xxii. not it

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The morning after the Pogues witnessed Gavin's death, Pope led them to the draining pipe, hoping that if they all searched hard enough, they'd find the murder weapon.

"This is the North drain. It should've gotten washed into the gully. So if it got flushed out from this drain, it would've been pushed out to like..." "Right here." Quinn breathed out as JJ turned to her with pursed lips, nodding his head. "Bingo."

"Oh my God. People who use plastic should be shot." Kie muttered. Quinn's eyes widened, not turning around to the girl as she went into the water. "That's a bit of a stretch." She muttered as adjusted Popes old hat on her head.

"I personally love plastic. Use it everyday. Love that stuff." JJ said, making Quinn hold back a snicker, knowing Kie will get mad at him.

"Hopefully, you recycle it and don't let it flush into the ocean." Kie said making Quinn sigh, going towards the edge of the water by Pope, who hadn't gotten in the waters, feet. "Well, whether I agree or not; I know you and I knew you'd say something like that so..." Quinn grabbed a trash bag from her backpack, sending a childish smile to Kie.

Kie squinted at Quinn, tilting her head. "So you're... proactively protecting the environment?" Quinn shrugged as her three friends went into the water after her. "Whatever gets you to not yell at me. Now, lets pick up the trash."


"If it's not in the trash, then it's gotta be in the storm drain." Kie groaned after about an hour of taking all the trash out of the water, none of them finding the gun. Quinn sighed, readjusting the hat on her head as she looked into the drain. "It is... It's in there."

A small chuckle from JJ made the other three pogues turn to him. The boy walked towards the edge of the water they were standing in, watching as he reached into his bag and pulled out a crowbar.

"Good thing I brought the crow." He said happily, grabbing his crowbar and walking towards the gate of the drain. Quinn scoffed, walking towards him to help get the gate off, Pope and Kie u coming up from behind her to do the same.

With all four of them trying to get the gate off, it came off pretty quickly. JJ threw it off to the side while Quinn squatted down slightly to look inside as Kie spoke. "So, are we gonna do rock, papers, scissors?"

Quinn immediately let out a loud "uhhhhhh" noise, making them all turn to her as she stood up and turned to the three. "I would just like to point out, I went into that tomb. So... not it." She quickly said, taking a side step away from the drain.

Kie rolled her eyes while JJ pointed at the blonde girl and Pope nodded. "She's kinda right." "She's got a point." The two boys said at the time time, making Kie sigh, shaking her head. "Fine. Rock, paper, scissors between us three."

"No, no." JJ said, making Kie turn to him with raised brows.

"In the sewers, there's this worm that you get when you're down there. Gets into your blood and uh... comes out your pecker. So that's a hard pass for me." JJ said and Pope cringed at the blondes words, nodding. "Yeah... that's gonna be a no for me." Pope said and Kie snickered, shaking her head.

"No, I get it. You guys are scared." Kie said and the two boys were quick to shake their heads, letting out strings of no's but Kie just laughed at them, Quinn starting to laugh along too. "You guys don't have to be scared. I'll do it."

Kie slowly started to crawl into the sewer as JJ leaned down so he could see her. "Just holler of you need anything, okay?" He yelled as Quinn slowly turned to him, her face scrunched. "And what are we supposed to do when she hollers?"

JJ pursed her lips at her words, looking between Quinn and the sewer before looking back at Kie. "Yeah uh... we'll holler back."

"Very helpful. Thank you!" Kie yelled back.

"Did you find anything yet? Do you see the gun?" JJ yelled and Pope whacked his arm, shaking his head. "She just got in there." He grumbled as Quinn rolled her eyes, squatting entirely to look inside the sewer. "Kie! It's probably at the bottom of the catch basin. Just keep going!"

"I'm going!" Kie yelled back and Quinn nodded even though the girl couldn't see her. With that, Quinn stood back up, and leaned back against the wall of the sewer.

"Guys, I think I found something!" Kie yelled and Quinn, who had just gotten comfortable, shot off the wall and looked into the sewer, JJ and Pope doing the same. "Wait! You got it?!" Pope screamed as JJ laughed, clapping slightly. "Is it the gun?!"

Suddenly, Quinn's face fell, a scared look taking over as she rapidly hot the two boys' arms. "No! No! Oh my God! Guys, there's something dead in here!" Kie yelled and Quinn felt her heart drop. "Like a person?!" Quinn yelled, her voice going up an octave in shock as JJ pushed passed Quinn and Pope to get a better look inside the sewer. "Kie, Don't touch it that's how you get worms!"

Suddenly, Quinn's face fell, a scared look taking over. "Oh my God..." She muttered, catching Pope and JJ's attention, both of them turning to her with a worried look. "What?" JJ asked but Quinn didn't answer, only worrying the boys more.

"Quinn, what?!" Pope yelled and Quinn turned to them as she rapidly hit the two boys' arms. "Is it Gavin?!"

JJ's face fell just like Quinn's had, turning to Pope with a dropped jaw and a gasp. "Oh my God! Wait, Quinnie's got a point. I mean... it makes so much sense." JJ said, his hands going to the sides of his head, not believing what he was hearing.

"Guys!" Kie yelled, quickly snapping JJ out of his rant, the three of them looking back into the sewers as Kie continued to scream. "Guys, the water!"

Quinns brows furrowed at Kie's screams before she felt water splash at her ankles. She looked down and her eyes widened at water gushing out of the sewers. She quickly pushed herself passed Pope and JJ, squatting down and sticking her head inside the sewer pipe. "Kie! Get the hell out of there!"

"I don't have time!" Kie yelled when suddenly, a big pool of water came gushing Quinn's way. The blondes eyes widened and she quickly shot up, stumbling back slightly into Pope's chest.

