Who's the bigger clown here?

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(Amara's POV)

Pushing past a few crowds of people I finally find my excuse to get away from Abel. A funnel cake stand. Looking around like a parinoid freak, I get behind the last person in line. Lucky me, there's alot of people in line. I can get my shit together while I wait.


Great, this is great. Not only am I one a date with a guy and I have no idea what I'm doing but, my ex decided he had to show up too. Choosing to ignore him, I huff and turn to ahead of me.

"I'm sorry with how things turned out." He offers me a sad smile. His eyes drift down to my chest and slowly back up to my face. The friendly expression quickly changes to anger.

"I think it's best we just leave it be." I cross my bare arms over my chest and try ignoring him again, I just want to get away from him.

"At least let me apologize, I can get you a funnel cake." He offers cooly.

"I'll pass." I hold up my hand and move a spot forward when someone ditches the long ass line.

"Babe." A woman's voice calls from behind us.

Looking behind Erick's big ass head, a girl with gold beach waves smiles at us. Skipping around a few people, she stops at Erick's side.

Shocked, I glare at my blonde ex.

"Oh is this Amara?" She smiles widley at me and takes my hand in hers.

"No babe-." He goes to warn her for my dislike of touching, but I stand still.

Babe, he calls her babe. Why does that hurt? Why does seeing her so happy by his side hurt?

Just to make me feel even worse, he grabs her face and devours her mouth. Opening his eyes, he stares into mine. So this is personal, this is just to hurt me.

"I think I'm going to-"

"Amara!" Abel's voice booms from a few feet away. "What the hell?" His face had confusion written all over it.

A bit startled I jump at his voice, and think about running off again. I need fresh air, away from these two.

"I've been looking everywhere for you." Abel confesses as he stands next to me.

"You came with him?" Erick's date gawks at Abel as he give Erick an odd expression. "Maybe we should all hang out together." The blonde girl squeals at her own idea.

"I don't think so." Erick's eyes never leave mine.

"Come on." She begs as she hangs off his arm. "So far, she doesn't seem like a crazy ex at all."

"Crystal, I said no."

I'm the crazy ex? What the fuck have I have done to be labeled the crazy one?

"No, she's right." I force my biggest smile before taking the girl's hands in mine. Looking her dead in the eye, I reply. "We would love to hang out with another couple." I cock my head to the side and watch as Erick looks at Abel and back at me. I never thought someone's face could turn so red.

Getting frustrated, he grabs Crystal's arm and yanks her away from me. I honestly hope I didn't get her into trouble.

My ex throws his arms around her and kisses her tenderly. How come he's never kissed me like that before? Why is he so nice to her and was just so... mean to me? What did I do to deserve the hate he inflicted?

Without really thinking, I turn and quickly wrap my arms over Abel's shoulders. "Amara, what are you doing?" He whispered as I got closer to his face.

"Please just go along with this." I beg looking down. "I'll explain later."

Locking his eyes with mine, he nods. With in seconds, his lips are pressed against mine. One of his hands supporting my head and the other on my lower back.

I could of avoided all this if I went to the bar and got drunk. Althought, part of me doesn't mind behind wrapped in Abel's arms..


(Noah/Abel's POV)

I don't know how much more of this night I can take. We've been hanging out with them for a couple hours now, I feel like I'm on some reality dating show with their petty jealousy.

Amara gets jealous when Erick is all over Crystal, which in turn has her being all over me. When she's 'flirting' with me, Erick gets jealous. It just seems like we're going in circles here, and I'm getting dizzy and fed up. Although it could partly be my fault, I did buy Amara a few drinks after all.

"I've got to use the ladies room." Crystal laughs drunkenly as she spills her drink. "Amara come with me?" She smiles widely at my date.

I can't wrap my head around why these two girls would ever date this prick. Amara is independent, and Crystal is as nice as can be...

Giving the blonde girl the cold shoulder at first, Amara scoffs. Then when she looks at the other girls face, she lightens up.

"Yeah." She turns back to me. "Wait for me?"

I wish I didn't have to. "Of course." I force a smile.

Taking my response, Amara darts off with Crystal.

"You know what she's doing right?" Erick chimes in when the girls are gone.

Crossing my arms over my chest, raising a brow, I look at the guy. "What is it she's doing?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Erick snorts. "She's using you to make me jealous."

As right as he may be, I'm not going to let him know that. "Is she? Because I asked her out." I smirk, knowing that alone will piss him off.

"Listen to me very carefully." He snaps. "I was with her first, I was her first. For everything. She's with you because she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing. When she's done with you, she'll come crawling back to me." Crossing his arms over his chest he smirks. "She's done it every time, I don't see why this time is any different."

After a few minutes, the girls come back with their arms linked and wide smiles on their faces.

Oblivious to the tense atmosphere, Amara wraps her hand around mine. A bit taken back why her actions, I look down quickly. A familiar smell that I've loved since I was fourteen flows to my nose. Lowering myself down to her ear, I whisper.

"Did you go get stoned?"

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