xxv. sarah and john b

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"Okay so apparently the Limbreys have had like... three governors in the family. They've run Charleston for 300 years." Quinn read from the papers she had printed out.

JJ sighed as Pope pulled up to a huge yellow mansion. "These kooks make our kooks look like pogues." JJ whispered as everyone stared at the house.

As everyone started to get out of the truck, Kie sighed. "You sure this is the place, Pope?" She asked and Pope snatched all of the papers Quinn had printed out of her hands. He flipped through them until he found the page with the address and he nodded. "Yeah. This is it."

JJ sighed at the look of the house, his hands on his hips as he shook his head. "Talk about home security..." He whispered as he noticed the spikes on top of the gate. He nodded at the spikes, squinting at the sun in his eyes. "Are these spikes to keep people out?"

Pope, Kie and Quinn all looked up at the spikes, Quinn using her hand to keep the sun out of her eyes as Kie shook her head. "No." Kie muttered, making Quinn and JJ turn to her as Pope shook his head, a frown appearing across his face. "The slave quarter are over there. These spikes were to keep people in."

Quinn looked up at the gate and sighed. Slowly, Kie opened the gate and the four walked in. They walked up to the door and Quinn immediately took note of the door knocker shaped as a lion's head. Pope grabbed the door knocked and hit the door tree times.

Pope cringed at the loud echo after it. He turned to Quinn and frowned. "You think that was too much?" He asked and Quinn huffed, biting her lip nervously. "It echoed the entire house. That's for sure. So they definitely heard it." She muttered.

"Maybe nobody's home." Kie wondered just as the door opened, a man with dirty blonde hair stared back at the four. He looked them all over before he smiled at Pope, pointing at him. "You must be Pope."

Pope's eyes widened. He looked to JJ before he turned back to the man. "Um... Are you Mr. Limbrey?" "Ms. Limbrey was expecting you yesterday." The man corrected Pope.

Pope instantly started to shake his head. "I'm... I'm sorry. My car broke down on the way up here." He said, turning around to look at his dads truck that was parked on the street.

"Carburetor blew up in the middle of Nowheresville. Sorry about that." JJ added, hoping to better the situation. The man just stared at JJ, not saying he word. He turned back to Pope and pursed his lips. "Yeah, she was real upset when you didn't show up."

"We tried to call, but there's no number on the invitation. We got here as fast as we could." Quinn said, giving the man her "kook smile" as JJ called it in hopes the man would reason with her.

The man clenched his jaw in anger, completely ignoring Quinn, keeping his eyes on Pope. "She also expected you to come alone."

Pope opened and closed his mouth in shock, turning around to point at Quinn, JJ, and Kie. "I mean, these are my friends. They helped find the Royal Merchant too. I-" "The instructions were explicit. Your friends can stay outside." The man interrupted, annoying Quinn.

"We're kind of a package deal, man." Quinn snapped. She took an unconscious step towards the man and Pope quickly stuck his hand out in front of her, stopping her. Quinn whipped her head to look up at Pope, her eyes siftening at his reassuring eyes.

"Quinn. It's okay. I got this. I'll be good." Pope whispered. Quinn watched Pope for a second before she nodded.

"We'll be right here." She said, nodding her head to the street the car was parked on. Pope smiled and kissed her forehead. As he pulled away, he gave Quinn the keys and whispered, "Keep the car running."

Quinn nodded ever so slightly, whispering a small, "Got it." back to him. Once he was pulled away far enough that they were now face to face, Quinn leaned forward and kissed him.


Quinn, JJ, and Kie had been sitting in the car for about 15 minutes when the front door to the house opened.

All of them perked up as Pope, the man, and a blonde woman Quinn assumed was Ms. Limbrey walked out of house and towards the backyard.

"Does that look voluntary?" JJ asked just as the man pushed Pope to walk faster. Quinn bit her lip in anger, shaking her head as she faced the road in front of her. "Nope." She grumbled, ready to get out of the car but JJ grabbed her shoulder. "Wait, hold on, hold on."

