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Becca's POV

YAAAAH!! I yelled as I cut the head off the last zombie's body.

Unfortunately, my katana broke at the handle once the zombie's head came off.

I panted. Ok, 13 buildings and nothing but weapons, non-marshmallow foods, and zombies.


I sighed and dropped the handle on the ground as I walked down the stairs. My small backpack rumbled a bit from the cans and weapons in it. I shuffled the backpack a bit and grabbed the baseball bat, ignoring its transformation around my hand so that I could actually grip it.

Don't forget, I'm still in Minecraft!


I ignored them and went outside, pulling a pocket knife from my cloak. I marked the wall near the door so I didn't search the same building twice. These buildings were very similar!

Becca! Listen to your common sense! You need rest!

I grimaced as I tripped over a lip in the road. It was a little hard to see with just the somehow-still-working streetlights. It had been night for a while now. The moon was almost in the midnight position.

I can't...that's Deana...month and a half....

For the love of Irene! Becca, listen to yourself! You're not even saying complete sentences!

...So...? I...need to save Deana...she's been in there...too...long....

I started coughing and I used my bat to keep myself standing.

My legs were hurting horribly, but I didn't have time to rest. I need to find Ghetto and Sabre and those marshmallows!

I could hear my heart beating in my ears, plus that annoying ringing noise I always hear.

If I had been more aware of my surroundings, what happened next wouldn't have happened.

I didn't hear the footsteps behind me until it was too late.

A hand grabbed my shoulder and I spun around, raising my right arm in instinctive defense.

Bad idea.

The figure bit my right arm HARD.


I screamed in pain and horror when I saw what it was.

A zombie.

A freaking zombie.

With the little movement I could do with my right arm still in its mouth, I smacked it a little hard in the head with my bat.

It moaned and I ripped my arm away as its mouth opened.

Ignoring the pain in my arm, I bashed the zombie's head in.

Once I could safely confirm it completely dead, I dropped my bat and fell to my knees, cradling my arm.

It had bitten me just below the elbow, making it so that I couldn't move my arm without being in severe pain.

I started crying.

Why...? Why me...?


I was starting to see spots in my vision.

I finally ended up lying down on my left side, too weak to stay upright.

Becca...we'll...we'll get through this! Just hang in there!


The last thing I heard before descending into complete darkness were more footsteps.

It sounded like two pairs, but I wasn't sure....

Then I heard nothing....

...Some time later....

I regained consciousness to feel a dull throbbing pain in my right arm, an ache in my left wrist, and quite a bit of dizziness.

I blinked my eyes open to see a gray wall.  There was a closed wooden door on the wall I saw to the left.


Becca, are you ok?!

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine...I think....

I couldn't really remember what happened....

Feeling tired...bit by zombie...passing out....

But I heard other footsteps?

I tried to get up, but something on my left wrist pulled against me.

I shook my head and scooted back, looking back to see a pair of cuffs, one end on my left wrist, the other around some kind of bar in the wall. The cuff around my wrist was 3D so that it'd fit on my wrist. The other end was the Minecraft version since it wasn't directly touching me. So that's why there was an ache in my left arm.

Ahh...the physics from my first series third book.... I remember that....

I looked down to my right arm to see a bandage wrapped around where I was bitten. It was a little bloody looking.

Did...did THEY find ME?

I sighed and leaned back against the wall.

Not exactly much I can do in this situation.

I then remembered my phone.

I still had it in that kinda-hidden pocket of my cloak.

Carefully, I maneuvered my right hand into the pocket and felt a hard, rectangular thing.

My phone!

They hadn't found it!

I quickly pulled it out and unlocked in with the fingerprint thingy.

I went over and clicked on Wattpad.

It started pulling up the book, but then it went back to my home screen.

Wattpad has stopped


I tried again.

Wattpad has stopped

Are you serious?!  Right when I could use it, it doesn't work?!

I tried all of my apps, but none of them would work!  Not even my Minecraft!


I sat around for a few minutes before I started feeling mischievously bored.

...Deana...came up with this idea, now that I think of it.

I looked up Papa John's number (and somehow had internet for that) and tried calling it.

*briiing...briiing...brii---* "This is Papa John's.  What would you like to order today?"  A female voice answered.

I had to stifle a laugh of both amazement and humor.


Ahem, umm, yes, I'd like to order a large double mushroom and bacon pizza, please.

I heard some clicking and then she spoke. "Would you like it delivered?"

Yes, please.

"Alright.  May I have your address?"

Umm, I'm not sure where I am.  I'm trapped in a building in an abandoned city.

There was silence from the other end for a moment.  "I'm sorry.  I'm confused."

I chuckled silently.  I know I have to pay a delivery fee, but how much is a trans-dimensional trip into a zombie apocalypse in Minecraft?


I snickered as I put the phone up.

I can't believe that actually worked!

I can't believe that you did that in this situation.

I smirked.  Sometimes, ya just gotta let go  and YOLO stuff.

I sat around for a while just thinking before I heard footsteps.

I looked up to the door to see Ghetto and Sabre come in.

So they DID find me!

That...wasn't the plan at all....

I haven't even found the marshmallows yet!


They didn't look much different from when I had last seen them.  They just looked a little more worn out.

"Oh, good.  You're awake."  Ghetto sighed as he shut the door.

He sat down against the wall across from me.  " to enlighten us on what the freak is going on here?"

I just stared at him.

