Velvet euphoria💕🍆

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(Some Korekiyo x Shuichi fluffy smut requested by Shuichi-_Saihara , I dunno if I did good,tell me if y'all enjoyed it. All smut involves characters 18+, I don't approve of writing about underage sex. But other forms of taboo writing is cool by me, remember to wear a condom when you have sex. :) )

Shuichi shouldn't have done this, he should've known meddling within his classmates...erotic fantasies was a bad idea. Yet he still did it, and he cursed that damned key for making it possible. When he first saw it was Shinguji he was at ease, the lanky man had always talked about the beauty of the human figure. So he assumed their...experience would be something more like exhobitionism. Maybe Korekiyo would have him strip and just admire him, but after being backed onto a bed with velvet colored rope wrapped loosely on his right wrist he realized that was, in fact, not the other's intention.

Maybe this was still some form of it, sure there was a beauty in shibari. Even Shuichi could admit to that, but something like this?!

"Y-You said I could run!"

Cloth bandages were creeping up his side;slender fingers tracing his,admittedly, less than impressive frame.

"That's true, however, I never said I wouldn't stop you."

He could feel the mattress dip further beneath the other man's weight.

"Show it to me, the beauty of humanity within you. You came on so strong, why must you be so apprehensive now?"

Shuichi wasn't sure what to do, this was making him feel too many different types of way.

"S-Slow down at least."

"Now, why would I do that? When I could instead bask in the beauty of the human figure."

He said, tearing the buttons from their place. His pale skin erupting in goosebumps, it caused Shuichi to let out an indignant squawk.

"Slow down!"

He snapped a bit more firmly, his free hand reaching up to grab hold of Korekiyo's thin wrist. He even attempted thrashing, attempting to drive his knee somewhere sensitive enough to get the anthropologist off of him. He didn't care if he was breaking the fantasy, he didn't care if Korekiyo woke up and hated him the next morning, he just didn't care!

However, his grip was much more firm than he'd originally assumed. He wasn't reacting to his struggle,no that's not quite right, Korekiyo wasn't reacting at all. He was just staring down at him, his pupils had dilated. It was like having a staring contest with a cat, it felt strangely predatory. Shinguji placed his palm against Shuichi's chest, the detective more worried now than before.

"...You enjoy taking things slow? How disappointing."

"D-D-Disappointing?! You're just going too fast! Slow down a bit!"

Korekiyo scoffed, sitting back on his knees, he allowed Shuichi to sit up. His fingers moving to dig his nails into the, honestly, loose knot of red lace. Only to have his own hand tugged by the wrist towards the tall, slender figure facing him. Shuichi only let out a slight gasp at the quick, rough action.

"Shinguji, what are you..."

He trailed off, using the tiny amount of time he's been given to attempt to piece together his situation.

"I'm willing to allow you to go at your own pace, but don't think I want you to go so slow."

Shuichi swallowed at that, kneeling to lean his face towards the anthropologist. Their faces so close, he could feel the cold metal zipper of Korekiyo's mask tingle his skin.

"Could I...take this off?"

Shuichi whispered, brushing his free hand against Shinguji's leather protected cheek. Looking into eyes of gold, he could feel a shiver force itself down his spine. When he received no response, he took it as a yes.

However, Shuichi's pale fingers were only able to brush below the leather before his wrist was snatched away from the man's face.

"I'm sorry, sister doesn't think you're quite ready."

Saihara wasn't sure what to say at that, swallowing down his fear, he nodded.

"Ok, um, can I get this off?"

Shuichi knee his speech was less than erotic, but he pawed at the waistband of Korekiyo's pants anyway. To which the man let out an unamused sigh, waving his hand in a dismissive manner.

Saihara swallowed at the response, he wasn't sure if that was a yes or a no. Once again, he decided it was a yes.

After all, if it was a no, Korekiyo would just stop him again. His fingertips dipped below the other man's undergarments, his knuckles pressed against the man's slim thighs.They were warm, he wanted to continue on one hand, but on the other;he was a bit too embarrassed to do anything else.

"You keep stopping, why must you hesitate?"

Shuichi grit his teeth, his heart pounding a bit too loudly in his chest.

"I haven't done anything like this before."

Korekiyo cocked his head to the side, adjusting his position to lean back on the palms of his hands.

"You're being rather difficult."

Shuichi huffed at that, tugging at Korekiyo's pants a bit more firmly. Slipping his pants down to his mid thigh, before Saihara once again paused. The other man appeared to be getting..."ready", as he wasn't as aroused as Shuichi had expected.

"Bare yourself to me."

'Why does he talk like that?'

He nodded nonetheless, swallowing thickly as he rose up on his knees to tug down his own clothing. Slipping his pants off from beneath his knees, he was left in his boxers. Dark blue and lined with white thread, he had a hard time believing he was half hard with arousal. He wasn't sure why he'd gotten so hot and bothered.

Taking a moment to draw himself closer towards the taller man, resting his palms on his shoulders as he sat on his upper thighs. Shuichi could feel the other man's arousal press against his lower back, he wasn't sure where to go from here.

Sex education having taught him nothing more than;lubrication, penetration, ejaculation. But abstinence was key of course, because people shouldn't get horny until marriage.

He...supposed he should start with lubrication.

Pooling spit in his mouth, he allowed some to drip onto his open palm. Only for Korekiyo to give him a look of confusion, or...maybe it was disgust?

"What are you doing?"


Korekiyo let out an exasperated sigh, rubbing his temple with one of his bandaged hands.

"Ignorance is bliss, truly."

He muttered, before bending his knees to bring Shuichi closer to his chest. Saihara pressed his forearms against the slim man's pectorals.

"May I ask, how well did you think that was going to work?"

Shuichi didn't know how to respond, but he did feel Shinguji reach for something.

