What's Going On?

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The following day, Matilda held class outside by the beach. She assigned them to use painting as a way to manage their anger.
“Alright, class. Thought for the day: water is the softest thing, yet it can penetrate mountains and earth."
Red rolled her eyes. “Here's my thought for the day," she said. “When are we done?"
Matilda sighed. “Red, what the caterpillar calls the end, the world calls a butterfly."
“Can I just say that I never understand a single thing you're talking about?" Red shot back, and continued painting.
Matilda ignored her and looked at the others' paintings. Chuck was painting a muscled, heroic version of himself.
“Wow, that's... very lifelike," Matilda said, smiling nervously.
Bomb just splattered red, orange and yellow paint on his canvas - and himself - in a messy explosion.
“So deep," Matilda said, and turned to Terence. “And Terence, let's see your... Oh, my goodness!"
As if Chuck's wasn't surprising enough, Terence painted himself and Matilda holding hands in a dramatic pose.
“I did not know you felt that way," she muttered, blushing. “Uh, class dismissed!"

Red, meanwhile, saw Stella giving Leonard and some other pigs a tour of the beach. Judge Peckinpah was with them, standing proudly next to Leonard as Stella and the other pigs took a photo together.
Red really didn't want to face Leonard again after what happened the night before, but she had a feeling there was trouble ahead. Especially when the large pig spotted an egg being watched by its mother.
“Is that what I think it is?" he asked as he ran towards the egg.
“That's an egg," Stella explained. “That's how our children are born. You guys don't lay eggs?!"
“I... wish we did," he replied, keeping his gaze on the egg. He picked it up and held it close to his face.
Red put her paintings down and approached the crowd.
“Hey, hello! Excuse me, buddy? Those are fragile. Maybe you shouldn't pick them up, alright? Not yours!"
“Oh!" Leonard smiled, giving the egg back to its mother. “My lady friend from the banquet. Now that's a very good painting. Very good."
Red noticed that he was looking at one of her many paintings of Leonard getting tortured.
“Oh yeah, the assignment was ‘Paint Your Pain,' so I painted your pain," she explained. Leonard just glared at her. “It's actually the first in a series."
Red showed Leonard the rest of the paintings. One of them was a painting of her launching him with the slingshot into the night sky, just like he did.
“Wonderful likeness," Leonard snorted. He turned to the judge. “I thought you said you stored your nuts for winter."
The birds and pigs began laughing.
“Alright, what's going on here?!" Red shouted. “Are you explorers or are you staying? Because if you are explorers, then why are there more of you coming?"
Red pointed at another ship filled with even more pigs headed for Bird Island. It crashed into the first ship and destroyed Red's house even more!
“Not my house again! That's my home!" she groaned, but she returned her focus to Leonard. “And you know what? If you are staying, why didn't you just say so? And why did you leave your home? How do we know you're not fugitives of the law?"
Judge Peckinpah pulled Red aside. “You are making our guests feel unwelcome!"
“And you're not asking basic questions," Red replied.
“Maybe I wasn't clear enough," the judge sputtered. “Your opinion is not needed!"
“Why do we have to agree?" Red asked. “Why does it matter that we're not the same?"
“ANGER IS NOT ALWAYS THE ANSWER!" Judge Peckinpah yelled. He turned to Stella. “Continue the tour."
Stella moved on with her tour while Leonard stayed behind for a second.
“That went well... if you're me."
And with that, he left, blowing a kiss at Red.
Red felt pretty embarrassed, but she just knew something was wrong. She looked up at a statue of Mighty Eagle.
“We could really use you right about now," she said, staring at the statue. “Wait, actually..."


Red headed straight for Chuck's house, which was at the top of a tall tree.
“Hey, Chuck, it's Red!" she shouted, pulling the rope to his doorbell. “Zip on down here!"
In a flash of yellow, a female bird that looked like Chuck appeared with a mud mask on her face, hair curlers in her feathers, and she held a cup of coffee. Red assumed this was Chuck's mother and tried to act like a lady.
“Hi, Chuck's mom! Can your son come out to play?"
Turned out the female bird was Chuck! He zipped back up the stairs and came back down, looking like his normal, handsome self. With coffee.
“All of this does not just happen on its own," he said, referring to his face and body.
They walked to Bomb's house and knocked on the door. Immediately they heard an explosion from within and saw smoke fuming out of the windows. Bomb opened the door with a towel wrapped around his waist, his feathers still smoking.
“Oh, hey," he chuckled sheepishly. “Just... taking a shower."
Red shook her head. “Bomb, buddy, TMI."

“Now, I'm telling you. Something isn't kosher with these pigs!" Red said as they spied on some pigs. “And it's up to us to figure it out."
Chuck was confused. “Figure what out, exactly?"
The pigs were setting up some strange construction sites, with zip lines and nets in several trees.
“I dunno, maybe they're just being innovative," Bomb figured. “It does seem a little odd, though."
“Come on! Does none of this seem wrong to you guys?" Red asked. Chuck and Bomb just shrugged. “I'll tell you this, if anyone knows what these pigs are up to, it's Mighty Eagle."
As Red pointed at Mighty Eagle's statue, Bomb and Chuck's eyes widened. Every bird knew about Mighty Eagle, even though he hadn't been seen for years. Chuck began rubbing his own chest. This made Red nervous, but she decided not to ask.
“Does Mighty Eagle still live?" Bomb asked.
“Did he ever live?" Chuck asked in return. “And if he did live, where would he live?"
“By the Lake of Wisdom in the Ancient Tree," Bomb responded in a quiet voice.
“That's a fairy tale!" Chuck said. “I've been all over this island. Where could that possibly be?!"
“Way up high," Red answered. She pointed to the giant mountain that rose up in the center of Bird Island. “It's a long way up that mountain, and if I'm being honest... well, I mean, you know, I could kind of use your help."
Chuck's eyes widened. Was Red actually asking for their help?
“What's that? What are you trying to say?"
“Nothing," Red mumbled. “I was just saying that I could, you know... I could use your help."
“Oh, I'm sorry," Chuck said, smirking. “I couldn't quite hear you over your ego. Could you enunciate that last word a bit?"
“I need your help!" Red yelled, reaching her limits.
“Oh! Why didn't you say so?! Bomb?"
Bomb smiled at his friends.
“Let's... do it!"

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