Mysterious And Weird

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Red, Chuck, and Bomb climbed aboard the pigs' ship. Red made it to the deck first and checked if the coast was clear.
“Come on, let's go!" she whispered. “And keep it quiet!"
Red led them inside and the three birds began searching the ship. Red opened the door to a room which was filled with trampolines.
“Piggy fitness," Chuck assumed, and continued searching with Red.
Chuck pulled a curtain open. Behind it were several strange-looking vehicles. The birds ignored it and moved on.
Red opened another door. Inside was closet full of cowboy hats, boots, and bandanas.
“Who are these weirdos?" Red asked herself. Not only were they probably up to something, they were downright strange.
Then, Red and Chuck heard laughter coming from the trampoline room. They ran back and found Bomb jumping on some of the trampolines.
“What are you doing?!" Red whispered. “We're trying to sneak around, we didn't rent this place out!"
“Wow! You can rent this place?!"
Suddenly, Bomb broke through a trampoline and went crashing through the floor!
Red and Chuck climbed over the trampolines and peered over the edge of the hole to see if their friend was okay.
“Hey, guys?" Bomb called nervously. “Looks like there's some more stuff down here."
The black bird landed in another room below, but this one was filled with pigs. Dozens of pigs. One of the pigs laughed.
“We were hiding!" he admitted.

Back at the party, birds were singing and dancing with the four pigs, and Leonard was the center of attention. After searching their boat, Red was determined to get to the bottom of this.
“There's more of them!" she yelled. Everyone stopped dancing and looked at Red in surprise and confusion.
“That's right," Red continued. “I'm back. Enjoying the party, everyone? Because while you were living it up, I snuck onto their boat!"
The crowd was in shock. Leonard was a little confused himself.
“And look at what I found!" Red pointed at the pigs from the ship. “There's more of them! Than we thought, which is, uh... mysterious and weird, am I right?"
The birds began to whisper among each other while Leonard just chuckled softly. She just looked so cute.
“Earlier, he said there were only two pigs on board, but he was obviously lying! And there's strange devices on their boat! So clearly there's... you know, some messed up stuff going on here. How messed up? I don't know. What specifically? I don't know that either. Any questions?"
Judge Peckinpah scowled at Red. “You snuck onto their boat?!"
“Now, I don't need a reward," Red claimed, even though she was hoping they'd fix her house. “If you're thinking of what honor to bestow upon me, I don't need it."
Several birds began to boo loudly.
“Yeah, boo them!" Red shouted. “Wait, are you booing them or me?! Oh, it's me."
“Perhaps I can explain," Leonard cut in, pointing at the pigs. “You see, my cousins are simple folk. Watch. A, B, C..."
A pig just stuck his tongue out.
“Nothing. See? Nothing. I didn't want to risk their lives until I found out that the new world was safe. We were going to put on a cowboy show for you..."
“Let 'er go, boys! Yee-haw!" a pig exclaimed. He put on a cowboy hat and began singing. But Leonard shushed him.
“Ixnay on the ongsay," he whispered softly and continued with his speech. “But perhaps it wasn't meant to be. I believe that birds and pigs were meant to be friends, but if we crossed boundaries that weren't meant to be crossed..."
Leonard choked up before he could finish and began to cry. The birds felt sorry for their new friends.
“Miss Red," Judge Peckinpah said coldly, marching up to her, “you've shamed not only yourself, but our entire community."
“I'm sorry," Red replied. “You said ‘shamed' when you mean ‘saved,' right?"
“I sent you to treatment to deal with your problems. Clearly, more treatment is required!"
“No!" shouted Red and Matilda at the same time. Matilda blushed.
“Do not trouble our honored guests again!" the judge yelled. He turned to the pigs. “My friends, we would love to see your cowboy show!"
“Thank you," Leonard sniffed. “Thank you so much!"
A few pigs put on their cowboy outfits and started the show. Judge Peckinpah and the rest of the birds, except Chuck and Bomb, turned their backs on Red.
“Whatever, don't listen to me!" she shouted angrily, and made her way back home.


Over the next few days, Red noticed that the pigs and birds were getting closer and closer. They put on music shows, taught the birds how to jump on trampolines, and worst of all, they took over the beach and her house! Fortunately, Red managed to get them out of her house by the end of the day.
Red also noticed that the pigs seemed obsessed with eggs. As she took a bath, she was wondering why they liked eggs so much until she felt someone massaging her neck. Red felt relaxed for a bit, but then turned around to find it was Leonard! She screamed and backed away from him.
“What are you doing here?!" she screeched.
“I just thought I'd check in on you," he replied. “You seemed tense.
“I was fine until you snuck into my bathtub!"
“I'm not even in the water," he pointed out.
“Still, you have no right to touch me in any way."
Leonard just ignored her. “Is there any chance you'd like to join me as we take a tour of your home?"
Did he just... ask her out? Never mind that, even if she did want to go, she still had to go to class.
“Just leave me alone!" Red replied. With that, she climbed out of her bathtub and stormed off to her room.
“I can see it, you know!" Leonard called out, smirking.
“Your vunerability," he answered. “I know you're insecure, and that you only see what they want you to see. Have a lovely evening, my dear."
Red knew that whatever these pigs were planning, she had to figure it out... before it was too late.

Sorry I may not update as much anymore. I have to go back to school.

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