The Rescue

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“And here we are...?"
The three birds ran into the room, only to find the eggs being carried away in a net on a large rope.
“Aw, come on!" Red groaned. Thinking fast, she climbed up boxes of TNT and grabbed the net as it was pulled through a large opening in the wall.
“Quick! Follow her!" Chuck told Bomb. The two birds ran after their friend as the eggs traveled through Leonard's castle.
“Guys, I'm here," Red whispered to the eggs. “Everything's gonna be okay. We're gonna get you out of here."
Chuck and Bomb followed Red and the eggs until the net was carried away and locked into another room.
“Doesn't this nightmare ever end?!" Bomb cried.

Red found herself and the eggs being suspended over a dining table. And Leonard sat at the end of it.
“What is she doing up there?!" Leonard yelled angrily. “This is a civilized buffet!"
Red noticed the giant cauldron behind Leonard and realized that the pigs were going to boil the eggs!
“Don't hatch now," she muttered to the eggs. “Do not hatch now."
“Get that red jewel off my eggs!" Leonard ordered.
Red knew she had to free the eggs, and quickly. Leonard realized that Red wasn't going to let go anytime soon.
“Fine. Boil her, too!" he shouted. “I get to taste her either way."
Red was disgusted at what the pig just said. As the eggs began to lower into the pot of boiling water, she noticed a pig with a moustache with a remote control.
“Looks like it's just you and me, pork belly!" Red screamed, jumping off the net and into the pig. The moustached pig was thrown out the window as Red stole the remote and pressed a button. The eggs rose away from the water.

In the hall, Chuck tried to pull the door open, but it was locked. Bomb climbed up a pipe. It broke and he fell. Chuck rushed to his friend's side.
“Bomb, are you okay?" he asked the black bird.
“Oh, I've been better," Bomb groaned.
Chuck looked through the pipe and got an idea. He would run into the pipe fast enough and just slide right through.
It didn't work, he got stuck. Fortunately, Bomb was there to give him a boost. He punched Chuck further into the pipe and used all his breath to force Chuck through the pipe and into a grate in the dining hall.
“I'm in!" Chuck shouted, looking around the room. “Classy joint!"

Meanwhile, Red and Leonard saw something large outside the window.
It was Mighty Eagle!
Red tried to wave to him, but he couldn't see her. There was only one thing to do.
“I can't believe I'm about to do this," Red groaned, and called out, “Hey-you-ho!  Hey-you-ho! Hey-you-ho!"
Mighty Eagle recognized his battle cry and saw Red. He flew above the dining hall and crashed through the roof and landed on the table. Unfortunately, he was flying too fast for his large body to stop sliding down the table. Leonard jumped out of the way as Mighty Eagle slammed into the boiling pot, knocking him out cold.
“Mighty Eagle! Mighty Eagle, wake up! Come on!" Red said, slapping him with his tongue. “Oh, that's bad breath!"
“Throw him in the pot, too!" Leonard ordered. “I'll have the big turkey!"
“What about the girl?" Ross asked.
“Bring her here," Leonard replied. “I could use a queen."
At that moment, Chuck pulled himself out of the grate and unlocked the door for Bomb.
“RED!" Bomb shouted, grabbing everyone's attention. Mighty Eagle woke up, and Red knew now was the time to act.
“You gotta fly those eggs to safety," she told the large bird.
“I got this," he replied. “Here we go!"
Mighty Eagle grabbed the net of eggs with his talons and pulled it away from the cauldron. Red grabbed onto the net while Chuck and Bomb opened the doors to the balcony.
“My eggs!" Leonard screamed.
“Don't forget Chuck and Bomb!" Red shouted at Mighty Eagle.
Red groaned. “Those guys!"
Chuck and Bomb grabbed onto the net and were carried away. The two male birds climbed up the net, but before Red could do the same, she felt someone grabbing her leg.
“You're not getting away that easy," Leonard growled.
As Mighty Eagle tried to fly away, a blue egg fell out of the net and bounced back into the castle, cracking slightly when it hit the ground. Red knew what had to be done.
“Save yourselves!" she shouted at her friends. “I'm gonna save that egg!"
“Red, don't be a hero!" Chuck shouted, but it was too late. Red let go of the net and was pulled back into the dining hall.
“Red, no!"

I know. The feels...

By the way, if this sounds a little too similar to something written by a girl named Sammy Heroes... I'm sorry about that. 🙁

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