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     Hermione's p.o.v
     Draco and I still walking, we quickly went on the train to Hogsmeade. I, still crying, was still so upset from before and still trying to process what just happened. Ginny must hate me I thought to myself. I wish I could just start over sometimes. I doubt Ginny even wants us to be friends anymore.
     We got off the train at last and our first stop was the candy shop.
     "So what ever happened between you and Weasel?" He asked. My face got really red again.
     "Don't call her that! She is my best friend! At least I thought she was." I yelled.
     "I am sorry Hermione, you must be really upset. Do you need anything?" He asked.
     "No I am fine thank you." I replied back to him. "I have to go buy Christmas presents, would you like to help me?" I question curious if he was even interested.
     "Yes, I would love to." He replied and put his arm around my shoulder. We walked through the joke shop until I finally saw something that would be perfect for Ron. I saw a brand new version of his sweater that he got in his first year and it would fit him perfectly. It was limited edition and was 20 galleons. I thought to myself I had to get it. Of course I did it I mean just because we aren't dating doesn't mean we still can't be friends. For Ginny I got her a new pig me puff because her other one died. For Harry I got the same sweater I got Ron for another 20 galleons. Ginny's gift was 10 galleons so it all evened everything out by the time I calculated everything. I just needed one more thing and that was for Draco. I needed to think of what to get him. Then I knew exactly the thing! I got him a new quidditch jersey with his number on it. I think he is going to love it! After we do all of our cheistmas shopping, we head to the three broomsticks and get some lunch. I get the chicken and Draco just gets a butter beer with some salad on the side.
     "So tell me exactly what happened today." Draco stated.
     "Ok, so Ron is mad that I cheated on him and-" Draco cut me off completely.
     "Wait, you didn't cheat on him."
     "Yes I did, Draco. Remember with you when we made out like twice without me telling him."
     "Oh yeah, ok go on then." He says letting me finish the rest of my story.
     "Ok so like I was saying Ron got mad at me for cheating on you. So then he told everyone else and that is why Ginny is mad at me. Harry is also pretty pissed. He is just showing it less."
     "I am so sorry, Hermione." He stated.
"It's all my fault isn't it?" He questioned.
    "No, don't worry it is not your fault. It's mine I should have known better." I explain to him as he begins to understand.
     "Well, they are just all being jerks, don't listen to them." He told me.
     "What would you like to do after this?" I ask.
     "Maybe, start heading home?" He suggest and he fully agrees with me. It was just getting about dinner time anyway. We had a pretty late lunch.
We headed back home, but this time I didn't see Ginny by our window I saw Ron.
Oh my god, I'm sorry Draco I just can't do this! I yell in a slight whisper. He hides me behind him starts to talk to Ron.
What are you doing here? Draco says in a hesitant voice. Ron stands up and begins to yell.
MALFOY, YOU RUINED MY RELATIONSHIP! HOW DARE YOU COME NEAR ME! YOU FERRET! He screams bloody murder. His face is now as red as a tomato.
It wasn't his fault it was mine. I'm sorry! I yelled back.
     WELL I HATE YOU BOTH!!!! He screws and then stormed off. I started to cry. AGAIN!

Hope you guys liked! Love ya!~Sunnysweetheart❤️

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