat, she was face to face with Rafe, making her eyes go wide.

"Hey, there, Quinn. What's goin' on? JJ? How you guys doin'?" Rafe asked. Kie ran up to Quinn, grabbing her arm and pulling her back towards her and JJ as Rafe followed them.

A whistle from the other side of JJ made the three turn their heads and they were met with Barry, making Quinn try to swallow down her nerves. "Well, well..." Barry mumbled before reaching behind his back, pulling out a gun and pointing it right at JJ, making the blond immediately raise his hands in surrender.

"See, don't think I forgot about me and you on the side of the road. I'm here because I want my motherfuckin' money." Barry said before using the back of the gun, hitting him on the head, sending JJ to the ground.

"JJ!" Both girls screamed, going to run towards him. Rafe grabbed Quinn's arm since she was closer to him as Kie tried to help JJ.

"Rafe!" Quinn screamed, trying to shake herself out of Rafe's grip. He pulled her to the other side of the garage and held her back from helping Kie and JJ.

"It's not you we want, Quinn. Where's John B?" Rafe asked, his hands on Quinn's shoulders to keep her from getting away. "I don't know!" Quinn screamed, punching Rafe right in the face.

Rafe's hand immediately went to his face, a small chuckle escaping his lips as he squinted at Quinn. "I really wish you didn't do that." Quinn held her head high, her jaw clenched as she glared at him. "I know what you did." She mumbled.

Rafe chuckled, getting right up in Quinn's face. "What? What did I do, Quinn?" Quinn's nose scrunch in anger. "You kill Peterkin." Quinn spat out. Rafe's face dropped and in an instant, his hand was around Quinn's neck, cutting off her airways. "Don't you ever say those fucking words again, you hear me?"

Quinn took in a sharp breath as she glared and him. "You bitch." She muttered, making Rafe tighten his grip around her neck. "Where's John B?" Rafe yelled as Quinn tried to take in a breath of air to speak. "I don't know." She whispered.

"Where's John B? Huh?" Rafe yelled, his grip loosening slightly for her to lean back slightly, kneeing him in the balls. "I don't know!"

Rafe stumbled back, his grip on Quinn letting go just as Pope ran into the garage, hitting Rafe on the back with a metal pole. "Don't touch her!" Pope yelled.

Rafe hit the pole out of Pope's hands, going to send a punch his way but Pope dodged it, punching Rafe. "Hey!" Barry screamed, leaving Kie and JJ to point his gun at Pope. JJ grabbed Barry's ankle, making the man fall to the ground, dropping his gun.

"Quinn! Kick it!" Kie screamed and Quinn instantly ran towards the gun, kicking it under the boat. JJ quickly got up, grabbing Barry by the shirt. He punched Barry in the face and kneed him in the stomach, sending Barry to the ground.

Quinn, Kie and JJ turned around and watched as Pope continued to punch Rafe, making their eyes go wide. "Pope!" Quinn screamed. "Hey, Pope! Pope, that's good! Stop!" Kie yelled but Pope continued hitting Rafe.

"He's had enough, dude." JJ screamed, as Pope pushed Rafe onto the table, wrapping a hose around his neck, making Quinn's eyes go wide. "Pope! Snap out of it!" JJ ran up behind Pope, wrapping his arms across Pope's shoulder to get him off of Rafe. "Pope! Get off! Let go! Come on!"

Pope finally let go of the hose, Rafe falling to the ground in a coughing, bloody mess.

"It's okay. Okay, we gotta go. We gotta go." Kie muttered, going to grab Quinn's hand and drag her to the car but Quinn shook her hand out of Kie's grasp. Pope glared at Rafe, leaning down slightly. "Stay off the cut." Pope warned before looking up at Quinn.

Quinn locked eyes with Pope before she looked down at Rafe, her hands on her knees as she leaned down to get closer to his face. "Don't you fucking touch me ever again." She whispered, her voice cracking from her throat already growing sore.

"Quinn! Pope! Come on!" Kie yelled. Quinn looked at the car before looking back down at Rafe. She slowly stood up, walking to the car, Pope right beside her.


"Dude, where is he?" Kie asked, pacing slightly as they stood at the meeting spot, still waiting for John B. Quinn groaned as she leaned against the tree beside the dock, her arms crossed. "Give him a second. He'll be here." JJ nodded from inside The Phantom. "He's coming. He'll be fine."

