Information on the characters

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In this chapter I am introducing all the characters.

Gender: female
Ultimate singer
Age: 13
Looks: she has dirty blond hair that goes to her mid back and bangs that cover the left side of her head. She has warm hazel eyes. She wears a light pink dress with gray boots. Loves to wear her light blue headband she got from her big brother.
Personality: she is very happy-go-lucky and is very innocent. She loves her big twin brother and will do anything for him. Even if it is something horrible.
Extra: twins with Hikaru
Nickname is Mika
Special nickname from Hikaru: Mi
Birthday: July 8

Gender: male
Ultimate rapper
Age: 13
Looks: He has dirty blond hair that goes right up to the top of his neck and bangs that cover the right side of his head. He has cold hazel eyes. Wears a black short sleeve shirt with gray sweatpants. Usaully wears his pink and blue handmade bracelet he got from Mikaru.
Personality: Very serious and cold. He doesn't care if he is hurting your feelings unless you are Mikaru. He doesn't like to just betray her so he doesn't tell her what to do unless needed to.
Extra: twins with Mikaru
Nickname is Hiku
Special nickname (only for Mikaru): Big Brother
Birthday: july 8

Gender: female
Ultimate sniper
Age: 11
Looks: Has really long maroon hair that goes up to her knees. Her bangs cover her right eye. Her right is is a crimson red while her left eye is silver. Wears a gray and lilac long sleeved kimono with simple black flats. Also has a black cloak that has a hood.
Personality: She is quite and calm, almost nothing can get her mad. But she will not hesitate to throw something at you if you are hurting her friends. She will not show her right eye to anyone.
Extra: doesn't like to lie, hates her right eye, can be overprotective. Has a low presence.
Birthday: October 8

Gender: male
Ultimate DJ
Age: 11
Looks: Has short messy black hair and bangs that are above his eyes. His eyes are a navy blue and always have kindness in them. Wears a red and orange shirt with brown pants and has yellow sneakers
Personality: Is a innocent cinnamon roll and is super kind. He isn't gullible and is not afraid to speak his mind. He isn't made mad or sad easily.
Extra: doesn't lie without a good reason.
Birthday: May 10

Gender: female
Ultimate bodyguard
Age: 15
Looks: Blond hair that goes up to the top of her stomach. Her eyes are a hazelnut green. She wears a black business suit with black pants.
Personality: She is serious but kind, will not stand for unnecessary violence. But likes to spar with others.
Nickname: Sam
Special nickname: Sammy
Extra: will knowingly give up her own life for anothers. Only really knows hand to hand types of fighting.
Birthday: August 31

Gender: male
Ultimate track runner
Age: 16
Looks: Has short brown hair and light green eyes. Wears a orange track one piece with red running sneakers.
Personality: Is chill type of guy. Has a lot of pent up energy and can run fast and for a long time. A deep sleeper.
Extra: loves to play video games and will play for hours apon hours. Doesn't have a good sense of time.
monsteracada's oc
Birthday: June 24

Gender: female
Ultimate jeweler
Age: 15
Looks: has semi long turquoise hait that is always in a side ponytail. She has sky blue eyes and wears a blue shirt with a purple skirt.
Personality: Is really sweet but can be quite rude when stressed. Will not stand for people blaming her for something she did not do. If you get in her bad side then you find that she can be just like a bully
Extra: loves shiny things.
Birthday: March 22

Gender: male
Ultimate weapon maker
Age: 16
Looks: has short white hair with sky blue eyes. Wears a black and gray shirt with long white pants.
Personality: calm and knows what he is doing. Will get extremely angry if you go through his stuff without permission.
Extra: doesn't go all violent without a cause.
Birthday: December 10

Gender: female
Ultimate Teacher
Age: 17
Looks: has red hair that goes a little past her shoulders and golden brown eyes. She wears a purple dress with black shoes.
Personality: Is sweet and and kind when you are on her good side and will be really strict and semi mean if you don't listen and are on her bad side
Extra: hates it when people interrupt her.
Birthday: Febuary 17

Gender: male
Ultimate Actor
Age: 14
Looks: Has shoulder length red hair and emerald green eyes. Always wears a purple shirt with a blue sash and black pants.
Personality: he is a total perverted idiotic fool (In rin's eyes) as drama queen/king.
Extra: he is openly bi
Birthday: January 3

Gender: female
Ultimate Doctor
Age: 15
Looks: Has light blue hair with red eyes. Wears a black lab coat with a magenta shirt and black gray pants.
Personality: she is cold and mean to most people and doesn't open up a lot. But if you break down her walls you will find that she is quiet but funny.
Extra: she has trust issues and doesn't like to talk a lot.
Birthday: June 5

Gender: male
Ultimate hacker
Age: 13
Looks: has soft black hair with yellow eyes. Always wears his green and turquoise bunny hoodie with black pants
Personality: Can be really funny and a jokester. But can get serious when the time calls for it. Really childish and immature.
Extra: loves to pull pranks on his friends.
Birthday: September 11

Gender: female
Ultimate Gardener
Age: 17
Looks: has light green hair with forest green eyes. Wears a lilac dress that has multiple secret pockets and gray rain boots.
Personality: sweet and very active. Will not tolerate anyone bulling her friend or someone younger than her. Like a big sister
Extra: loves to draw as well.
Birthday: May 31

Gender: male
Ultimate warden
Age: 15
Looks: has chocolate brown hair and light blue eyes. Wears a semi formal turquoise shirt with black pants. Has brown shoes
Personality: Funny and stubborn. Can get really strict and overprotective if something triggers him.
Extra: knows all fighting styles, (kendo, karate, ect.)
Birthday: November 29

Crystal Rose
Gender: female
Ultimate instrumentalist
Age: 11
Looks: has kinda darkish purple hair that goes up to her stomach. She wears a dark blue flower crown. She has red eyes and wears a light blue and white striped shirt with black shorts and knee high gray shoes
Personality: She is shy but nice as well as short tempered.
Extra: Is good at writing and telling stories.
Gaming_Crystal3099's oc
Birthday: April 26

Gender: male
Ultimate baker
Age: 10
Looks: has eyes that look like a sunset and his hair is a burgundy. Always wears a t-shirt that is way to big for him. Has on medium length shorts on. Usually has in a pair of uggs
Personality: Sweet and caring, smiles a lit. Can get sad easily and can't stand the sight of blood.
Extra: can not see blood or he will go into a panicked state which would make his body act out of self defense and once he has calmed down he faints.
Birthday: May 10
Unknown characters being released into files
Gender: ?female?
Ultimate ???
Age: unknown
Looks: a long black cloak always covers her body and face
Personality: calm, caring mysterious
Extra: Not many can see her. The only way the people can see her is through their dreams.
What they call her: Shadow
Birthday: unkown

Gender: ?female?
Ultimate ???
Age: unknown
Looks: long blue cloak always covers her body and face.
Personality: She is very loud and energetic. Usually can't keep secret. Blurts things out.
Extra: is never there without Shadow.
What they call her: Pixie
Birthday: unknown

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