"Oh, shit!" Quinn yelled as the water his the three, the water going up to their knees. Pope wrapped his arms around Quinn's waist at the harsh waters, pulling her into his chest, her back to him to keep each other standing.

Quinn was at a loss of breath from all the water, her mind only racing at what was happening to Kie from inside the sewers before her eyes widened.

"Manhole! There's gotta be a manhole!" Quinn groaned out as she tried to stay standing from the water pushing her by her legs. Pope nodded at Quinn's idea and the three of them ran out of the like pond and down to the main street.

"Go! Go!" JJ yelled as the three of them ran as fast as they could to the manhole just a few yards away from them. Kie's screamed grew louder with each step they took and it only made Quinn run faster.

"Kie! We're coming!" Quinn yelled, trying to her push her legs to get faster. "The waters coming up!" Kie yelled just as the three got to the manhole she was at. Quinn wasted no time getting on the floor to try and pry off the manhole cover.

"Pull it! Pull it!" JJ yelled as he and Pope got on the ground, all three of them trying to pull the cover as Kie pushed. "Hurry!" She yelled, the water just below her neck. Kie let out a small cry before she looked through the holes on the cover, her eyes locking with Quinn.

"Quinn! Please! Don't let me die!" Kie cried and the Robbins girl instantly shook her head, using every muscle in her to try and get the cover off. "We're gonna get you out just hold on!"

With one final pull from Quinn and the boys, the cover came off and Quinn didn't hesitate to stick her hands into the dirty water to grab Kie's arms, helping her out of the sewers and onto the concrete.

"Oh, my God!" Kie groaned as she coughed out water. Quinn crawled towards the girl, hitting her back to help her. "Are you okay?" Quinn asked as Kie weakly leaned into the girl. "Never better, Quinnie." Kie laughed out before she started to cough again.

Once she started to catch her breath, she smiled, looking up at Pope and JJ beside her and Quinn. "This wasn't what we were looking for right?" Kie asked, reaching into her waistband and pulling out the handgun.

Quinn's jaw dropped as a shocked laugh passed her lips. "Holy shit!" She yelled as Pope got down to Quinn and Kie height, pulling them into a group hug.

"You did it!" JJ yelled, getting down on his knees and joining in on the hug. Quinn laughed as she slowly pulled away, smiling at Kie. "Let's get this to Shoupe."


"So y'all are telling me this is the firearm Rafe Cameron killed Peterkin with?" Shoupe asked, leaning back in his seat as he looked at the gun Kie had sat on his desk before he looked up at the four teens in front of him with raised brows.

Pope immediately nodded. "That's exactly what we're telling you." Pope said and Quinn nodded in agreement, pointing at the gun. "And it's the same firearm that Ward killed Gavin with." Quinn added, pointing at the gun. Shoupe's brows rose at Quinns words, leaning forward against his desk as he tilted his head at the blonde. "And where that corpse again, Robbins?"

When Quinn didn't answer, Shoupe sighed, looking between the three. "I checked the hospital. I went by his house. He was out." The man said and Quinn rolled her eyes, taking a step closer to the man and his desk. "No shit, Shoupe. He was out because he's dead!"

"Hey!" Shoupe yelled, one hand hitting his desk as the other pointed at Quinn, making the girl flinch and back away. At her reaction, Shoupe sighed, changing his demeanor as he looked at her, his expression softer. "Just because he's not at his home does not mean he was a victim of homicide."

"Are you at least gonna send it in for a ballistics and shit, or are you just gonna sit on your ass?" Kie asked and JJ chuckled, turning to Kie as he shook his head. "No, no. He'll just sit there and wax that damn mustache!"

"Shut up, JJ!" Pope yelled as Shoupe got out of his seat, walking towards the door of his office.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hurt his feelings?" JJ asked sarcastically as Shoupe threw the door open, pointing out of the room. "Get out. I got work to do." Shoupe said angrily, not meeting any of the teens eyes. Quinn looked at the man angrily, her jaw dropped slightly. "Are you fucking serious?" She yelled but the man ignored her, making her scoff, turning back to his desk and the gun.

"Y'all are smelling up my office." The man snapped. Kie frowned at the mans words, getting out of the seat and walking out of the room. "Did Ward bribe you? This doesn't make any sense." Kie said and JJ walked out right after her, shaking his head with a dry laugh. "You ain't gonna do shit." JJ scoffed, readjusting his hat.

"Out!" Shoupe yelled after the boy as Pope walked out of the room, stopping in front of Shoupe just before he walked out completely.

"We brought you the murder weapon. There's no logical reason for you to not send it in." Pope shot at the man before he stomped out of the room, shaking his head. Shoupe sighed, going to close his door before realizing Quinn hadn't left yet and instead, stood at the ege of his desk, her eyes trained on the gun.

"Robbins. Let's go. Get out." Shopue called out. Quinn took in a deep breath before slowly turning around to face the man, walking towards the door. Once she was in front of the man, she dropped her head and looked at the ground. "Shoupe, look. I know I get in trouble a lot and wind up here a little more than I'd like to admit." Quinn said before she gulped, looking up at the man. "But you and I both know I'm not a liar."

At her words, Shoupe looked away from the girl but Quinn continued. "Rafe killed Peterkin with that gun and then Ward killed Gavin with it. Now we're just waiting for you to realize that and turn it in." Quinn said before walking out of the mans office, leaving him alone in his thoughts.

quinn wearing popes hat❤️

anyway im so sorry chapters have been slow with this fic. it's kinda diffcult to write for this fic than my others because there's still no season 2 script so i have to type it all out if that makes sense NFKSDNFK

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