The Dirty Truth.

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(Noah/Abel's POV)

Stunned by my question, she looks away quickly and rubs her eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about." Resting her hands on her hips, she looks anywhere but at me.

Finding it somewhat amusing, I laugh lightly at her. "Amara I don't give a shit, you're an adult. Do what you want." I rest my large on of the small of her back.

Through the corner of my eye, I can Erick getting red in the face. So, me touching her pisses him off more than her touching me. Using this against him, I spin her around. Lightly pressing my hand against her cheek, she flinches back some but allows it to happen. Just as I dip my head down to kiss her, the prick grabs onto her wrist and pulls her away.

"I need to talk with you."


(Amara's POV)

Yanking me along with him, Erick pulls me behind a closed down booth. "What the fuck are you doing Amara?" He grits his teeth and tightens his grip on my wrist. "I thought you didn't like this guy?"

I don't know if it's the weed, alcohol or even myself in general but I shrugged. "I actually kinda like him." I smile. "He's nice."

Releasing my wrist, he grabs my face between his fingers. Something he's done alot of.

"I don't want to see you all over him, got that?" Erick sneers as he adds pressure to the cheeks.

"You aren't my boss, Erick. You can't tell me what to do."

Relazing I'm right only pisses him off more. There's only one thing Erick loves more than himself, control.

"If I see you hanging off of him again." His free hand grips my hips. "I'm going to hurt you, Amara. We both know once he's used you or you've used him, you'll come back to me." Pushing away from him and against the booth, her walks out of the shadows back to his new girlfriend.

A bit angry and upset, I cross my arms over my chest and follow distantly behind him.

(Noah/Abel's POV)

I don't know what happened with Erick but shortly after they came back, he left. Amara and I have been walking around in silence ever since. I can tell something happened,I just don't care enough to find out.

"You like rollercoasters?" I asks as she stops in her tracks.

Again, silence. Any other time I want her to shut up, she can't.


"Can we just go?" Her voice cracks. She keeps her head down so I can't see her face. "I don't feel good."

"Do you want to sit?" I raise a brow as I look for an open table. Spotting one all by itself, I hold out my hand for her to take.

Ignoring my hand, she marches to the table and sits, with her head down. Just as I'm about to sit across from her, her shoulders start to shake and the sound of faints cries leaks from the wooden table. Retreating, I back away from the table a few feet and allow her to have her moment. She isn't the kind of girl that wants to be held.

"I'm glad I'm not her." I hear a few say as they go by.

I know if I can hear, so can she. I almost pity her, I'm not sure what for but I kind of do. Rolling my eyes, I shrug off my coat. When I reach her, I place it over her shoulders.

"Why are you crying?" I whisper as I sit next to her. "Was the date that bad?" Joking, I try to lighten the mood.

Taking my bait, she laughs softly. "No, not at all." She turns to look at me. "Thank you." Offering a smile, Amara looks down. "I'm sorry I dragged you into all of this."

I can't tell you what it is, because I don't even know but, something about seeing her this modest makes me to kiss her. Maybe it's because she looks like the word sex in human form, I mean that as, she's sexy as hell tonight.

Following my cave man like instincts, I cup her face. Maybe now isn't the time to kiss, looking in her eyes it's not what she needs right now.

"Tell me what's wrong." I wipe a tear off her cheek with my thumb.

"I don't want to." She sniffles and wipes her own eyes.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to." She narrows her brows while still wiping her eyes.

"Because why?"

Freezing in her spot, she glares at me. "Why do you care Abel?"

Shrugging, I pull my hand away. "The same reason I asked you out, I like you."

Searching my face to pick up the lies she'll never discover, she sighs. Tucking her brown hair behind her ear, she looks ahead.

"I got into it with Erick."

"You say that like you're still dating him."

Shocked by my response, she snaps her head in my direction. "It's not like that."

"What is it then?" I ask calmly, trying to get answer.

Taking a minute to reply, she looks me in the eye. "It's not fair." Shaking her head, her long brown hair sways around. "I've been with him off and on since I was a sophomore in highschool, and he's never been as nice to me as he is to Crystal, not even in public."

Narrowing my eyes, I'm confused by what she means. "What exactly do you mean?"

Thinking back, I remember her being skiddish when I came by Erick's place and when I stopped by her house. The night I acted as her body guard, he grabbed her face and ran after her.

Nonchalantly, she pulls out a cigarette and lights it. "What do you think I mean by, mean?" Amara shakes her head. "I doesn't matter." She looks up at me. "I use to be just like her." She chuckles sarcastically. "I use to be the nice, bubbly, friendly girl. She's in for one life changing experience."

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