Snake Babies [Willai]

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Willow couldn't help but smile as she opened her dorm room's door to see Mai standing there. She let the slightly taller girl inside, closing the door behind her.

"Hey Willow!" Mai greeted, pulling Willow into a hug. The snake breeder felt her face grown warm, and hugged back.

Mai let go, a grin on her face. "Where are the babies?"

"Over here." Willow said, leading Mai to the back of the room. There was a rack of plastic storage containers with holes punched in, and Willow opened the top of one of them, pulling out a baby ball python.

Mai let out a small squeal as Willow handed her the tiny snake. "So cute..." She said quietly, as not to startle the reptile.

Willow nodded, letting out a small giggle. "Yes, she really is adorable... but not as cute as you."

Mai blushed a bit, leading in to kiss Willow on the cheek. "I can't believe everyone thinks we're just friends."

"Well, most people in our class are pretty dense..." Willow said with a small sigh. "But that doesn't matter... you're the only one I care about."

"And the snakes!" Mai exclaimed, holding up the baby python. "We should get married and have a million snake babies!"

Willow smiled. "That sounds amazing."

The two girls ended up skipping class to cuddle and play with baby snakes.

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