Final Showdown

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Chuck began to tear up as Mighty Eagle flew farther away from Leonard's castle. He was afraid of losing Red. The thought of it hurt too much.
But Chuck had other things to worry about. He saw a dozen pigs in airplanes from behind.
“There's just so many of them!" he exclaimed. “We're outnumbered!"
“What?! How many?!" Mighty Eagle screamed.
“Oh, no, not that many," Chuck lied nervously. “Just the right amount, really. No need to look back. Just keep flying... FASTER!"

Back in the castle, Red and Leonard fell back into the dining hall and both saw the egg.
“I'll take that!" Leonard said triumphantly, running towards the egg.
“No, you won't!" Red shouted. She got to the egg before him, but found herself surrounded by the pigs.
“You just don't know when to stop, do ya?" Leonard growled.
“Here's a two word answer: Uh-uh!" Red replied angrily.
“Looks like your little slingshot game ends here, cutie pie!" Leonard shouted as he and his minions surrounded Red. “Gimme that!"
“Not gonna happen!"
Ross was about to snatch the egg from Red, but then everyone heard the pot make a loud SNAP! It was going to tip over!
“Oh, no," Red muttered. A tidal wave of boiling hot water flooded the room and everyone ran from it. Red and Leonard jumped up and grabbed onto a rock chandelier hanging above. The rest of the pigs ran out of the room and slammed the door.

Outside, more and more planes were headed down the ramp and they wouldn't stop coming.
“I know what I gotta do," Bomb said. “I gotta blow up that ramp!"
“And that would be a good plan if you were good at blowing up!" Chuck pointed out.
“I need to stop those planes," Bomb argued. “Remember me, Chuck. Remember me! Bomb's away!"
With that, Bomb jumped off the net and landed on the launch ramp.
Back in the city, the birds were surrounded by hundreds of pigs.
“Oh, hi there!" Matilda said innocently. She then got serious started shooting fireballs at the pigs. “This little piggy popped! This little piggy exploded! And this little piggy went ‘Wee, wee, wee, I WANT MY MAMA!'"
Back on the ramp, Bomb tried his hardest to blow up. He had to hurry, for a bunch of giant planes were headed down the ramp!
“Think explosive thoughts," he said to himself. It was now or never. “Surprise parties! Yoga poses! PIGS IN AIRPLANES!!!"
Finally, it happened! Bomb exploded and the ramp was destroyed. He flew past Mighty Eagle and Chuck, leaving behind a trail of smoke.
“I blew up," Bomb shouted at the two birds. “On purpose!"

Back in the castle, Red and Leonard fought over the egg as they hanged from the chandelier.
“You're wrecking my house!" Leonard yelled. “What's wrong with you?!"
“You wrecked my house!" she replied.
“Your house was ugly!"
“Well, now we're even," Red chuckled.
Suddenly, the chandelier came loose and fell from the roof, taking Leonard and Red with it. It crashed trough the floor again and again and then, it stopped.
And Red's whole world went black.

As they headed out of the city, Matilda, Stella, and the rest of the birds found themselves trapped by a giant metal truck.
“Everybody stand back!" Matilda warned the others. Who knew what fate awaited them.
Then the window rolled down, and inside the truck was a familiar large bird.
“Terence?" Matilda gasped in disbelief. Terence smiled at the chicken. He found a way to get to the city and help the birds!
“Put on your seatbelts everyone!" Matilda told the others once they were all in the truck. Terence drove the truck back up the hill as pigs chased after them.


Red slowly regained consciousness and found herself in what appeared to be a reserve of explosives.
“Well, this is dynamite," she said sarcastically. She got up and began to look around. She found the blue egg and ran after it. “There you are!"
“Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!" Leonard yelled as he grabbed the egg before Red could get to it. He grabbed a candle from the chandelier and started to heat up the egg with it. “Delicious bird eggy-weggy! Ooh!"
“You can't eat eggs!" Red shouted.
“What are you gonna do? I'm a foodie!"
Without thinking, Red immediately tried to take action. She grabbed a crate and threw it at Leonard. The crate missed, but Leonard did lose his balance, dropped the egg and candle, and fell on top of Red. The egg stayed close to the chandelier. Red was about to run after it, but Leonard grabbed her and pinned her down with both of his hooves.
“Fine," he growled angrily. “If I can't have the eggs, at least I'll have you."
Red knew exactly what he meant. Before she could say anything, however, she looked up and saw the empty boiling pot about to fall down the hole.
“It's over," Leonard said, smirking. He began touching her body in an inappropriate manner. “You're mine, Eyebrows."
As Red was about to fight Leonard, many voices began ringing through her head.
“Someone has anger issues!"
Finally, for once, Red was calm.
“Well, you know what?" she said softly. “I guess you win."
Leonard was confused. “What?"
“That was an awesome plan," Red admitted. She rubbed his arm with her thumb. “Mindblower!"
“Really? Well, thank you!" Leonard said, smiling. He got off of her, freeing her. “You know darling, a lot of hard work goes into my sinister plans. It does."
Red saw the pot beginning to fall upside down through the castle floors. Now was the time to act.
“Sweetie, your plan was great... but you didn't plan for this!"
Red suddenly tackled Leonard and they fell into a pile of TNT crates. Red noticed the candle Leonard dropped earlier had lit a stick of dynamite. She had to get to the egg, and quickly.
Red freed herself from Leonard's grasp and ran for the egg. Once she grabbed it, she climbed on top of the chandelier.
“You have annoyed me for the last time!" Leonard growled.
The giant pot fell on top of Red, protecting her and the egg from the sudden explosions.

Victory!!! 😄

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