xxi. stop screaming

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After running after Pope, the four ended up hiding behind a set of bushes watching Ward sit in his car, waiting for him to do something.

Quinn was squished between Pope and Kiara and when she could see Pope doing something out of the corner of her eyes, she turned her heard, watching him crazily as he pulled out a huge camera.

"What the hell is that?" Quinn whisper yelled, catching JJ's attention from the other side of Pope and he instantly snickered. "Nice camera. Where'd you dig up that relic? Why don't you just use your phone?"

Pope rolled his eyes, looking back and forth between JJ and Quinn before looking into his camera to watch Ward. "Well, first of all, I like my antique electronics. Second of all, this is a telephoto. It allows me to get a close image from far away."

Kie scoffed out a laugh, shaking her head. "Lord of the Dorks. And you're dating him." She said, turning to Quinn at her last sentence, making Quinn hold back a smile.

"For definitive proof of witness payoff, we're gonna need quality glass." Pope said and Kie rapidly hit Quinn's shoulder. "Hey. Shush. There he is."

"Yo, get down!" JJ whisper yelled and the four ducked down slightly into the bushes. They watched as Ward walked out of his car, another car pulling up, revealing Gavin.

"And there's Gavin." Pope whispered, making sure the camera was pointing at the two men. "Where are you going, you son of a bitch." Quinn mumbled as she watched Ward walk into the second floor of a renovated building, Gavin trailing behind him.

"No, no, no, no! I'm losing him. Where is he going?" Pope yelled once the two men were in the building. JJ sighed, looking around before patting Popes shoulder. "Hold on."

Quinn's brows furrowed, watching as he walked to the back of a the building beside them. She could hear a small laugh from him before he peaked his head out, nodding his head to have them come over. "Hey, I found something. Come here."

Quinn turned to Pope who shrugged his shoulders. Kie walked towards the boy, Quinn and Pope following after him and when they got to JJ, he pointed at the ladder that led to the buildings roof. "Gotta go up top."

Popes eyes widen, a small smile growing on his face as he instantly ran towards the ladder. "Hurry. You don't want to miss anything." He whispered and Quinn nodded, going on the ladder after him. "That's right. Move your ass."

When Quinn got to the roof, she followed pope to the very edge of it to look at Ward and Gavin from across the street, feeling JJ get on the other side of her as Kie went beside him. "We rolling, Pope?" JJ asked and Pope nodded, looking into the camera. "Yep. Yeah, I see them. Ward just handed Gavin something. I think it's a duffel bag."

Quinn nodded at Quinn's words, turning to JJ and Kie on the other side of her. "Maybe this is a payoff?"

She turned back forward and could see Pope nod out of the corner of his eyes. "Gavin doesn't look like he's happy about something. It looks like he's yelling at Ward." Kie's brows furrowed at Pope, turning to him from over JJ and Quinn. "Why?"

"I don't know. But he sure looks mad." Pope mumbled. Quinn turn to the man at the building just as Ward tackled Gavin. Pope, having the scene zoomed in, jumped slightly. "Shit!" Pope yelled, making JJ whip his head to him from over Quinn. "What?"

"They're fighting." Pope said, squinting so he could see better in the camera. Quinn, growing nervous and impatient, nodded sarcastically. "Yeah, we can see that."

Pope looked away from the camera, sending Quinn a side eye, making the girl mumble a 'sorry' before Pope turned back to the two men fighting across the street. "They're really going at it."

"Ward's kicking the shit out of Gavin." Pope said and Kie's brows furrowed, shaking her head slightly. "What are they fighting over?" Pope shook his head. "I don't know. I'm trying to see."

Quinn sighed, turning to the building across the street and squinting to try to see the men. She watched as word pushed Gavin back and look down at the table beside him. She watched as he picked up a black object and Quinn instantly knew what it was. "Holy shit. Ward's got a gun."

