xxiii. letter from limbrey

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Quinn say in her history class, staring down at her test as she bounced her pen against the desk, not really noticing or caring about the students side eyeing her the noise she was creating. When the classroom door opened, Quinn lifted her head and her back straightened when she saw her principal walk in.

"Mr. Sunn, can I borrow Pope for a minute?" The Principal asked. Quinn's eyes widened at the question, turning her head to the side to lock eyes with Pope in the seat beside her. Pope gave Quinn a confused expression as Mr. Sunn's jaw dropped, looking at all of his students before turning back to the principal. "We're in the middle of a test."

"It's from the Vanderhorst Foundation." The principal spoke and Quinn's jaw dropped as a smile grew on her face. Mr. Sunn sighed in defeat, turning to Pope. "Mr. Heyward, it's for you." He said in a slightly annoyed voice. Pope looked up at the principal before turning to Quinn in the seat beside him. Quinn gave him a big smile and two thumbs up, making him laugh as he got out of his seat and followed the principal out of the class.

Quinn turned back to her test but didn't even have time to read her next question before a pencil was thrown at her head. Quinn winced in pain as she could hear Kie scold JJ. The blonde girl turned around and looked at JJ with a confused look. "What was that for?" She whispered, not wanting to be too loud for Mr. Sunn to hear.

"What was that all about?" JJ asked, nodding his head towards the door Pope walked out of. Quinn shook her head at the question, shrugging. "I know everything you know." She said, a little too loud.

Mr. Sunn looked up from his desk and pointed at Quinn, taking off his glasses with his other hand. "Please get back to work." The teacher yelled, not wanting to call kids out.

Quinn turned back to her own desk, going through and reading and answering a few more questions before the door to the classroom opened and Pope sped inside, darting to his seat.

"Okay, what was that?" JJ whispered from the seat beside Pope. Quinn, not wanting to get reprimanded by Mr. Sunn again, didn't turn her body all the way to face the group and instead, watched the conversation from the corner of her eyes.

Pope held up an envelope with a gold wax covering to keep it closed. "Is that the wheat symbol?" Quinn heard Kie ask freon the seat behind Quinn and the Robbins girl could see Pops nod his head. JJs eyes widened as he leaned back in his seat, his hands going to his hair. "What the f—" He started before realizing how loud he was, the whole class turning to him. "fu... fu... fudge." He said and slowly, students started turning back to their tests as Mr. Sunn turned back to his desk.

Quinn craned her head back to look at JJ, her eyes glaring in a joking manner. "Nice save." She whispered, only to be met with JJ flipping her off.


When the bell rang, the four ran out of Mr. Sunn's class and headed for the library. Quinn, Kie and JJ all took seats at the row of computers as Pope stood beside them, leaning against the desk Quinn was at on the end. "Okay, so that guy was from the scholarship committee. Take a look at this." Pope said, hanging the envelope to JJ.

JJ wasted no time ripping open the letter as Kie bounced her leg in anticipation. "Read it." She whispered and JJ nodded, looking down at the paper.

When Quinn realized JJ was reading he letter in his head, she rolled her eyes. "Out loud." She whispered and JJ gulped, He looked up from the letter in his hands to Quinn with wide eyes. "I can't read cursive." JJ whispered and Quinn rolled her eyes, snatching the letter out of JJs hands, muttering a small "Gimme that." as she did so.

"Dear Mr. Heyward, I am reaching out because I have material evidence that can exonerate John B. Routledge." Quinn said and as soon as she finished her sentence, her eyes widened, looking around the library to see if anyone heard her before crouching down in her seat slightly, reading the rest of the letter quieter. "It is of vital importance that you come and meet with me in person at my offices at 27 King Street, Charleston at 8:00 p.m. sharp tonight. Please come alone. Regards, C. Limbrey."

JJs face scrunched at the letter, shaking his head in confusion. "What the– Charleston?" He whispered as Kie rolled her eyes, turning to the blonde boy. "It's like an eight-hour drive plus the ferry." Kie said and Pope looked back at forth between JJ and Kie with wide eyes. "How will we get there tonight?"

"We'd have to leave right now." JJ said as Quinn looked down, hardly listening to the conversation. "Limbrey... Why does that sound so familiar?" Quinn muttered to herself before turning on the computer in front of her, typing "Limbrey" into the search bar.

