A Supporter

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you did some shopping with Eina before having to have a small take with Hesta about chasing people away. Now with your goddesses permission your allowed to be around who ever you want.


POV: You

Part 1.

It was morning of the next day, I woke up and got myself ready for the dungeon. I put my new set of armor that consisted of a chestplate, shoulder pads, forearm plates and hip plates which all had red lines on them and had green supporter on my left arm. I had a black shirt on with tough black pants and some black boots. Hestia was laying in her bed still tired

"I'm heading out now Hestia" I say as I start walking towards the stairs.

"Uh huh, okay I'll see you later" She says sleepely.

I just smile to myself and walked up the stairs and into the main part of the church. I started walking towards Babel during the morning rush hour. There was some fog but not much though, I looked around at other people and I see that most people have supporters following them.

"Maybe I should find a supporter" I thought.

Then I heard what sounded like a little girl's voice "Hey, mister. The one with the (h/c) hair"

I turn around and I see a short girl carrying a bag about 5 times her size on her back. She wore a white coat with it's hood over her head.

"A very good day to you sir, sorry to bother you but would you happen to be in the market for a supporter" The girl says.

I looked at her and she looked very familiar, then a remember that she looks like the girl from last night.

"Wait, aren't you the girl from last night?" I ask.

"Um, I'm sorry you must be confused, It's not all that complicated. I'm just a poor lonely supporter offering her services to a adventurer who doesn't have a partner" She says.

"I kinda gathered that, But you are that prum that I saved yesterday" I say.

"I'm not a prum, I'm a Chienthrope, It's like a animal person" The girl tells me.

I then had urge to touch her ears then said "A chienthrope?, What cute ears these are"

The girl's face then started to turn red before pulling her head away from my hand "That's not appropriate"

"Oh, sorry about that, I got carried away there" I say.

{Time Skip}

Me and the girl sat at the edge of a water fountain. The girl had her huge bag next to her with her hood still down.We were talking to each other.

"So,Liliruca was it? Why did you ask me to have you be my supporter?" I ask.

"It seemed to me like you were all by yourself. I men you are a adventurer right?, your carrying a backpack around so I kinda just assumed you know" Liliruca says.

"I see, I guess that makes sense"

"So have you decided yet mister? Do you want me to be your supporter or what?" Liliruca questions.

"The truth is I have been thinking about getting a supporter due to my caring adviser. It sounds like a good idea to me" I explain a small bit.

"Well you think so" Liliruca says enthusiastic about it "Does that mean you will take me with you mister? Pretty please" then her whole demeanor changed to a poor girl "I don't have much money, so wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do" Then a small smile appears happily on her face as she touches one of her ears "Besides, you do kinda owe me, because you touched my special spot and you didn't get my permission. You need to take responsibility for such behavior"

"You've got a point" I say in defeat "I'll take you as a supporter then, today can be a test run of sorts"

"You won't regret this!" Liliruca says cheerfully.

"Also, Is it okay if I just call you Lili?" I ask.

"S-s-sure I-I don't m-ind" Lili says as her cheeks become pink.

"You know Lili, you look cute when you're embarrassed"I say.

Lili's face lights like a christmas tree and imaginary steam comes out of the ears atop her head "C-c-c-cute"She stuttered and I look at her confused "No one has ever called me cute before" She says then got a reality check of some sort and yelled "You shouldn't be trying to hit on you supporter"

"I wasn't" I say in defense " I was just saying what I saw that's all"

"I'll forgive you this time..." Lili says.

{Time Skip}

Me and Lili were on the 7th floor of the dungeon. I fought my way through the dark cavern hallways lit up a dim light blue. I was killing killer ants with Hestia knife in hand and Lili was behind me picking up the magic stones that the monsters drop. Ant came at me and I stabbed it in the head, another one tries clawing for my left arm but green supported delects the attack and I slice the ant's head off and the killed ants expoaded into a black smoke leaving their magic stones behind.

"Master (Y/n)!" Lili yells.

I turn around around to see a killer ant spawning out of the wall. I run over to it and kick its heat from the side ripping its head out of its body bringing its spine with it.I then wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Hey, that was really good" Lili said as she clapped.