"I assume you enjoy pain, but I don't believe you'd like it quite that much."

Korekiyo placed a slim plastic bottle to their side, before using his other hand to release his right hand from its bandages.

Shuichi wasn't sure what he'd been expecting, but he didn't expect to see...nothing...

His skin was smooth, not a blemish or scar anywhere to be seen.

Shinguji popped the cap of the bottle open, squeezing a hefty amount of the clear fluid into his palm. To which Saihara violently flinched as he felt the cold liquid run down his backside.


He commanded quietly, which did nothing to really soothe Shuichi.

Wrapping his arms around Korekiyo's neck, he attempted to relax himself. Looking over his shoulder to try and watch what the other man was doing. The faint scent of a latex equivalent of cherries reached his nose, causing another shiver to run down his spine. A foreign feeling of heat rising in his chest.

Before Shuichi let out a long exhale, feeling Korekiyo's fingers prod at his ring of muscle. Feeling a small amount of pressure, before a finger slipped inside. Saihara responded with a sharp inhale, before once again letting out a long sigh. The feeling wasn't painful, but it wasn't something he felt before.

"You're doing so well, for your first time."

"T-Thanks I guess."

Korekiyo let out another sigh, using his still bandaged hand, he pressed his thumb against Shuichi's nipple. His jacket falling loosely down his arms, it didn't get far.

"Have you done this before?"

"Of course, pleasure is part of the human experience after all," He began, Shuichi relaxed enough by now to not notice the second digit slip inside, "and pleasure is universal. A connection, one most fully experienced between two bodies and souls."

Shuichi didn't know how to feel, how to think really. Pressing his thumb against Korekiyo's cheek, his breathing became labored. In all his years of detective work, he'd never experienced such a man. Someone so surrounded by mystery. He'd never been one to get lost in the unknown, but staring into his eyes, he felt himself getting led astray in those desert orbs.

"Shinguji-kun..." he trailed off, pressing his forehead against Korekiyo's, letting out soft pants and slight whines as the other man's fingers pressed against something inside him. Jerking forward against Shinguji's chest, squeezing and tightening around Korekiyo's fingers. His eyes fluttering shut as he clenched his teeth, his lower back and thighs trembling under the other's touch. Effectively becoming putty in the other man's hands. Sparks of pleasure made him twitch, and shake as his fingers dug into Korekiyo's shoulders.

"Just below the bladder."

He heard the man whisper, but he didn't respond.

"H-Haah." He whimpered, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.

The slick liquid he felt run down his leg confirmed that Korekiyo perhaps used too much. But that was almost endearing, he was being so careful...

"Let's move on, my sweet little detective."

Shuichi swallowed, nodding his head, he attempted to respond verbally;however, he was left breathless and almost drunk with euphoria.

Saihara reached behind him, his own pale fingers grasping Korekiyo's dick in his hands.  It was warm and slippery in his grip. Pushing Korekiyo inside of himself, he let out a low groan. Tears pricking his eyes as the burn set in, this was definitely bigger than Korekiyo's fingers. He rose on his knees slightly, a few experimental ins and outs following in an attempt to adjust a bit quicker.

"So eager once more, how cute."

'Cute?' Shuichi thought to himself, letting out a slight hiccup as the other man's cock brushed against his prostate.

"Korekiyo." He called, the burning of the stretch subsided as he found his own rhythm.

"Saihara-kun, let go of restraints. Let yourself experience pure euphoria."

He cooed in his ear, the anthropologist reaching his still slick fingers against his thigh. Before he ran one of his fingers up the length of his shaft, his thumb running along the slit of his cock. He could feel precum beading up on the tip of his dick, his brows furrowing in at the strange sensations that came all at once.

"M-Mmm." Shuichi moaned, his lips lining as pressure began to build in his abdomen. His ride was slow, and this felt a little too passionate for a one night stand. Only to have those thoughts cut off as Korekiyo jerked his hips up to meet Shuichi's.

Their hips met as Shuichi began to ride a bit faster. As Korekiyo's cock once again brushed against Saihara's prostate, his hips jerked uncontrollably as he began to ride the man with more vigor.


He hiccuped, moans falling from his mouth as his mind became clouded. His eyes dotted with tears.

"Please. Please."

Shuichi wasn't sure what he was begging for exactly, but he was definitely losing it.

"You're so beautiful Saihara-kun."

He whispered in Shuichi's ear, before Saihara felt an especially sharp spark of heat in his abdomen. His vision went white as he let out another sharp gasp. His moans deteriorated into sobs as he began riding harder, babbling and blubbering as he choked out multiple moans and whines. Lacing his fingers in Korekiyo's sea green hair, damp with sweat, he tugged on it slightly. The pleasure was overwhelming, and he almost collapsed against Korekiyo as the heat and euphoria became too much.

His hips stuttered to a halt as he came, tightening around the man inside him, that seemed to be enough to make the other male cum as well. But Shuichi didn't stop moving his hips, riding out his orgasm as sweat dripped down his face along with tears.


Shuichi felt Korekiyo's hand grab his cheek, his still bandaged thumb brushing under his eye.

"Saihara-kun." He trailed off, Shuichi placed his own hand over Shinguji's. Once again pressing his forehead against the other's, he breathed hard against Korekiyo's masked lips. Shinguji pulled out of Shuichi, gently laying the detective down before lying beside him. The two men facing each other, lube staining the sweat soaked sheets beneath them. The room reeked of lust and perspiration. It made Shuichi strangely tired. Shutting his eyes, he slowed his breathing. His eyelids are heavy,body sore and tired from their earlier activities. Before unconsciousness took him, he felt lips press against his cheek. Along with a deeper warmth enveloping him as he was pulled into the other man's arms.

At that moment, he was at peace.

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