How was I supposed to say that I came from another dimension with another Nick who's dead and that I needed the marshmallows he didn't have?!

...That sounded really weird at the end.



"Ghetto...."  Sabre said.  "What if she turns?  She did get bit, ya know...."

Ghetto rolled his eyes.  "Ya think?  I mean, I've seen a bitten person turn within 3 to 4 hours of being bitten."

How long has it been since you found me?

"About 3 and a half hours...."

I sighed.


Well, lemme just be blunt here.  I'm from another dimension and I need marshmallows that you supposedly have.

They kinda stared at me for a bit.

"...Ok....  I can see you being from another dimension....  But marshmallows?  Really?  Is this a different Nick or something?"

I nodded.  Long story short, he's dead, but a ghost, he has one of my closest friends as a hostage, and the only way to free her is to help him move on.  And he wants your marshmallows.

"So...these, right?"  He pulled out a bag...of freaking...marshmallows.

I glared at the bag.  You gotta be kidding me.  When did you get those?!

He shrugged and put them on the floor.  "I dunno.  We just started looting and the first building we walk into, it's just lying on the floor in the open."

The MV started laughing.

Sabre and Ghetto looked startled.  "The freak is that coming from?!"

Haha, sorry.  This is just hilarious.  Becca's searched 13 buildings for those marshmallows, and you just find them lying on the floor in the first building you walk into!

MV, you're not helping.

"Becca...umm, MV?  Who's MV?"  Sabre asked worriedly.

I sighed again.  Long story.  Basically a mysterious voice that follows me around.  They can also take me to other dimensions, hence me being he----

A pang of dizziness hit me and I groaned, holding my head with my right arm.

My arm was also throbbing again.

Ghetto stood up.  "Oh, God, it's happening!"

I'm turning into a fricking zombie?!??

Uh, NO!

Hello, I'm one of the main fricking characters!

I can't be dying!

MV...MV!!  I yelled.

Uhh...uhh...uhh...I don't know!

My vision started darkening.

Ghetto picked up his marshmallows and put them in the crook of my right arm.

"Here, hurry back or something!"  Ghetto said quickly.

I tightened the muscles in my right arm to hold the bag.

Ok, we're outta here!

And then I was gone.


I gasped.

I felt really light.

I noticed that I was lying on a carpet, and that some kind of gaming music was playing.

"Becca?!"  Nick exclaimed.

I lifted up my head as best I could and threw the marshmallows at him.


Nick was silent before I heard something hit the ground in the direction of Deana's cage.

I didn't pay attention to Nick's little light show.

I was pulling myself to Deana.

Deana....  I whispered.

She was rocking in a curled up position on the wall again, but she started singing.

"All my friends are heathens, take it slow....  Wait for them to ask you who you know....  Please don't make any sudden moves....  You don't know the half of the abuse...."

How was I going to break her out of her traumatized trance?


I started singing, as well.

Yes, this next part is italic, but it's Becca singing, not me.  Just FYI.

Welcome to the room of people who have rooms of people that they loved one day, docked away....

I was breathing heavily on the floor.

Whatever was happening in the other dimension was delayed, but it was starting to come back for me.


Just because we check the guns at the door doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades....

I coughed harshly, and I tasted copper.

And the wires were behind me.

You'll never know the psychopath sitting next to you....

"You'll never know the murderer sitting next to you...."  She murmured.

She had stopped rocking, but she was still staring off into space.

It was working!

I pushed back the pain in my chest and arm and kept singing.

You'll think, how'd I get here, sitting next to you? but after all I've said, please don't forget....

All my friends are heathens, take it slow....

"Wait for them to ask you who you know...."

Call and response....

Please don't make any sudden moves....

"You don't know the half of the abuse...."  We sang together.

She was started to get a look in her eyes.

I couldn't feel much anymore, but I kept going.

I had to save her.

I may have broken her out of her physical cage, but she's trapped in a mental cage.

And I found the key.

We don't deal with outsiders very well.  They say newcomers have a certain smell.

"You have trust issues, not to mention, they say they can smell your intentions...."

She was starting to smile.

You'll never know the freakshow sitting next to you....

"You'll have some weird people sitting next to you...."

You'll think how did I get here, sitting next to you?  But after all I've said, please don't forget....

I coughed up more blood.

"All my friends are heathens, take it slow.... Wait for them to ask you who you know.... Please don't make any sudden moves.... You don't know the half of the abuse...."

She was starting to get a sparkle in her eye.

I cleared the blood from my throat and sang the final lines with her.

"Why'd you come, you knew you should have stayed...."

I tried to warn you just to stay away....

"And now they're outside ready to bust...."

It looks like you might be one....

I felt my heart slowing down.



of us....

I closed my eyes and succumbed to the darkness.

Deana's POV

I heard...singing....

Was that...was that Heathens?

I tried singing along with them.

Their voice sounded distorted, but it became clearer with each line we sang.

Finally, I opened my eyes.


I was back in reality.

It looks like you might be one....

I looked down and cried out, "Becca?!"

She was lying at my feet, a small pool of blood near her mouth and a slightly bloodied bandage on her right arm.

Deana....  She choked out.

She was breathing slower.

of us....  She finished.

Her eyes closed.

"Becca?!  Becca, open your eyes!  Where are we?!  Please, wake up!"

I shook her shoulder.

She didn't respond.

I placed my fingers on that spot on her neck where I could possibly feel a pulse....

And there was none.

I pulled back slowly.



She can't actually be....


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