Quinn readjusted herself in her seat, watching JJ with furrowed brows. "What?" She asked as JJ pointed at Pope, more specifically, where they were heading. "They're going into the alley."

"Go around back?" Quinn asked and JJ hummed out a yes. "We'll meet them on the other side." JJ said as Quinn started to drive down the main so they could see the alley.

Every time they past an intersection, the three of them looked down it, hoping to see Pope, Limbrey, and the man, but they weren't there.

Kie shook her head in confusion. "Where did they go?" Kie whispered and out of the corner of her eyes, Quinn could see JJ straighten up and his eyes widen. "What if they went underground?" He asked before he turned to Quinn.

"Because in C.H.U.D., when they took people down into the sewers, it would turn the humans into humanoids' cause of the radiation. And then all of a sudden-" Quinn groaned, cutting JJ off. "Jesus Christ! Enough about C.H.U.D.!" Quinn snapped. JJ pouted at her for second before turning back to the road.

"Wait, stop!" Kie yelled and Quinn slammed on te brakes. The three flew forward in their seats a bit, but quickly recovered. JJ and Quinn looked at Kie with confused looks. "What?" They both asked as Kie looked back outside her window. "Do you guys hear that?"

Quinn tried as hard as she could to listen for anything when she finally heard grunting and a taser. JJ's heard the same thing as Quinn at the same time as her and his eyes widened. "He's on the other side of that wall."

All three of them quickly got out of the car and ran for the wall. Jj was the first one to make it over since he was tallest. When Quinn finally made it over the wall, she saw Pope holding the man down, JJ standing over them with the taser inches away from the mans grasp.

JJ kicked the taser away from the man and towards to Quinn's feet. Quinn bent down and grabbed the taser, stuffing it into her waistband.

"Come on!" Kie yelled as JJ tried to pull Pope off the man. Kie grabbed Quinn's arm and pulled her towards the short wall on their right.

Pope punched the man to by them some time as Quinn hopped over the wall with ease, having enough practice from the Outer Banks. They all ran towards Pope's truck once they got over the wall and Quinn slid into the drivers seat, Pope getting in beside her, then JJ and Kie.

"Go! Now!" JJ screamed. As fast as she could, Quinn put the keys into the ignition and barely turned the car on before she slammed her foot on the gas.

She could hear JJ, Pope, and Kie all yell different questions at each other, but she ignored them, putting all of her attention on the road.

When she heard a loud engine revving behind her, Quinn looked into her rearview and saw that they were being followed. Quinn pushed her foot further down on the brakes and started turning left and right randomly at every intersection to lose them.

Not paying complete and total attention, Quinn accidentally drove onto a one-way street.

The wrong way.

"This is a one-way!" Kie screamed as JJ yelled directions at her. "Go left."

"I know." Quinn muttered, trying to calm herself down. Already, this was a stressful situation so Kie and JJ screaming at her didn't help at all.

"Go that way." "This is a one-way!" Kie and JJ yelled again.

"I know!" Quinn screamed as an upcoming street caught her and JJ's eyes. JJ perked up, hitting the dashboard as he pointed at the road. "Turn! Turn right!" He screamed and Quinn wasted no time turning the wheel as hard as she could.

Since JJ and Kie didn't have seatbelts on , the two of them flew around. JJ started to laugh, almost as if he was on a rollercoaster. Pope looked at JJ as if he were crazy. "Why are you laughing?!" Pope screamed.

Quinn looked over Pope, watching JJ continue to laugh. She rolled her eyes and turned back to the road and saw two people walking right in front of the car.

Quinn's heart dropped, her knuckled turning white from how tightly she grasped the wheel "Holy Shit!" Quinn yelled, swerving the car again, barely missing the people. She looked at the people through her rearview mirror to make sure they were okay. When she saw that they were, Quinn turned back to face the road and saw another intersection coming up.

As Quinn swerved the car to turn right, the car stopped. A loud hiss started to emit from the engine. JJ's eyes widened, leaning forward from the backseat so he was in between the two front seats, looking back and forth between the hood of the car and Pope, who was in the passenger seat. "You said he fixed the carburetor. You said he fixed it!" JJ screamed.

