Death eaters

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So do you think they fell for it? Draco asks.
I am pretty sure they have! I exclaim.
Alright it's time to see the death eaters. He tells me and I hold his hand and we apperate.
Draco's p.o.v
Yes I know I have changed for Hermione. That does not mean that I have changed for everyone else. I loved Hermione so much that I got her I'm on the death eaters plan. I know what your thinking, how did you get her in on this? Well I'm a death eater of course, I have my ways! (Imperio)
Hermione's p.o.v
We walk into Malfoy Manor where I start to remember I have been tortured last year
Draco Malfoy! What am I doing here? I ask him with a tone on my voice. I soon here him mutter something under his breath.
"Imperio" I hear him say. I slap him square in the face before the spell hits me and I move out of the way.
I can't believe you would do this to me! I yelled and pulled away.
Hermione I did it because I love you and I don't want the death eaters to kill us.
You mean they don't want to kill YOU! I quickly apperate to our dorms, just figuring out that you can apperate in and out only ours.
Draco's p.o.v
I guess that wasn't the right move. I thought to myself. I see Aunt Bellatrix come from around the corner.
Where did the girl go? She asks in her crazy voice.
She left, she said that she didn't want to do this. I tell her. We start to walk to the dining room and now I see my whole family, including the one person I thought was dead. It could not be true I thought to myself. He got killed, was there one left?
Hermione's p.o.v
OMG! I can not believe he did this! I run to the gryffindor common room and I say the old password. I run in and can not spot Ginny. In fact, I don't see anyone. I quickly ran up to Harry's room and got the map. I open it.
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." I say and I see Ginny walking into the library with DEAN THOMAS?!?! "Mischief managed" I say and it closes the map. Soon enough, I run down to the library and see Ginny with Dean.
Hey Mione! How are you? She questions.
I can not believe you Ginny! I yell.
What did I do? She cries.
Dorm think I'm stupid Ginny! Your seeing Dean behind Harry's back! I yell and she laughs.
No I have not. I just came down here to get a new text book.
What? But I saw you walk in here with him. I tell her.
Yes we walked in at the same time but we didn't come here together. I saw him in the hallway. You can calm down Hermione. She explains and then starts laughing again.
Ok. I start to laugh as well. Then I realize what I actually came here for.
So what would you like to do? Ginny asks me as I almost nearly interrupt her.
Oh yeah, Draco hasn't changed and he is trying to hurt all of us. He tried to get me in in his plan! I explain to Ginny as her face turns to a bright red.
Ok I know you are pissed off but if we want to live we have to make a plan. Ok?
Ok! Cmon lets go! She says and we rush to my common room.

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