Trampolines And Slingshots

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That evening, the birds held a banquet to honor their new friends. Stella and her friends were putting on a show, Ross was dancing, and Leonard and Judge Peckinpah were getting friendlier and friendlier.
Bomb and Chuck were checking out the gift basket and they saw Red sitting alone at a table.
“How about that?" Chuck said coldly. “We meet again."
Red sighed. “Hey, look, Chuck, you know, I can be a jerk sometimes. I can. And your poem was right. You made something happy and I couldn't deal with it. So, uh... I'm sorry about that."
Hearing those words made Chuck's scowl disappear.
“You know, I gotta say that Billy," Red continued, “he put up a good fight. He really did, you know. You would have been proud of him. He got a few good licks in. Here, come on, sit down."
Chuck felt like he would cry.
“Okay, apology accepted," he replied, taking the seat next to Red. They smiled at each other as Bomb joined them. The three new friends watched Leonard and Ross dance with some of the other birds, and Red was a little disturbed by their dance moves, among other things.
“They don't have feathers?" she pointed out. “You know, they're just walking around naked, just presenting themselves... I'm looking at all their business here!"
“That part about them I really admire," Chuck said, shaking his tail feathers. Obviously, he wasn't disturbed at all.

“Now we would like to welcome our special guests, the pigs!" Stella announced. Leonard took the stage.
“Thank you for your kindness and hospitality," he began. “Our king sends his warmest regards. You have shared with us the wonders of your quaint simple little island. Now, we would love to humbly share some of the wonders of our world."
“‘Humble,' my bird butt," Red muttered.
Leonard continued. “A hundred years from now everyone will ask, ‘How did the friendship between the pigs and the birds start?'"
“Who cares?!" Red shouted. The other birds were embarrassed by Red's rudeness.
Leonard just ignored her. “Well, let them say... ‘We lit up the night!'"
Ross pushed a button, and there was a massive explosion. The birds were amazed, but Red was still unimpressed.
“Hey look! They destroyed more of the stuff we worked hard to build!" she pointed out, but no one paid attention.
“But there's more!" Leonard announced as Ross dragged a large present onto the stage. “Has gravity gone haywire? No, even better! Your friends the pigs proudly give you... the trampoline!"
Leonard ripped off the paper and revealed two more pigs jumping on the trampoline.
“Hold on a second," Red realized. “I thought there was only supposed to be two of these guys!"
“But that's not all!" Leonard continued. Ross brought in another present. “Throwing things just got a whole lot easier! Say hello to... the slingshot!"
He ripped off the paper, revealing a giant wooden slingshot.
“Tired of carrying things from place to place? Wish you could just get it there?!" he asked the audience. They all screamed. “Well, now you can! Waiters, do me a favor! Take the rest of the night off!"
“Hey, if you got the ‘night off,' why don't you fix my house?" Red shouted again. Everyone glared at her.
“Yeah, it's the same girl," Leonard mumbled. Yes, she was cute, but he was starting to get annoyed. “Well, the slingshot does it all in three easy steps! Ready, aim, fire!"
The pigs used the slingshot to launch fruit at the birds.
“Guys, it's the same fruit sitting on the plates in front of you!" Red reminded them. But they were too excited to pay attention.
“And now, for our last gift to you..."
“SHUT UP AND FIX MY HOUSE!!!" Red screamed. She couldn't take much more of this.
“We don't know her!" Chuck lied, embarrassed.
Leonard narrowed his eyes at Red. He had his fill of her big mouth.
“...I'm going to ask for a volunteer form the audience!" he finished. Every bird raised their wing except for Red. “Okay, who should I pick? Who, who, who...? How about the lovely red lady with the enormous eyebrows?"
Red was confused. Did he just call her... lovely?
Leonard smirked evilly. “Yes, you, miss! Come on up here! It's your lucky day!"
“Are you sure you don't want to choose one of the hundreds of birds who have their wings up?" she asked.
“Come on, Red," said Chuck. “Have some fun!"
Suddenly, birds were rooting for her. They wanted her to do it!
“Aww, she's shy!" Leonard teased. “You hear that? They're cheering for you!"
“Oh, you got to be kidding me," Red muttered as Chuck pushed her towards the stage. “I would've sat closer, had I known that I was gonna be part of this show."
As Red made her way up the stage, Leonard took her hand and gently kissed it. His lips were soft, but it still made Red feel uncomfortable.
“That was... really sweet, thank you," she muttered. “Now what?"
“Come on, give her a hand!" said Leonard, giving her a pat on the back.
“Right this way, come on," Ross oinked as he took Red's arm. The pigs positioned her directly in front of the elastic band and held her tight in their grip. Red was starting to get nervous.
“Ready... Aim... Fire!"
Before Red realized what they were doing, she felt herself soaring through the air above the crowd and heading towards the distant beach. Leonard smiled and put his hands on his hips.
“Who says birds don't fly?"
“This seems really unnatural!" Red screamed as she kept flying towards the beach.
“I hope she's okay," Bomb muttered, concerned about his friend.

A few seconds later, Red landed on the beach and her head crashed into a rock. Luckily, she didn't break anything except the rock.
“Don't worry, I'm fine! Thanks for the lift!" she shouted back at the party in the distance. “I wish they'd done that ten minutes ago."
As Red dusted herself off, she realized that she had landed right by the pigs' ship. Suddenly a yellow blur rocketed toward her. Chuck stood right next to her and pulled her close to him.
“You know you want to search their boat," he whispered in her ear.
“What? No, I don't!" Red denied, pushing him away. “Yeah, you're right, I do."
Chuck ran back to the party, then back to Red.
“Bomb's on his way."

Perhaps Red's not as unattractive as she thought...

Yes, that first part was from a deleted scene. I thought it would be fitting for Red and Chuck.

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