Pope looked just as panicked as JJ, shaking his head crazily. "He did!" He yelled back as Quinn unbuckled her seatbelt. "Shit!" She screamed as she jumped out of the car. She heard Pope, JJ, and Kie all follow her lead and jump out as well.

"Okay, what now, Mario?" JJ yelled at Quinn just as a car started approaching. Quinn's eyes widened, grabbing Pope's arm since he was on her side of the car and running in the opposite direction of the car. "We gotta go around!" She screamed as a heads up to JJ and Kie.

Quinn looked back past JJ and Kie to see the driver of the car getting out and running after them. Her eyes fell on to a dark object in his hands. Quinn's eyes widened, trying to pick up her pace. "Guys, I think he has a gun!" Quinn yelled and JJ turned around to see what Quinn was talking about. He immediately saw what she saw and started to run faster.

"I think I'm cramping!" Pope yelled, his hand letting go of Quinn's. Quinn went to stop and help Pope, but JJ grabbed her wrist as he started to pass her in speed.

"This way! We might have to split up." JJ screamed as he turned a corner down to the main street. Quinn turned the corner after him, now side by side with JJ as she shook her head.

"No! No! Never split up!" Quinn yelled at JJ and he turned to her with wide eyes, shaking his head. "I don't know where to go, okay? We gotta lose them!" JJ screamed. While his attention was on Quinn, he didn't notice a mailman coming down one of the porches of a building.

JJ ran into the man, knocking all of the boxes in his hands to the ground. "Shit!" JJ yelled as Quinn's eyes went wide at all the boxes in front of her on the ground, blocking her way. "Heads up!" She screamed to Kie and Pope as she jumped over the boxes.

Quinn looked back once she and JJ were a few feet away from the mailman and watched Kie and Pope jump over the boxes. "Sorry about that!" Pope screamed to the man, waving his hand around as an apology.

Behind Pope and Kie, Quinn saw the man chasing them just a few feet behind Kie. Her head whipped forward, turning to JJ. "He's right on our heels!" She yelled so Pope and Kie could hear her too. JJ looked back at sighed when he realized Quinn was right. His eyes flickered to Kie and Pope and he nodded to Quinn. "You guys gotta keep up!" JJ yelled to Kie and Pope as they got closer and closer to the end of the alley.

Once they reached the end of the alleyway, Quinn and JJ both made a harsh left turn but they skidded to a stop at a bike right in front of them. Quinn looked up at the people riding the bike and she felt as if time stopped.

She blinked a couple of times, trying to make sure John B and Sarah were actually right in front of her and she wasn't seeing things. When they didn't disappear, she started to smile, Sarah turning to her and smiled right back.

"Get in! Get in! Get in! Come on!" John B yelled. JJ and Pope immediately pushed Kie and Quinn into the cart behind the bike that Sarah was seating on. Once both girls were seated, JJ and Pope ran behind the bike and started to push it to speed it up.

Quinn, who was seated between Sarah and Kie, leaned forward to John B who was pedaling and started whacking his should. " Pedal faster, John B!"

"Come on, Pope! Push! Come on!" JJ screamed as he started to move from the back of the bike towards the cart. JJ stood on the edge of the cart on Sarah's side as Pope started to move to the basket.

Quinn turned to him, ready to grab his arm to help him but he lost his footing and fell. "Pope!" Quinn yelled. Kie instantly grabbed onto Quinn,  knowing there was a chance she would jump out of the basket to get him.

Pope got off the ground and started running after bike. Quinn reached her hand out and Pope grabbed it, helping him get faster. Kie grabbed his shoulder once he was close enough and he jumped on the edge of the cart on Kie's side.

"Oh my God!" Quinn yelled, throwing her head back. Sarah smiled at her. She had missed her best friend. Sarah leaned her head back with Quinn and grabbed her hand.

Quinn's smile doubled in size as she turned her head to look at Sarah and as soon as their eyes met, they started laughing.

She got the rest of her family back.


omg its been so long since ive written in this fic.... im sorry....

anyway ive missed quinn and pope so much so HERE THEY AREEE

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