The plan

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It was official, I was hated by everyone except for Draco! At least I still had the guy I really liked. I go down stairs to get ready for dinner and am trying to decide who to sit with. I decides to keep my normal spot and try to sort out this whole mess with all of them. The only problem was Ron and Ginny were sitting by Neville who was far on the other end of the table. I groan and sit next to Harry.
"Well, you seem happy about life." Harry says sarcastically and we both laugh.
"So I am guessing Ron told you." I say while looking down at the table.
"Yeah, but don't worry, Mione. I mean he just over reacted back there. Ginny is just upset because she thought she could trust you. You should at least apologize." He says. "Especially Ginny, because I can't take both of you complaining, no offense."
"Alright whatever." I reply to see Ginny come over.
     "Hey Mione. I'm sorry I just got a little mad and over reacted."
     "It's ok, and I'm sorry too." I reply back and she smiles
"I hope everything is going to be ok with you and Ron." Ginny hopes out loud.
"Yeah me too." I tell her hoping she doesn't see right through my lies.
"So, how is living with Malfoy? She asks. Is it pure torture?" Now she starts laughing and Harry joins in.
"Guys, I thought you knew." I said.
"Know about what?" They both ask.
"That me and Draco are dating. And please I DO NOT want to hear you say Malfoy again, if he respects you, you need to as well."
"When has he ever respected us?" Ginny asked in a snooty tone. Harry laughs and agrees with Ginny.
"Well he has started to call you by your first names." I reply with a smirk on my face.
"Mione, are you sure he isn't bad news?" Harry asks concerned.
"Yes, it would be nice if you both could meet the new and improved Malfoy." I ask invitingly. "Maybe come over tonight?" I ask.
"I suppose if we must." Harry agrees.
"As long as your there." Ginny exclaims with a bright smile.
"We just can't let Ron know, ok?" Harry asks.
"Ok." I agree and we all walk out of the great hall together up to Draco and i's common room. We walk in and we see Draco with his nose in a book.
"What might they be doing here?" He asks in a snide tone.
"They would like to do a redo and meet you." I say giving him a wink so he knows he has to do it.
"Ok, actually perfect timing." He says with his usual smirk on his face. I have been meaning to tell all of you about the rebellion.
"What rebellion?" Harry asks with the most concerned look on his face.
"The death eaters are planning a rebellion since after the war and we need to divise a plan that will trick them."
"How do we know we can trust you?" Ginny asks.
"Don't worry, you can." I reassure them and I can tell Ginny feels a lot better.
"We have to tell Ron too though because I would not want him to get hurt." Draco says. Harry and Ginny make the weirdest faces and I start to laugh.
"Guys, I told you he has changed." I laugh again, harder this time. Everyone else starts to laugh too. We wait to get Ron later and they so they all leave. It was nice making this plan with Draco. Espescially knowing what it really was.

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