chapter 1

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☆Rin Pov☆
I slowly wake up in a unfamiliar room. I look around to see what the room had. There were two dark gray beds and a desk with a chair. I also had a bedside table and cabinet and under the table were things that I will not say. They were things that I had gotten to know with my job. There was also a bow with many arrows in the cabinet and a practice target. But as I looked at the bedside table I saw two things: a phone and a note. I walked over to the table and read the note _Dear Rin, please meet us in the cafeteria/auditorium to learn about why you are here, just remember your ultimate talent- love the headmaster. P.S the phone you see with this is called your student ID, it had all the information you need_ I was slightly confused about what this note ment, but it was right about me having an ultimate talent. I pick up the student ID and place it into my cloak pocket. I open the door only to see that it leads to a long hallway. I see at one end is more rooms and a pair of steal doors with yellow and black blocks blocking the view of the outside. On the other side of the hallway was even more and two more doors lead to probably the cafeteria. I walk over to the double doors and go into the room. I see 15 people already in the room turn towards me. A girl with dirty blond hair come up to me and say with a smile, "You must be the last one. Glad you could make it." I answer back with a emotionless yes. She looked confused but went back over to a boy who looked like a boy version of her. He glared at me but I didn't really care. I look around and saw one of my only friends, Ryan. We are like family, but not in the love love type of was. I am and always will be single. He looked over to me and said, "Heya Rin, come and sit near me." While walking over to the seat I looked around to see what this place looked like. It was quite big and had a total of 16 chairs and two tables ate the opposite side of eachother. I reach the seat and sat down. "How have you been Rin, we haven't talked in a while." "I am doing well, how are you." I said in a calm manner. He smiles and pats my head. "You are too polite for your own good, but I'm doing great." Before I could answer back a weird, loud laugh echoed out of no where. "I see that all of you are now here. Very good, welcome students of all ages to Hope's Peak Academy's first all age school. Now let me present myself, I am your headmaster, Monokuma!" A voice calls out as a bear pops out of the ground on the stage area. The bear was haft black with a evil looking eye and haft white with a black dot for an eye. For some reason my instincts were telling me to get far away from it. My instincts were always right so I pulled on Ryan's sleeve and gave him the look. He then nodded and pulled me closer protectively. "Upupupu, Rin do you not like me already. Thats a new record, hahahaha." I growled slightly at the bear, not liking him one bit. "Hehehe, now you might be wondering why the only door to this place is locked, thats because this school year will be lasting you whole lives. You will be living in this school for the rest of your life." Many shocked gasp and 'what do you mean' s were ringing around the room. "But I do have some good news, there is one way to leave this place. You have to muder one of you fellow classmates and get away with it." Everyone had a shocked look in their face, even me. "Upupupu, now that thats out of the way, you should get to know your classmates. Byeeeeee." And with that the thing left just like the way it came. We were all silent for a few minutes before a girl with light green hair spoke up. "Well if we are going to be living with eachother then we really should introduce ourselves, I'll go first. I'm Lilac and i am the ultimate gardener." Next the person next to her spoke, "Hi there, my name is Sapphire and I'm the ultimate jeweler." "Hello my lovely classmates, i am Takashi, the ultimate actor." "H-hi there, my name is Crystal Rose, I'm the ultimate instrumentalist." "I'm Yurika and I'm the ultimate doctor." "Hello there, i am Samantha, the ultimate bodyguard." "Hehe, my name is Nick and I'm the ultimate DJ." "My name is Mikaru and I'm the ultimate singer." "I'm Mikaru's twin, Hikaru, and I am the ultimate rapper." "I'm Emiko and I am the ultimate teacher." "Hey, My name is Lance and the ultimate weapon maker is what I am." "Heya, my name is Arata and my talent is hacking." "Hello there everyone, my name Noaki and I am the ultimate warden." "Hi nice to meet you, my name is Tyler and I'm the ultimate baker." "Hey everybody, my name is Ryan and I'm the ultimate track runner." As soon as he finishes they think back and look around. "That was only 15 people, who ia the 16th?" Tyler asked, tilting his head in a cute manner. Ryan then said, "Heh, you are talking about Rin. Come on introduce yourself." He nudges me as he says that. As soon as he said that all eyes were directed at me. "Huh, why didn't I notice you before." Noaki said in a confused tone. "My name is Rin and I'm the ultimate sniper." I look at Ryan asking him without any words to explain my situation. "Well you see, Rin has a really low presence, no one usually notices her until she or someone else tells them where she is. And to add on to that she isn't much of a talker, but I promise she is a sweet and loyal person when you get to know her." Ryan says side hugging me. I give him a greatful look. "Well now that we know eachother now, how about we go explore." Emiko says in a firm tone.
Me: What? Were you expecting more? Nope, this is totaly the end of the chapter. BUUUT, if you can please go to the part when Rin says she is and always will be single, please comment 'im a single lady' because I find it reallu funny that I put that there without realizing it at first. Hehehehehehehehehehe, I hope you liked this chapter, if you did please hit that Maplishious vote button and join my Maple Leaf family. Got to go, bu by-. Bodil: BYYEEEEE. Me: Oh meh polar bear, you are not even in this story, why must u take away my only good by-. Bodil: BYEEE.

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