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     After I told Ginny everything I went to my room and thought about what happened today. I can't believe Draco wanted to hurt me, I thought he actually loved me, I started to cry in my pillow until I saw a blonde staring at me from across my room.
     "Hey, are you ok?" Draco asks.
     "No! Do you think I'm ok, Draco?!
Why would you want to hurt me?! I hate you! Just get out of my life!" I yell.
     "I don't want to hurt you. I am doing this so you don't get hurt! I can't believe you would actually think that." He yells back.
     "Then tell me what actually happened!" I demand.
     "Ok, well after you left Bellatrix came. She asked me where you were and I said you left. She then walked me to the dining room and I saw a man I never thought I would see again."
     "Omg, is it who I think it is?" I ask him is a cautious tone.
"It is, he's back." Draco tells me.
"Voldemorts back?!" I yell.
"What are we going to do?!" I ask.
"Don't worry we have to tell Ginny, though. I would not want them to get hurt either." He informs me.
"Of course. Don't worry we will tell her right away. So how did it all happen?" I inquire.
Story (Voldemort)
I saw a man I thought I would never see again: Voldemort.
I walked into the room slower and slower. Apparently, The golden trio forgot to kill one horcrux. I asked what that one horcrux was. He wouldn't tell me because he knew I was seeing Hermione Granger. Soon enough, I got my dad to tell me. But there was one problem we had to get to it. He gave me a few hints: it is always near him. It is made with something Harry Potter uses and it is long. I couldn't come up with anything so I needed help.
     Hermione's p.o.v
     "Of course! I yelled with excitement. It has to be his wand!" I exclaim.
     "Oh my god, you are good." He laughs.
     "Alright now we have to find some way to get to it." I explain.
     "Alright but how?" He asks.
     "Well do you know where he keeps his wand?" I ask him.
     "No, but that is my next mission. I will got there tonight for winter break and figure it out." He considers.
     "Ok that sounds like a good enough plan!" I exclaim. "But how are you going to pull it off?" I question.
     "Ok, here is the whole plan. You need to get Harry, Ron, and Ginny. You are going to explain the plan to them especially Harry because he needs to kill the horcrux. I am going to take the train to Malfoy Manner and find out where he keeps it. I also will need to borrow Harry's map to see where he is going so I can make sure to get out of his way. Do you like it?" He questions.
     "Yes I think it is a great plan!" I exclaim.
     "Great! Then let's get started!" He says. I, nervously, go down to the Gryffindor common room.
     "Pumpkin juice" I mutter and the portrait of the fat lady shoots open. I see Ron and Harry playing wizards chess, as usual.
     "Hey, Hermione." They exclaim.
     "Hey, guys!" I need you two and Ginny. It's urgent. I say and they get up.
     "Ok you go get Ginny and we will wait here." They tell me.
     "Ok." I agree and go upstairs to see Ginny in the girls dormitory reading.
     "Hey Gin, I need you and the guys it's urgent." I mumble.
     "Ok!" She says and we go downstairs and go out of the common room.
     "I just need to get my coat and stuff and then let's go to the three broomsticks." I explain. They agree as I go and get my coat. I go up to my common room and get my purple hat and black coat on. I head back to the great hall where is see all of them waiting for me.
     "Come on, Hermione!" The train leaves in 2 minutes. We run towards the train that is about to leave. We get there with only seconds left to spare. The snow is brushing up against my face while I am running and I can barely see. Soon enough, I realize that I have lost Ron, and Harry. Onto leaving Ginny by my side.
     "Did you see where they went?" I question.
     "Yes." She points over in another direction. My hand covers my mouth so I don't scream.

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