Chapter 85 - Planning

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Sorry for being such a slow writer.

Jason stepped back from Jerome, who was walking towards the group with a wide smile. "Human shield! I summon ye!" Bodil quipped and hopped behind Seto, who was a few steps away. "I..." Mitch was looking from person to person, "I-I'm sorry, but I can't help you, Jerome." Mitch backed up into the hall. "Doesn't matter. I can take care of this on my own." Jerome shrugged after a moment. Jason watched Mitch disappear down the hall to the door with a frown. "Jerk!" Bodil slung the insult down the hall after him from behind Seto, then mumbled, "He could of helped us."

"Well," Jerome said with mock sincerity, "I know you all must have very busy schedules, so I'll keep our meeting brief..." He smiled and held up his weapon of choice. Of course, it was Betty, his diamond axe. Jason pushed his fear aside and instead concentrated on some sort of strategy. Jerome would likely target Seto first, understanding how sneaky he could be from the day before the newcomers arrived, given the opportunity. And the fact that he could easily hit Seto, because it is very hard to move swiftly enough to dodge weaponry when a certain Bulgarian parkourist is on your back. Jason's mind was moving a million miles a second. An axe is a powerful weapon, but if someone were to attack the weilder right after a swing and kick their legs, the momentum from such a heavy weapon should trip them. Jason didn't notice Brice bolt down the hall that lead to the second floor. He was busy mapping out a plan. When Jerome swings at Seto, and hopefully misses, Jason would kick his legs out from under him. Well, he was wrong. Of course.

Jerome either didn't notice Brice's escape, or didn't care. It wasn't like he could leave the mansion without going down the hall behind Jerome. Jerome ran towards Hannah. Hannah ran a wide circle behind everyone. "Bodil! Get off of of Seto. He's not a human shield." Jason demanded, stepping backwards as Jerome ran right between them, axe high in the air. Sqaishey jumped back too, glancing up at Bodil, then the axe. She screeched a not so mighty battle cry as Jerome sped past her and jumped on his back, reaching for his axe. Jerome stumbled backwards, "Agh!" Jerome exclaimed. Amid the moment of surprise, Bodil snatched the axe, trying to take it. Seto tripped when Jerome didn't let go of the axe, and instead used it to regain his balance, taking it back. Sqaishey covered his eyes with her wings, and he spun in a blind circle. Jason screamed as Jerome's axe came alarmingly close to connecting with his face.

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