A loud siren and a police cruiser pulling up made Quinn push herself off the tree, speeding towards the boat. "JJ!" Kie yelled and JJ nodded.

"Hey, yeah. Get back on the boat. Untie it." JJ yelled. Pope grabbed Quinn's hand pulling her towards the boat. Kie looked back as the driver of the cruiser got out of the car and let out a small, making Quinn, Pope and JJ turn around.

"No fucking way." Kie laughed out as John B walked towards them, dangling the keys of the car before throwing them in the air and catching them, putting them in his pockets. Quinn's jaw dropped, watching John B walk over with a big smile. "You've gotta be kidding me." She laughed out as John B hummed happily. "Shoupe let me take it for a spin."

"Okay. That's believable. I'll buy that for now." Pope mumbled as JJ walked over to John B, tossing him the keys to the boat. "It wasn't easy, bro, but I got the Phantom for you, and she runs like she was made yesterday. You ready to go?"

John B smiled at the group before his smile fell, looking around. "Where's Sarah?" Quinn's face dropped at John B's question. "She's not with you?" John B turned to her, shaking his head. "No, we got separated in the swamp. She said she'd meet me here."

Pope's lips pursed as he shook his head. "No, we haven't seen her." John B shrugged, shaking his head crazily. "Okay, well, I'm not leaving without her."

JJ sighed, hopping of the boat to stand in front of John B. "John B, look at me. I know you feel bad for leaving, but there's no time, man. You've got plenty of gas, plenty of food. Once you get around that point, it's a straight shot across the sound to Dismal Swamp, okay? Once you get there, lay low, all right? Hang out for a couple of weeks and then go overland, cross the border at Brownsville, you got that? Brownsville. You... Hey! You got that?"

John B nodded as JJ slapped his face. "Yeah, yeah. Brownsville." JJ let out a relieved sigh, walking towards the front of the boat with Pope to push it farther into the water. "All right. Saddle her up, saltwater cowboy. Let's do this. Yeah."

"Hey. Hey." John B yelled, making the four turn to him. John B looked over all of them before sighing. "I'm sorry for basically... throwing us off a cliff with this whole treasure hunt thing."

JJ shook his head, smiling slightly. "Hey, John B, yo... we were bound to run off a cliff at some point, right?" Quinn nodded, a small laugh escaping her lips. "I always thought it was gonna be JJ's fault but you know... you can't pick and choose."

JJ punched Quinn's shoulder, letting out a small laugh as he wrapped his arms around her and Kie, Quinn wrapping her arms around Pope to bring him into the small group. "At least we did it together, though." Quinn mumbled, a smile on her face as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

John B blinked, tears falling down his face as he nodded. "Pogue style." John B whispered, making the four smile and nod, starting to grow emotional. "Pogue style." They all whispered.

"Get out of here! Please, I don't want my mascara to run." Quinn laughed, wiping her eyes, making everyone laugh. JJ sniffled slightly, nodding his head at John B. "Now. We'll see you in two months, down in Mexico. Love you."

John B nodded, walking towards the driving area of the boat before stopping and turning to the group. "Hey, wait... wait a second. Tell Sarah I said goodbye, okay?" John B asked and Quinn smiled softly, nodding her head. "Of course."

"Don't forget. Cross the border at Brownsville, okay?" JJ said, using the hand that was around Quinn's shoulder to point at John B, making him smile and nod. "Got it." JJ slowly removed his arms from Kie and Quinn as all four of them pushed the boat further into the water.

Quinn watched John B ride away, a small frown on her face. Pope looked down at Quinn, watching as she sniffled slightly before pulling her into his side and kissing the top of her head.

"Everything's gonna be okay, right?" Quinn asked, watching the water. Pope sighed, rubbing his thumb against her waist. "I hope so." He mumbled as sirens blared through the air.

"Hey, guys, I'm sorry to ruin the party, but, uh, we gotta go right now." JJ yelled, making Quinn and Pope look away from the water and to the road as they were quickly cornered by police cars.

Quinn and Kie instantly raised their hands in the air as JJ slowly followed along. Kie turned to Pope, notcing his hands were still be his side. "Pope." Kie warned as Shoupe and ten other men ran towards the four. "Move. Hands up! Hands up!"

"Pope, hands." Kie yelled and Pope finally raised his hands in the air. Shoupe looked around the group, hoping one of the teens standing in front of him was John B but when he didn't see him he groaned.

