So I'm only allowed to save the world if I play the trumpet for my school band?

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"WHAT THE FUCK?" yelled May dropping the cup of tea she was bringing in.

Peter turned around in a flash and his face instantly dropped. What had he been thinking? Leaving the door open and getting changed into his suit?

"I...ummm... borrowed it from a friend?" attempted Peter hoping the weak excuse would work.

"Wha- Why- Ho-Since when?"she muttered finally deciding on which question to ask.

"Well umm I got bitten quite a while back, so a good time now.." Peter said before realising that probably wasn't the most intelligent thing to say at this point in time.

"Wait- so all those times you were sneaking out was for missions? Oh god... and I thought you had some secret girlfriend or something. I'm so glad I didn't have to have the 'talk' but goodness I wasn't prepared." May was rambling which was something she often did when in a stressful situation. Suddenly the graveness of what that meant sank into her.
"YOU COULD HAVE DIED YOU LITTLE-" she cut herself off before she said something that she wouldn't want him to say.

"But I didn't?" tried Peter before deciding he didn't trust his mouth and consequently shutting up.

Now much calmer, May said,"Okay well. It needs to stop. There is no way you can carry on doing this, it's way too dangerous and there's enough superheroes to do the job for you."

"Wait! What! No you can't do that! I've worked so hard to finally get Mr Stark to agree to treat me like one of them! Please you can't take it away from me.." he begged now on the verge of tears at the very thought of having to give up his suit... again.

"Peter, I can't..."

"Please there has to be something! I'll work very hard in school!"

"No way am I letting you off that easy. I mean the only reason I didn't think you were doing anything too terrible was because of your amazing grades. You're going to need to do more than that....In fact, I have a perfect idea. I want you to join back in the extra curriculars that you dropped."

"So I'm only allowed to save the world if I play the trumpet for my school band?"

"Yes and not only that, I want you working hardest in the decathlon team no bailing out like last time. This is something you need to think about with college on the horizon- and before you say anything, yes you are going to college." Peter didn't think there would be any point in arguing. "Now get out while I process all the shit you've told me. Also clean up this mess," she said pointing at the spilt tea on the floor.

Peter left the room before she could even say anything else, or change her mind. The only place to clear his head would be with Ned's. He barged in using the keys that Ned's parents kept under their welcome mat.

In the hallway were a collection of photos from Ned's childhood, all of which were cute and happy and reflected a perfect family life. As he walked into Ned's room he saw a sight he never thought he'd ever see.

A girl on Ned's bed.

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