"I bet it's the murder weapon." JJ whispered before hitting the building. "That son of a bitch."

A loud gunshot caught the four by surprise. Each one jumped and felt their ear ring from the noise. All of them ducked slightly at the noise, their eyes wide.

"Oh my God." Pope yelled as the three watched Gavin fall to the ground, Ward standing over him a few feet away.

"Please tell me that didn't happen." Quinn said, her voice out of breath and JJ looked at the scene with wide eyes. "Pope, tell me you just got that." JJ whispered and Pope nodded. "Enough to put this asshole away for life."

More gunshots rang through the air, making Quinn jump slightly, watching as Gavin fell to the ground once again.

"I don't wanna watch." Quinn mumbled, moving to face behind her and leaning against the small wall they were peaking over. Pope looked away from the camera for a few seconds to look at Quinn and he quickly grabbed her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze before turning back to the men.

"This is crazy." JJ whispered and Quinn nodded. "I think we should go right now." Quinn whispered, barely even hearing herself over her heartbeat in her ears. JJ nodded from beside her, turning to Pope from over her. "Definitely, Pope, you have enough, right?"

"Yeah. Wait. Wait. Wait. Hold on. He's coming out." Pope said and Quinn moved around to look back at the crime scene and almost seconds later, Ward walked out of the building, and going onto the street. "There he goes." JJ mumbled as the three watched Ward stumble through the street.

"I think he's looking for the gun." Quinn said before Ward fell on his knees, looking into the storm drain, making Popes eyes widen. "I think the gun just went down the drain."

"What is wrong with you?" Kie suddenly yelled, leaning off the edge of the building slightly, making the three other Pogues freeze. Quinn's eyes went wide, looking at Kie with a shocked look as she felt her heart drop in fear slightly. "Kie! What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Murderer!" Kie yelled before JJ pushed her away from the edge of the building. Quinn looked over the building at Ward before turning back to Kie. "Kiara! What the fuck was that?!"

"Are you crazy!?" JJ yelled and Kie shook her head. "I don't care if he hears me. He's a murderer." Quinn looked at Kie in anger, pushing passed JJ to get in her face. "Yeah, and we'll be his next goddamn victims if you don't shut the hell up!"

"Guys, he's sees us." Pope suddenly yelled, looking over the edge of the building. JJ cursed under his breath, running to stand beside Pope to see Ward coming towards them as Quinn looked at Pope with scared eyes.

"What?" Quinn asked, her voice shaky slightly before Pope ran towards the other side of the roof, grabbing Quinn's elbow and pushing her towards the ladder, letting her go down first.

"Quinn! Go! Go!" Kie yelled and Quinn looked up at the three, jumping down and skipping the last 5 steps as she landed on the ground, her hands on her knees tiredly. She took a small step back to give the three some room to get down. She watched as Pope went down first. After he was down a few steps, JJ started going down.

Kie didn't even wait for JJ to make it down a step before she started climbing down the ladder, her foot landing right on JJs hand.

"Ow! Kie! My hand!" JJ yelled, his foot flying back right into Pope's face. Pope fell to the ground, losing grip on his camera as it hit the ground with a smash.

"No. No. No." Quinn whispered, her voice shaking in panic as she ran towards the camera, picking it up and feeling her stomach drop as the camera practically fell apart in her hands.

JJ and Pope looked at the camera with wide eyes before JJ turned to Pope angrily. "Are you kidding me? You fumbled it?" JJ yelled, pushing Pope back by his shoulders. Pope looked and JJ with wide eyes, getting in his face and pointing at him. "You kicked me in the face!"

"She stepped on my hand!" JJ yelled, pointing at Kie who only rose her hands in defense. "I was trying to hurry!" Quinn rolled her eyes at the three, grabbing Pope and Jj's shoulders and pulling them back. "Let's quit passing the blame and just go already!"

