xxiv. broken down

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After a while of driving, they were about halfway to Charleston before Pope had to stop and stretch before he could start driving again. Pope didn't trust any of the Pogues to drive his dads truck so he was stuck on driving duty the whole ride over.

The four of them sat in the back pick up of the truck; Kie and JJ leaning on the wall of the truck where the seats were while Quinn and Pope sat together on one of the sides.

Kie sighed, making everyone turn to her as she tiredly threw her head back onto the window behind her. "My parents are so paranoid of me being a Pogue, like it's the worst thingthat could ever happen." She said and JJ, wanting to make her feel better, nudged her arm.

"Hey, I hear they got good weed at boarding school, though." JJ said and Quinn chuckled, nodding her head and turning to Kie with a reassuring smile. "A plus for that." She said and JJ smiled, nodding his head along with Quinn before handing her a joint that she quickly took and lit.

Kie didn't smile at her two friends attempt to make her feel better. She continued to frown as she shook her head. "I'm not going to boarding school. They're gonna have to kidnap me,tie me up, and throw me in a van."

Wanting to change the subject, Pope turned to Quinn, putting his hand on her knees to get her attention. "Hey, have you triedto hit John B back on that number yet?" He asked and Quinn sighed, shaking her head. "Like, twenty million times."

JJs eyebrows shoot up sarcastically, letting out a shocked gasp. "That's quite a few times." He muttered and Quinn rolled her eyes, ignoring him. She turned in front of her and shook her head.

"I know. And I hate even just double texting." Quinn said before she brought her joint to her lips. She took a drag before pulling away and shrugging. "Some random lady at a hotel keeps answering."

Pope sighed, resting his head on Quinn's shoulder. "Well, until we hear from them again, we gotta try and clear his name. Right now, the letter's our best bet." Pope said and Quinn nodded, patting the letter that sat beside her along with a bunch of information about the Limbrey's she had printed out. "Right. Stay on task."

Quinn looked down to Pope, gesturing her joint to him, silently asking if he wanted a hit but Pope pursed his lips and shook his head. JJ, noticing Quinn didn't want her joint anymore, smiled, and opened his hand out like a child wanting candy.

"I'll take that." JJ chucked out as Quinn handed him the joint. Quinn turned back ahead of her and unconsciously flicked the bracelet Sarah had made her when she was younger against her wrist until Pope was ready to drive again.


The Pogues had been driving for about an hour after Popes break. Quinn dead looking down at all the research she got on the Limbreys before she got nauseous from looking down. Quinn groaned, resting her head on Kie's shoulder, finally stopping reading. "Guys, I've read this thinglike a thousand times. It makes no sense. I mean, the Limbreys own,like, half of Charleston."

"What do the Kook kings of Charleston know about a murder on Kildare Island?" JJ asked from the other side of Kie before his face scrunched in confusion, leaning over the two girls to look at Pope. "Why you specifically? That's the other creepy thing."

"'Please come alone.' That's hella sus." Kie scoffed and Pope sighed, shaking his head as he tiredly hit his steering wheel. "I was thinking the same thing.I think it's because—" A loud hissing from the hood of the truck cut off Pope. Smoke emitted from the hood and Quinn's eyes doubled in size as Pope groaned. "Oh, come on."

"Pull over. That's a lot of smoke, even for your dad's truck." Quinn said and Pope immediately started to pull over. The smoke got into the car and JJ started coughing hysterically, shaking his head. "Pope, I got sensitive lungs, man!"

"It's gonna blow up!" Kie yelled, pushing JJ to get out of the truck as soon as Pope stopped. Quinn's eyes widened, jumping out of the car after her and JJ as Pope got out of the other side.

"What?!" Quinn yelled and JJ turned to her, shaking his head. "No, it's not gonna blow up!" JJ yelled, trying to reassure Quinn before turning to Pope, walking i the front of the truck to meet with him. "You probably unhooked the radiator, Pope. I haven't seen this before. You knocked the entire hubcap off!"

JJ smiled sarcastically at the smoking hood, wrapping an arm around Pope's shoulders. "You might wanna rescheduleyour meeting tonight, Pope."

Quinn leaned against the side of the hood, her arms crossed as Kie walked towards the three with a sigh. "Plan B? We could, um... public transportation. We could hitchhike." Kie started to list and Quinn's eyebrows shot up, shaking her head as she pushed herself off the car, shaking her head crazily.

"We are not hitchhiking. Do you know how many people get murdered hitchhiking?" Quinn yelled and Kie rolled her eyes. "We could rent bikes." Kie suggested as just JJ sighed, hitting his hands on the edge of the hood. "Yeah, it's the radiator."


After calling a tow company, they four ended up at an auto shop for the night and when Pope woke Quinn up in the morning to start to head out, they went to the front desk to pay for all the repairs.

The man handed Pope his receipt. He looked down at the number and his eyes widened. Pope looked up at the man behind the desk with a shocked look. "Three-seventy? Are you serious?" Pope whispered, almost scared to speak any louder.

Quinn's eyes widened at the price. She didn't even know what the guy fixed on the truck. The man shrugged, ignoring Popes shock. "Well, yeah, man." He said.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Pope looked down at the receipt sadly. Quinn gulped, pulling her wallet out of her back pocket. She grabbed her credit bars and handed it to the man, making Pope look up.

"You can put it all on here." Quinn said and the man nodded, taking Quinn's card. Pope grabbed Quinn's arm, pulling her to face him. As soon as their eyes met, Pope shook his head. "Quinn, I can't let you pay for all of this."

Quinn smiled at Pope, squeezing his hands. "Good thing you're not the boss of me." She said as the man came back, handing Quinn her card back. Quinn grabbed the card, mouthing a thank you to the man before she stuffed it back into her wallet, keeping her eyes on Pope the whole time.

Once her wallet was back in her pocket, she went on her toes, pecking Popes lips. When her heels were back on the ground, she chuckled. "I'm already a day late for home, and I'm sure they rather me go home safely in your dad's truck then travel in it when it might explode so..." Quinn dragged on, a small smile on her face.

Pope let out an airy laugh, smiling down at Quinn. "I love you." He breathed out and Quinn smiled, turning around to walk to the truck where Kie and JJ were waiting for them. "I know."


quinn and pope>>>

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