Looking For The Eggs

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"Guards!" Leonard shouted at a group of pigs with helmets. "There is a beautiful red bird in these walls... bring her to me!"
"Roger that, boss!" one of the guards said. The pigs put their ears against the walls, leaving Leonard in disbelief.
"Not in these walls, in the castle!" he yelled, throwing a plunger at them. "Come on, you guys!"
The guards ran off and searched for Red. As they searched, they failed to notice Red running in the other direction. She had to find the eggs before the pigs found her or they would get eaten for sure. Also, she didn't want to know what Leonard would do to her once he had her captured.

Back on the hill, Terence loaded Chuck into the slingshot.
"Launch me exactly the same way you did for..." Chuck instructed, but never got to finish his sentence. Terence launched him high into the air.
"I wasn't ready!" he screamed. Chuck tucked in his wings and feet and used his super speed to crash into the castle. He hit the castle so hard, he broke into several rooms before he slammed his face into a stone wall.
Luckily, Red happened to be passing by. She saw Chuck wedged inside the wall and rushed to his side.
"Chuck, is that you?!" she exclaimed.
"This is the house of horrors!" Chuck sobbed.
"I gotta be honest, you look a little, uh..." Red took a close look at Chuck. His limbs were twisted, his feathers singed, and some of his teeth were falling out! But Red didn't want him to worry. "Fine. You look fine. Come on!"
"Bomb's on his way," Chuck said weakly.

At that moment, Bomb was already soaring through the air. He crashed into the castle and through a hallway, right above Leonard and Ross.
The king had had enough. He had to eat the eggs before Red and her friends could get them back, and quickly!
"Call in the Piggy Air Force!" Leonard ordered.


Outside, the birds saw pigs in oddly shaped aircraft riding down a ramp and taking off.
"My loyal subjects, the treacherous birds have repaid our friendship with an unprovoked act of aggression. The attack will fail. We have glass, we have wood... we have TNT! We tried to kill them with kindness, and now we're just gonna have to... Well, you know."
Suddenly, the pigs dropped explosives into the city! They failed to hit the birds, but the birds did make a retreat.
Back on the hill, the birds were wondering who should go next. Scowling, Terence loaded himself into the slingshot.
"Aim for that ramp!" a bird shouted.
As the crowd chanted his name, Terence stretched the band as far as it could go. However, just as he was ready to launch himself, the slingshot snapped in half and flew into his face! Terence landed on his back. The birds began to worry. Without the slingshot, how were they going to get their eggs back?

In the castle, many pigs sat down at a table in the dining hall with their king and waited for lunch to be served. Ross lit a fire underneath the boiling pot as the Chef Pig prepared to boil the eggs.
“We want eggs! We want eggs! We want eggs!" the pigs shouted in unison. An evil grin spread across Leonard's face. He was going to eat the eggs and the little red bird would be his forever.

Meanwhile, Red and Chuck searched everywhere for the eggs. Fortunately, Bomb managed to catch up with them and they found what they were looking for. Five pigs were guarding a door with the words "NO EGGS IN HERE" painted on it. Obviously, they weren't smart enough to keep the eggs truly hidden. Red quickly came up with a plan.
"Okay, look, I'm going to run up and tackle the pig on the left," she explained. "Bomb, you could handle two. Chuck, I don't know if you can help. We got to figure out a way to get into that roo..."
As if everything but himself was frozen in time, Chuck used his super speed to handle everything. He placed a paint bucket over a guard's head and painted "Fart Face" on another guard's belly. He put another paint bucket in another pig's hand and a boxing glove gun in his other and and aimed it at a guard. He took a quick selfie and returned to his friends' side just as Red finished her sentence.
"...m. Anyone have any bright ideas?"
At that moment, the paint and boxing glove knocked down the guards. The armed pig was confused, but saw the other pigs glaring at him and began to run away. The other pigs chased after him, leaving the egg room unguarded.
"What the heck just happened?!" Red exclaimed, flabbergasted.
Chuck was pleased with himself. "Oh, I'm sorry. You were saying?"

Short term memory loss, one of America's most common mental illnesses.

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