Ouma x Kaede//Kaede in danganland//Part 2

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Requested by Kawaii_Cassedy

"Not so fast!" A voice reverberated across the moor.

A lady with light pink hair rode in with her horse. She wore a big white, pink, and black dress with pink hearts. She had a stoic expression on her face.

"That's Junko Enoshima. The ruler of Danganland. I know this is odd for me to say it, but she's mad." The Mad Hatter ironically stated.

Her horse was very peculiar. It was black and white and one eye had a red lightning bolt. Kaede remembered the signs on the trees. It was the exact same symbol.

"You there! State your business in Danganland!" The lady jumped off her horse and held her dress up so it wouldn't drag and walked towards Kaede.

Kaede, once again told her tale. Telling her tale was becoming prevalent and boring.

"Ah I see. There is only one solution to this." Junko nodded, looking confident.

Kaede sighed. "Finally I just want to go h-"

"OFF WITH HER HEAD!!" Junko screamed and knights appeared behind her, pointing their spears with hearts at the end at her.

Kaede gulped.

"Run!" The rabbit yelled.

"Gah!" Kaede yelped and ran away, picking up her dress so it wouldn't drag.

Kaede felt her weight give out and she fell onto the grass.

"No..oh no." She tried to get up but the guards were coming nearer.

Immediately, she felt arms lift her up.


She was being held princess style. Kaede looked up and saw a familiar face.


The Cheshire Cat grinned. "Well hello again. You like to get in all sorts of trouble..don't you?" There was a bit of worry in his tone but Kaede didn't notice.

"It wasn't my fault! Those people are crazy!" Kaede yelled.

"Of course they are crazy! This is Danganland!" Ouma rolled his eyes, his ears flattening.


"Look, I'm gonna lose them in the forest then drop you off with a mage I know. She will help you return home."

Kaede widened her eyes. "Thank you Ouma. I really appreciate it."

Ouma smirked. "But not before we make you dizzy."

"What? Gah!"

Ouma sped up, going around and around in circles in the forest.

"There. Now we lost them." Ouma giggled, setting the maiden down.

"You..are..a crazy cat." Kaede panted, laying on the ground.

Ouma once again chuckled. "Of course I am sweetie. I am the Cheshire Cat after all." He brushed his dark purple hair back proudly.

Kaede slowly got up, looking around. Her eyes widened at the sight of a huge tree. It was a black tree with red leaves.

"This place is just getting weirder and weirder." Kaede mumbled.

"That's where you will find the great mags Yumeno Himiko! Great sorceress of all Danganland." Ouma stuck his tongue out. "Not very nice though."

Kaede stepped forward, admiring the sight.

"Are you coming with me?" She asked, turning her head around. But she saw nothing. Ouma was gone. Vanished. Poof!

Kaede sighed and turned back around to the direction of the tree house. She approached the steps and knocked on the door.

The door creaked as it opened. Kaede peeked inside. She didn't see anyone and all she saw was a desk.

She approached it warily. She rung a little gold bell on the desk. But to her surprise, it sounded like an elephant instead of a chime.

"Gah!" Kaede shrieked, jumping back.

"My my." A voice rung out.

Kaede looked at the desk. But she saw no one.

"Hello? Who is there?"

"Well me of course." A plump man appeared from behind the counter. "My name is Hifumi Yamada. How may I help you today?"

"Well you see, the Cheshire Cat told me I could come here to see the great mage Yumeno. Is she available?"

"Hmm well only if you can guess the password." He chuckled.

"A password?" Kaede furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes ma'm. To answer the password, you must solve this riddle."

"A riddle? Tell me then." Kaede was anxious to go home.

"Patience patience. Here is the riddle. What is black and white and eats grass?"

"A cow?"

Hifumi shook his head. "A Monokuma of course! Silly!"

Kaede sighed. "Darn it."

"Fine. You can get another riddle." Hifumi rolled his eyes. "Since you are so dense. Who is the queen of all the land?"

"Junko Enoshima. The Queen of Hearts." Kaede said triumphantly.

"Woo..you got it right." Hifumi looked the least bit enthusiastic.

"Well can I see Yumeno now?"

"Yeah whatever. Go ahead and go through the whole behind you."

"What? There isn't a hol-" Kaede turned around and there it was, a hole behind her on the floor.

I know that wasn't there before.

Kaede looked into the swirling portal and gulped. She jumped as she braced herself.

Part 3 coming soon!

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