We're Gonna Fly!

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Terence firmly mounted the slingshot into the ground. Red's plan was to launch the birds, and they would crash into Pig City or, better yet, Leonard's castle.
"Remember, the goal is the castle," she instructed. "Get to the castle! Who wants to go first?"
"I do!" said Matilda.
"Step right up!" Chuck instructed, pulling the band back as Matilda prepared herself. "Keep your wings, legs and feet inside the slingshot..."
"Shoot it!" Matilda growled, interrupting him.
"Okeydoke," Red replied. "Fire!"
Matilda rocketed through the air, screaming wildly. As she began to fall, she held up her legs.
"Take that, porkers!" she yelled as she released some sparkly pink explosive from her bottom, causing a small amount of the city to burst into flames! Pigs ran in every direction. "Boom, baby, boom!"
"Well, how about that?" Red said to herself. "My teacher can shoot fireballs out of her butt."
Unfortunately, Matilda didn't quite make it to the castle. So Red had another bird shot over, a small green bird with an unusually large beak.
"You! What's your name? Hal?" she asked. Hal nodded. "I've seen you do something strange before, right?"
"Uh, let's see, I'm really good at..."
Hal didn't get to finish, for they launched him and he somersaulted through the air at a rapid speed.
"Oh, this guy looks good," said Red.
"He's going to make it!" Chuck cheered.
Suddenly, just before he could reach the castle, Hal began to spin back towards the birds like a boomerang!
"Duck!" Red shouted. Hal didn't hurt anyone, but he did slam his beak into a tree.
"Uh... did we win?" he asked nervously.
"Uh, not quite yet buddy, we're still tied," Red replied. "Hey, can we get an ice pack for Hal?"
"Medic!" Chuck shouted, running towards Hal with a first aid kit.

More birds were being launched into the city, but none of them made it to the castle. But they wouldn't stop trying.
As for the pigs, most of them were unaware that they were under attack. And those that were didn't know what to do.
The birds prepared to launch a handsome bird at the pigs while a young female bird held onto him. Red didn't think it was a good idea to launch two birds at the same time, but they were just so in love with each other! Chuck and Bomb pulled the slingshot back with the two birds positioned inside it. But just before Red could give the word...
"Citizens of Piggy Island! If you spot any birds destroying your neighborhood, please capture them!"
Red immediately felt furious as she heard that familiar, very slimy voice.
"There's been a change in plans... We will eat the eggs for lunch!"
"Did he say eat the eggs?!" Stella said furiously.
Red knew time was running out. They had to keep trying or those eggs wouldn't stand a chance!


"Okay, I want you to curl up into a little ball, alright?" Red instructed a tiny orange bird. "Make yourself aerodynamic."
"Like this?" he asked, blowing himself up a little.
"Perfect," Red replied. "Launch!"
Chuck and Bomb launched the orange bird into the air.
“Don't mess with Bubbles!" he screamed as he began to descend.
Bubbles landed in the middle of the street, not even close to the castle. Pigs began to attack him, but suddenly the tiny orange bird blew up like a giant orange balloon!
“I TOLD YOU NOT TO MESS WITH ME!" Bubbles screamed.
Red watched as Bubbles swelled up and crushed a large amount of Pig City.
“Wow! That blows," she said. “Uh, in a good way!"

“To the left!" Chuck told Bomb as they aimed the slingshot.
“Wait, hold on, my left or your left?" Bomb asked.
Chuck groaned. “My left is your left. We're facing the same direction!"
“Right," Bomb said. “Good call."
“Just look where the last bird went, and adjust from there," Red said to Stella as she was loaded into the slingshot.
“I got this, you guys!" Stella assured them, and was launched into the air. She knocked down a building as she jumped off it. Stella leaped off a tall building and it collided with another building. Unfortunately, she was blown off course and fell with the buildings.
Stella was alright, but she didn't quite make it to the castle.
“She got far, but not far enough," Red said to the others as she watched Stella get chased by pigs. “We have to get closer!"
The next bird they launched was Judge Peckinpah. Unfortunately, he crashed into a giant boulder on top of a building and made a sharp right turn. But it did give Red an idea.

Chuck and Bomb launched one more bird before Red stopped them.
“Terence! I got an idea! Do you think you can pull the slingshot back far enough to hit that giant boulder?" she asked as she positioned herself inside the slingshot. Terence grunted in agreement. “Okay. Launch me right towards the top of that thing."
Terence pulled the slingshot back way farther than Chuck and Bomb ever could.
“Red, I'm not gonna lie to you, I am... really going to miss you when you die!" Chuck cried, holding her face lovingly. Red couldn't help but blush.
“Rest in peace, my friend," Bomb sighed. “Rest in peace."
Red shook her head. “Hey, guys? Let's not get cheesy, okay?"
The guys nodded and backed away.
“Ready? Fire!"
Red soared through the air, and curled herself into a ball as she headed for the boulder.
“This is gonna hurt," she whimpered to herself. She bounced off the boulder and launched herself right at the castle!
“What was that?!" Leonard exclaimed as he ran onto the balcony with Ross by his side. They saw Red break through the roof with a loud crash. “My roof!"
Back on the hill, Chuck and Bomb looked out to see if Red made it.
“I hope she's okay," Bomb muttered.
“I'm in!" Red shouted at the birds, who cheered. “Send everyone else!"
With that, Red ran inside the castle and began her search for the eggs.

This is usually the part where I say something cool or funny, but I need a break. And if you can't understand that, sing Let It Go by James Bay a hundred times without stopping.

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