Chapter 90 - Flux

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Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead ~

Baki's dagger sailed through the air, making a hideous 'thunk' sound as it found it's place in the stranger's chest. Jason and everyone alongside him had gone to the town in search of someone they could perhaps inform of the ending of the place of despair of which they escaped and thus ensure investigation and likely provide valuable information, only to find that the people walking about had lost their minds! Rambling about despair non stop. had seen one person who wasn't laughing like a maniac. They were dead, of course. Their shirt (a yellow one with a white question mark) had pink bloodstains, telling of the poor man's end.

Jason snapped out of his thoughts, watching the stranger's lifeless form fall to the ground. They were in an ally. "There's another one of them!" Bodil pointed to a lady with short black hair and purple tatoos that was walking around the corner. Baki stepped back to take back his dagger, and Brice held up his gun, expecting to have to shoot. She looked over at them and paused, "Oh hello!" Jason swiped Brice's gun to point to the ground; if anyone here was willing to be sensible and friendly, they might change their minds if they were at gunpoint.

"Greetings! We're lost; can you perhaps help us out?" Seto replied. "Maby. Maby not." The lady said, shrugging. "What do we have here? Kim, it seems we found normal people. I didn't know they still existed," The second voice came from the roof of the building at the back of the ally. Jason looked up. A man with a labcoat and goggles was leaning over the railing on the fire escape. Jason recognized him, "Here you go. I intended to give it to a sane person, but it sounds like that isn't happening," Jason tossed Hannah's hat up to Duncan. Jason noticed Duncan aswell had purple tatoos when he caught the hat. "This!" Duncan looked at the hat and back down at them questionably before looking to the lady, "Hey Kim, they had Hannah's hat. Know where she is, pal?" He looked back down at them. "Uhhhhhh..." Bodil laughed, "She's-" "Not you. Him," Duncan waved an arm at Jason, "He looks like a bad liar." "She's dead. She died a couple of hours ago while escaping a mansion with us." Jason said. "Oh. Alright! Guess that's one more we won't be finding. That only leaves two. Now, what should you do with you guys?" Duncan laughed. A loud, disturbing laugh. Brice lifted back up his gun and pointed at Duncan. Duncan saw it and dropped to the groud, his laugh losing it's disturbing edge. He held up an arm and waved a hand at them, "Alright, Alright! I'm kidding! I stopped that awhile ago! The look on your faces!" He laughed, looking through the railing at Brice.

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