"I have a free period." Kie brought up before JJ snatched the letter from Quinn's hands, his brows furrowing at the words. "Material evidence? What does that even mean?"

"It means he can clear John B." Quinn said as she clicked on the first website that popped up. JJ whipped his head to Quinn, an amused grin going on his face before he turned back to Pope and Kie. "Oh, shit, then we're going to Charleston." He laughed out.

"I gotta tell my mom." Kie said and JJ nodded. "Us too." JJ said, nodding his head to Quinn since both of them would have to ask her parents if they could go.

"Look, if we get it this time, we are not giving it to Shoupe." Kie said and JJ snickered. "Well no shit." He snarled as the website Quinn had clicked on loaded. She read the article on the screen and slowly, her face started to drop.

Pope noticed Quinn's silence and turned to her, wanting her opinion but when he saw her staring at her computer screen with a dropped jaw, his brows furrowed. "What?" He asked, making Kie and JJ turn to Quinn as well.

Quinn scrolled back up to the top of the article before looking back up at Pope who was still looking down at her. "I'm not sure, but I thinkwhoever this Limbrey person is, they might be related to the captain of the Royal Merchant." Quinn said before turning back to her screen, an image of the Royal Merchant with the name "LIMBREY" above him.


After school, Quinn, Pope and Kie all headed to their own homes, JJ going with Quinn since he lived with her. As the walked towards the front door of the house, JJ looked down at Quinn, a determined look on his face. "Look, all I'm saying is we tell your folks that both of us will be out tonight. You're going to Kie's and I'm going to Pope's."

Quinn pulled her lips into a line, actually thinking about using that idea. Knowing Quinn was on the fence about the plan, JJ kept talking. "Come on! We've they'll believe us. I've slept over at Pope's and you've stayed at Kies before so it's not like it's never happened before!" JJ said as he grabbed the key just his shorts pocket and unlocked the door.

When the two walked in, JJ turned to Quinn, raising his brows. "So?" Quinn rolled her eyes, the two of them walking into the kitchen. "Fine." She grumbled as they both left their backpacks on the kitchen table as Henry walked into the kitchen, smiling at the two kids.

"Hey, you two. How was school?" Henry asked, and Quinn smiled, leaning against the kitchen counter as JJ went to the fridge.

While Henry looked down at the bowl of fruit on the counter, Quinn turned to JJ, the boy looking back at her too before he nodded his head to Henry. Quinn gave JJ a slightly angry look, nodding her head to her dad as if to say "you go first" but JJ just turned back to the fridge, making Quinn silently groan as she turned back to her dad.

She quickly put on an innocent smile as she leaned against the counter again. "Hey dad... can I go and sleepover at Kie's tonight?" Quinn asked as Henry finally picked a fruit from the bowl, grabbing a red apple.

"Sure." Henry said, not even looking up at Quinn, catching her off guard before she realized she was talking to her dad and not her mom. Quinn smiled, straightening up as she nodded. "Thank you!" She said happily as JJ closed the fridge door, walking to the same side of the counter as Henry.

"I might head over to Popes tonight too." JJ said before turning to Henry with an enthusiastic smile, grabbing his shoulder and shaking it crazily. "But think about this! You and Marian have the night all to yourselves." JJ said and Quinn groaned, walking away from the counter and to the fridge, grabbing a water.

Quinn opened the water as she closed the fridge? leaning back on it as her dad looked between her and JJ, nodding. "Yeah sure. As long as your back by curfew tomorrow night." Henry said, throwing the apple in his hand in the air and once he caught it, he pointed at the two kids. Quinn and JJ nodded, Quinn taking a sip of her water as she did so and Henry smiled, taking a bite out of apple before walking out of the kitchen.

Quinn continued to drink her water and stare at where her dad was and once she knew he was gone and couldn't hear her, she pulled the bottle away from her mouth and turned to JJ with a big smile and a hand raised for a high-five, the boy already holding his hand up for high-five. The two high fives each other as Quinn smirked. "To Charleston we go." Quinn whispered, a big smile on her face as JJ nodded, the same smile on his face.

—jj and quinn's sibling duo>> me


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