JJ nodded, looking around before pointing at the fence behind Quinn. Quinn's eyes went wide at the fence and after she heard someone walking towards them, all the sirens went off in her brain and she ran towards the fence, instantly hoping over it.

As soon as she hit the ground on the other side, she looked around to see where she was and noticed she was just one block away from where Kie left the car. She immediately ran after hearing the group jump over the fence.

Quinn didn't even look to see if the rest of the group was behind he before she jumped into the backseat of Kie's car. She fell back into the seats to try to catch her breath, her eyes shutting as the other doors open and the Pogues climbed in.

"Could someone fill me in on what the frick just happened." JJ yelled, hitting the roof of the car as quinn tried to catch her breath. "Holy shit." She breathed out as Pope turned around in his seat to look back at the two. "Wait. Wait. What were they fighting over?"

"Uh... It was a gun. The one Rafe used. He must've kept it." Quinn said, still trying to fully process what happened. JJ sighed, running a hand through his hair as he shook his head. "Of course. Of course. The murder weapon!"

"Pick up. Pick up. Pick up." Quinn heard Kie mumbled as she dialed a number into a phone. "Who are you calling?" Quinn asked, peeking her head in between the two front seats. Kie whipped her head to Quinn, shaking her head in a stressful manner. "Who do you think?!"

"The cops?" JJ asked and Kie rolled her eyes. "Who else am I supposed to call?" Kie yelled and JJ looked at her with wide eyes, his hands going to the sides of his heads before pointing at her. "Why would you call the police!? That's Ward!"

"Shut up!" Kie yelled, when she heard the operator speaking, turning back to her phone. "Hello? Hi. Somebody's been shot at the...  at the Grand Street construction site. You guys need to hurry because he's dying! I don't know if he's already dead or not." Kie yelled into the phone before hanging up.

The four sat in silence for a few seconds before Pope shook his head, turning to Kie in the drivers seat. "We can't just sit here! We're just sitting ducks!"

Kie turned to Pope harshly, raising her brows irritatedly "What do you want me to do?" Quinn, getting tired of the arguing the group had gone through, shook her head from behind Kie, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Just drive."


After a few minutes of letting out their sense of shock, the group drove back to the crime scene where Shoupe and his other men were waiting.

"Look, it was right here, and this is where the maniac claimed his next victim." Kie explained.

"His next victim?" Shoupe asked, an amused look on his face as his brows rose. Quinn and Kie both nodded eagerly, a small part of them hoping the man would believe them.

Shoupe looked at the two girls before sighing. "How long ago did you say this happened?" Quinn grabbed Popes arm, lifting it to her eyes sight to read his watch before dropping his hand and looking up at the cop. "Like... forty-five minutes ago."

Shoupe nodded, scratching his chin before crossing his arms. "Okay. So, Ward Cameron just popped one off and shot him?"

"Yes!" Kie yelled and Shoupe rolled his eyes, pointing at the ground. "Execution style? And then cleaned it all up in 45 minutes?"

"Obviously. I mean, we filmed the entire thing." JJ yelled. Shoupes eyes instantly widened, turning to the blond boy. "You filmed it?" Shoupe asked before looking between the four.

Quinn nodded, feeling her chest tighten slightly as she ran a hand through her hair. "Yes, but we can't show it to you because Kie started yelling for some unknown fucking reason so we had to start running; Kie stepped on JJ's hand, making him kick Pope in the face and drop the camera." Quinn said out of breath and Kie turned to her angrily.

"I already apologized for that!" Kie yelled, making Quinn turn to her, shaking her head. "I'm just stating facts!" Pope looked at the two girls arguing before shaking his head, turning back to Shoupe. "Officer, this is a telephoto and we needed to get a long distant image and I fell and it broke so the videos basically unusable. Bu- But we were there and-" "So the dog ate your homework?" Shoupe asked, raising his brows.