"We're too late. He's gone. God damn it!" Shoupe yelled before turning to the SBI agent behind him. "Bratcher, have your guys stand down. Let me talk to these kids."

Bratcher looked at Shoupe before turning to his men, nodding. Shoupe stomped towards the four, glaring at them. "All right, where the hell is he? Where the hell is he?"

Shoupe's brows raised as no one answered his question, making him turn to each kid one by one. "JJ? I see you're livin' up to your name. Pope, how about you? This isn't a fucking game! Quinn, I know your folks won't be happy about this. You can do the right thing now! Where'd he go?" Shoupe yelled.

The SBI Agent groaned, grabbing his radio. "Suspect has just left Station 26 in a small boat. Need marine patrol to respond."


"Right to your left here." Shoupe said as he led the four into a tent just off the shore. Quinn fell into her seat in between Kie and Pope with JJ on the other side of Kie as Shoupe pointed at all of them. "Sit down. Don't move. We got a lot to talk about."

Quinn looked around the tent, her eyes falling on a crowd of agents and officers around a table. With her hands on her knees, her pointer finger bounced. She took in a deep breath. looking out towards the water as Pope put his hand over hers.

Quinn turned to Pope, locking eyes with him before looking down at their hands, slowly turning hers around so she can hold his hand.

A bright light followed by the crashing sound of thunder made the four jump slightly, turning to the outside of the tent, watching as the waves crashed against each other. Quinn squeezed Popes hand tighter, trying to calm her nerves.

When Shoupe came back in, the four instantly stood up, watching as he trudged over to them. Quinn kept her grip on Pope's hand as she looked at Shoupe. "Did you find them?" She asked, a small hint of hope in her voice.

Shoupe sighed, his head shaking slightly. "No." He mumbled, making Kie's eyes widen. "So, they got away?" Shoupe gulped, looking between the four. "We, uh... we lost them. I'm sorry."

Quinn face fell as she felt a small lang in her chest. "You lost them? What do you mean you lost them? Like, they're gone? They got away?" Shoupe turned to Quinn, his chin held high. "They took an open boat into a tropical depression, Quinn."

"So, they're dead?" Kie asked quickly and Shoupe shrugged. "We don't know." JJ threw his hands to his head as he looked at Shoupe in anger. "You drove them straight through the storm, man!" JJ yelled before running to Shoupe. "Are you kidding me? Come here! I'm gonna kill you!"

"JJ, stop!" Kie yelled as officers pried JJ off of Shoupe. Kie turned to Quinn who was trying to hold back tears. As soon as the girls locked eyes, they pulled each other into a hug. "I'm gonna kill you, you bastard!" JJ yelled, trying to break out of the officers grasp.

"Hey!" Shoupe yelled at JJ before Pope got in his face. "He didn't kill anyone, and you know it!" Pope said as Shoupe pushed him back slightly. "We're still looking for him, all right?" Shoupe yelled.

Out of the corner of her eyes, Quinn saw multiple figures walk towards the tent. She turned her head and watched as her, Pope and Kie's parents walked towards them. Quinn instantly let out a small sob at the sight of her parents. She instantly ran into her mom, catching the woman off guard as she held her head. "Hey. Hey." Marian mumbled quietly.

Quinn slowly pulled away from her mom and turned to her dad. Henry opened his arms to his daughter, resting his chin on her head. "I'm sorry, pumpkin." He mumbled as Quinn let out another small sob, the sound getting muffled in her dads jacket.

"They're gone. They're gone." Quinn cried as Marian joined in the hug. "I'm so sorry, baby." Marian mumbled, running a hand through Quinn's hair before kissing the top of her head. "I'm so sorry."

Henry held on tight to his wife and daughter, he opened his eyes and watched as Pope and Kie hugged their parents with JJ standing alone. Henry opened an arm out to JJ.

The boy look at the family in front of him before bolting to join the hug. The four stayed like that for a few seconds before Quinn felt a small tap on her shoulder. She slowly removed herself from the group hug and locked eyes with Pope, tears streaking down his face. Quinn held back another cry as she sniffled, instantly jumping into a hug. She felt her heart burn for her first ever friend, Sarah Cameron and one of her best friends, John B. 

—I'll see you guys back here when season 2 comes out in like a couple days so keep this mf in y'all's libraries😫🤚
thank you for all the love you guys give to this book!! i'm glad you all like it sm❤️

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