Trauma Bonding💕

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Some Seiko x Komaeda, requested by _piano_freak_ 

Seiko was sad, and she's been sad.

Years, thinking about everything and everyone. She had nothing to show for it, well, she did have her title. People placed a constant trust in her to do things right, one misstep with the medications she made and she could really hurt someone. But, the trust didn't matter if people didn't really know who she was. She'd been living life with a noose around her neck, standing atop a chair on her tiptoes a little little too close to the edge.

Pulling her mask down, her gloved hands traced her braces. She knew she'd been gone for too long, someone would come looking for her. She just hoped they didn't send Ruruka, after their argument, they hadn't been on the best of terms. At this moment she truly felt like she couldn't handle such a conflict again.

She'd break down.

"What's an Ultimate like you doing being so mopey?"

Seiko snapped her mask back into place, glancing over her shoulder to look at the face to that faintly recognizable voice.


She thought, their previous meeting running in her mind.

"Did you not learn last time?! Surprising me like that can get you killed!"

Nagito put his hands up, letting out his usual nervous laughter.

"Well, yes. But you didn't look to be working, so I thought it'd be alright to approach."

She supposed that made sense, though that didn't mean she didn't like being surprised any less. Even if he hadn't seen her working on anything, with what she'd heard about his luck, she could've been. Or, maybe it was his luck that she hadn't been working.

"May I ask why you've sought me out? Did you need something?"

Komaeda smiled, keeping a rather large distance between them, he began speaking again.

"No no, not this time. I just came to check up on you."

Seiko didn't know what game Komaeda was playing at, but he was playing it well.

"I...suppose that's fine. Why'd you go out of your way?"

Komaeda chuckled quietly at that, normally Nagito was the one asking why people bothered to ask why he was ok.

"You're part of the future of hope, it's only people like you dthat can fix this dreadful world. It's simply an honor for filth like me to even be speaking to someone like you."

Seiko seemed shocked, though one couldn't see it on her face. The only part of her that could display emotion were her brows and eyes. Which seemed to be permanently furrowed in a look of concerned distress.

"You shouldn' about yourself like that." Seiko had responded, though she seemed to squirm in her place. Not since Ruruka and Sonosuke had she had someone care on, what she perceived as, a personal level. Even then, Ruruka had gotten her expelled. And she wasn't entirely sure Sonosuke even remembered she existed. It made her unconsciously think back to the bon bon she had in her pocket, it's smooth surface could only be assumed beneath her gloves hands.

"Oh, well. It's not like I'll be around much longer, think of it as the trash taking itself out. Someone as useless as I couldn't be of use to anyone, let alone the greats like you."

Nagito said, he'd moved his hands to do his usual surrendering stance. His fingertips barely brushed against the imitation leather of her gloves, before he retracted them. As though he feared infecting her simply via contact. He'd begun shaking, and he wasn't sure why. But he couldn't look at her, her one visible eye stared through him. Komaeda was a man unafraid to die, so why? Why was he feeling so...intimidated? He'd pressed a mostly loaded gun to his head and pulled the trigger for heaven's sake! He'd never once been afraid, but now, he was shaking.

Seiko however, hadn't noticed. Her own thoughts racing. She wasn't sure why her brain went back to that day she failed, but it did. She'd never felt like such scum.

Squatting beside a dog that had clearly died, simply because she failed to save it. At that moment, she was less than garbage. Even at a young age she was put on a pedestal, and yet, she failed. Her young mind was far too mature for her age, as the thoughts of death crossed her mind. Men, women, children.

She couldn't even save a dog, how would she be able to save a person? Pharmaceuticals were no joke, thousands upon millions of people needed them. They were even the bridge between life and death for some. She'd made a mistake that day, and the consequences were morbid.

"You're here for a reason Komaeda, you just need to find it."

"I'm here because I'm lucky." He said, his smile held no happiness as he spoke. "The most unlucky lucky student you've ever seen."

Seiko let out a sigh, she wasn't going to get through to him. He wasn't sure anyone could, Miaya maybe. Yeah, she'd be his only chance.

"Nagito, you need to calm down."

That was useless, every inch of Komaeda's sickly pale skin was breaking out in a cold sweat. The more she spoke, the stranger his feelings. His heart drumming in his chest, confusion and curiosity filling him as he watched the girl scramble for something. Rummaging through her bag, she produced two small white pills. She held her hand out, waiting for Komaeda to move to take them. He didn't. He just...stared at her.

Well, he did at first, before he slowly began to reach out his hand. The last time he felt something like this, Hiyoko had drugged the class. Even then, he wasn't shaking like he was now; helpless beneath the concerned gaze of Seiko Kimura. She seemed to grow tired of waiting however, tugging Nagito's wrists forward as she placed the medication in his palm. He could only assume they were something akin to Xanax. Which he didn't trust, it's not that he didn't trust Seiko, knowing his luck he might be allergic to something in it. He'd spent a lot of his life in a hospital, and he hated everything about them.

But, in the end, he trusted Seiko. He pooled saliva in his mouth, and swallowed the dry tablets. The extra moisture in his mouth allows them to go down easier.

After a few seconds, he felt his heart rate go down. His breathing was easier, and he was able to calm down a bit.

'What was that?' He thought, placing a hand over his easing chest.

"It's just something I made to block the fight or flight response. I just saw people who would panic and attack people trying to help them, so, it's just something I thought could be useful in the medical field."

'As to be expected from the Ultimate Pharmacist. Kind hearted, and smart.'

"Nobody ever asked you to make that?"

"'s really something I shouldn't be doing."

'Oh dear.'

"Ahahaha, bending the rules, huh?"

"Please don't tell anyone!"

Komaeda wasn't expecting that, she seemed genuinely scared. She had been expelled from Hope's Peak way back when, and he supposed that joking about something like that would worry her.

"Calm down, so long as you don't tell anyone what I'm planning."


Komaeda laughed, hoping it could come off as a joke. It wasn't, but the poor girl was already terrified.

"Uhm, Komaeda..."

Seiko trailed off, there was a strange tone in her voice.

Until he noticed the feeling of fake leather beneath his finger tips. Looking down, he was almost sure his heart dropped into his stomach.

When had he grabbed her hand?!

"S-Sorry, sorry!" He said, releasing her hand. The texture lingering on the pads of his fingers.

He'd overstayed his welcome, he had to go.

"Have a nice day Kimura-chan!"

Komaeda said, adjusting the bag over his shoulder as he walked out of the room.

Seiko wasn't sure how to react, her face warm and red beneath her most.

"Oh wow," she muttered, pulling her mask down for a moment, "that was...something..."

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