Chapter 84 - Escape

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0-0 Holy.... you guys sure do love making death threats XD Ha ha, I know you're just kidding :) .... hopefully

Monoman looked beyond Bodil at the ceiling, "You know, I thought you were smart. Looks like it really is possible to pull the same trick twice." Monoman teleported to the opposite side of the room. There was the click that should have sealed Bodil's fate. After that, crackling. That was the intercom. Then the voice, "Escape! Escape now! The systems are stalled! The front door is unlocked!" The voice speaking was unfamiliar. Even if it was someone he would recocnize, the crackling might have affected how they sounded over the speakers. The crackling resumed, louder, and another click sounded. Monoman got a taste of his own medicine.

"The tablets!" Seto exclaimed, stunned, "It's- It's Jin!"

Jason looked at his own tablet, startled. AlterBop looked back at him, "No questions! You should be able to climb back through the chutes; they're unlocked." AlterBop commanded to everyone. Jason saw the same image on Stampy's tablet, still resting on his stand. "I---Now if you---slaughte----!" Monoman crackled menacingly to us. He was clearly beyond repair. Mitch had been frantically yanking the arrows out of the bot when Monoman interrupted, "Go-----lp-------eal m-! ----------!" Mitch muttered something and climbed down the shute that brought him to Jason pried open the shute and climbed through. Everyone else did the same while AlterBop chattered away, "Stampy plugged me into the generator. I made a copy of my data to remain in the computer. The original copy, me, made my way through the system and contacted assistance. Anything for my Master's friends. Oh, who?" Hannah had asked a question.

They had made it out of the shutes. Jason couldn't help but laugh at Bodil's expression.

Bodil wanted to find Baki? Turns out Baki found Bodil.

AlterBop started to run through what made Baki qualified, "We know." Seto interrupted. "Problem. The captive captor has made his escape and is rapidly approaching." AlterBop said suddenly, pulling up a map with a red blip running from the direction of the kitchen. The only hall that lead to the door.

"Aha! I'm not too late-!" Jerome, wearing a headset and visor that completely obscured his eyes, presumably so he could see what Monoman saw, broke off as Mitch ran forward and gave him a huge hug, "It's so great to finally see you again! You're an Idiot! What could ever make you do this?!" Mitch stepped back and flung an arm towards everyone else. "You have not been very happy here, buddy. Would you rather next time it be a fight to the death with Lucky Blocks? A hunger games style take on it, Maby?" Jerome was confused. "What? No! Don't do this again! You remember how much fun we had hanging out with Quentin? How about Sky? And you crushed Ian under that hover, you know!" Jerome flinched at his assistant's harshness, " And what about all of these people?! Simon? Remember him? Imagine if someone killed me. Imagine how upset you would-... actually, you probably wouldn't care about that anymore... I-Imagine before this. When we were good friends-" "We are good friends! What are you talking about?" "No. I don't like this new Jerome. Me and new Jerome... I don't know. You're not who you used to be," Mitch's voice cracked, "I want the Jerome that I know back!" "Look around you, Mitch!" Jerome laughed, "Are any of these people the same as they were before? Are you the same Mitch I knew? No, you're not. But that's fine." Jerome walked past Mitch, "Now help me finish these cheaters."

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