Kie sighed tiredly, shaking her head. "Shoupe, listen, I know we sound crazy-" "You're damn right! Look, I don't know what you kids expect me to do with this. You drag me out here in the middle of the night for a whole lot of nothing. Except for some crazy stories about how Ward Cameron's out on a random killing spree." Shoupe interrupted the girl, taking a step towards her and pointing in her face.

"We're not making this up!" Quinn yelled and Pope nodded. "It's not a random killing spree! Gavin was his pilot. Okay, he was paying him hush money because he was on the tarmac that day."

"Gavin was blackmailing him because he had the gun Rafe used to Peterkin. And then he called him here to try and pay him off. But it wasn't enough so he shot him! With the murder weapon!" Quinn added as she pointed at Pope. Shoupe rose his brows at the couple, his hands going to his waist. "How do you know that?"

Quinn sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Pope did this thing with his phone. He like... put it in his car and-" "I heard the whole conversation." Pope interrupted, noticing Quinn's struggle, making the blonde girl nodded tiredly.

"You wiretapped him?" Shoupe asked, his face contorting to anger. Quinn looked at him with wide eyes, an awkward passing her lips as she stepped back to stand beside Pope and grab his hand. "Why? Is that bad?"

Shoupe groaned, shaking his head as he walked down the stairs, back to the street. "Stop. I've had enough." Kie scoffed at the man, chasing after him down the stairs, the other three running after him. "What? Are you just gonna look the other way?"

"You ever heard about the boy who cried wolf?" Shoupe snarked and Quinn practically ran down the stairs, passing Kie. "Why can't you believe us for once?! Just listen!"

"Waste of my goddamn time." The man grumbled, turning to his men. "There's nothing up there! False alarm!"

"No, no. Please don't go home!" Kie cried, shaking her head as she looked at the men waking back into their patrol cars.

Quinn rolled her eyes at the officers, turning to Shoupe angrily. "Can't you just do your fucking job for once!" Shoupe instantly turned to Quinn, sending a disproving finger her way. "Hey! I know you're upset. And I know you think your friend is innocent."

"He is!" Kie said and Shoupe rose his hand, shutting her up as he continued. "But you weren't there. The only witnesses who are above ground say the exact opposite. All right? And both of them, have a hell of a lot more credibility than any of you right now." Shoupe yelled before taking a deep breath.

"I saw your little art project on Ward's wall." Shoupe said and Quinn's face scrunched, shaking her head slightly. "Wait. What's he talking about? What art project?" Quinn asked, looking between the other three. Shoupe rose his brows at Quinn before he gestured his head to Kie. Quinn whipped her head to Kie, instantly noticing the guilty look on her face, making her roll her eyes. "Oh, come on!"

"Do not do that again! gonna make things a lot harder for both of us. Go home." Shoupe said, getting on his last straw with the group as he walked towards the police car.

"Someone died tonight." Kie yelled after him but the man ignored her, getting into his car. "Go on home to your parents." Shoupe said one last time before driving away. Quinn rolled her eyes, flipping the patrol car as it passed the group before JJ groaned, his hands going to his head in frustration.

"I told you this would happen. Like you're the one that had to drop the camera!" JJ yelled, hitting Pope's shoulder, making Quinn instantly turn to him annoyed. "Don't blame him for this fucking mess!" Quinn yelled, her voice echoing down the street as she pointed at Pope.

JJ rolled his eyes, throwing his hands in the air slightly before taking a step closer to Quinn's face, just as pissed as her. "Oh! Because both of you are so fucking innocent?" Quinn took an immediate step back, her brows furrowed and her face scrunched. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"Hey. Hey!" Pope yelled, stopping Quinn and JJ's arguing, making them and Kie turn to him. "We're not out of this yet. We can still go get the gun."Pope mumbled, never taking his eyes off the water drain.

—listen. listen. i love kie. but wtf was she doing this episode🤨

i feel like there wasn't much pinn so i apologize😫

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