"It's good to have you hear Lili, Now I can concentrate more on fighting" I say to Lili with a small smile on my face.

"Oh no, You taking out all those monsters alone was way more impressive than I did Master (Y/n). Although, I'm guessing most of your power probably comes from that weapon you're using" Lili tells me.

"It's apart of it I guess you could say. I might be depending on it a little too much which in the end could kill me" I say as I looked at Hestia knife.

"So, where did you get a knife like that anyway?" She asks.

"Oh, well the goddess of my familia gave it to me" I say then put Hestia knife back in its sheath which was on my lower back "So that reminds me, are you apart of a familia too Lili?"

"Yup, the Soma familia" She says then points at the and ant that I kicked earlier "Hey Master (Y/n), That one still has its magic stone. It shouldn't be too deep inside, I'll get the ones that fell on the ground. Wanna call it a day after that?" She says while handing me a knife.

"Sure" I say while taking the knife

I then walked up to the ant and started cutting at its spine, I noticed it was very hard to cut in between the vertebrae of the ants spine "Very hard cut I would say"

After a few moments I was able to finally cut the spine and the head rolled onto the floor then the body and head turned into a puff of black smoke while leaving the magic stone behind. Lili picks up the stone and puts it away. I hand back her knife and Lili says.

"Ready to head out?"

"Yup" I reply.

Part 2.

After seperating with Lili I went to the Pantheon and to tell Eina about Lili and taking her on as my familiar. I stood in front of the counter carrying a coffer of valis with Eina on the other side of the counter.

"Wait, you said your supporter is in the Soma familia?" Eina questions.

"Uh huh, what's wrong with that?"

"Uhh, the Soma familia is mostly focused on exploration, and they sell a lot of booze as well. Which is fine" She says then sighs "The whole group always seems to be so desperate, like their in a panic about something. But besides that what did you think of Liliruca? Did the two of you end up getting along?"

"Yeah, She was very nice, cute as well. Anyways we got a good haul today too" I say.

"Well that's great" Eina smiles "I won't suggest otherwise then. Do whatever you think is best, I mean it is your decision to make after all"

"Thanks a lot Eina, Well see you later" I say before turning around and starting to walk away.

"(Y/n)?" I hear Eina say concerned.

"Yeah?" I ask while turning to her.

"Your knife, It's gone" She tells me.

"Wait what?" I say then went with my hand and checked in side my sheath and felt no knife "Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck FUCK!" I shout at the top of my lungs "How in the living fuck did I drop my knife?! I had it when I got out of the dungeon!"

"Calm down (Y/n)" Eina says "You probably dropped it when you where on your way here"

I then started to calm myself down "I probably dropped it when I went to the Hostess of Fertility to give Syr back her lunch box"

"I'll see you later Eina" I say then ran out of the Pantheon.

{Time Skip}

After running all the way to the Hostess of Fertility, I saw Syr and Ryuu walking out of the front doors. I ran up to them and they saw how panicked I was

"Are you okay (Y/n)?" Syr asks.

'No I'm not okay" I say while slightly breathing heavily "Have you seen my knife by chance? I dropped it. Its jet black from top to bottom with engravings all along the blade"

"No we haven't" Ryuu says

"We'll keep an eye out for it though" Syr says.

"Okay, thank you. I'll see you later Syr and Ryuu" I say before running off.

I then spent an hour running all about Orario retracing my steps trying to find Hestia knife. I was starting to tired from all the running. Then out of nowhere I was hit from the side as I passed an ally knocking me down. I rubbed my head then looked up to see Lili laying on my feet.

"LIli?" I question.

"M-master (Y/n)..." She replies.

I then see Ryuu run out of the ally then Syr soon after, they were both holding bags full of apples "Ryuu? Syr?" I then got up "Did you guys find my knife by while you were out?" I ask.

"It's this right?" Ryuu says while holding up Hestia knife with her left hand.

"That's it" I say then ran up to Ryuu and held her hand which had the knife in it "Thank you so much Ryuu for finding my knife, your the best"

Ryuu then looked away from me with a slight blush on her face "Mister (Y/n), I know your excited but could you please stop it"

"Sorry, just happy that you found my knife" I say as I let go of Ryuu's hand.

I then took Syr's hand "Thank you as well Syr"

"N-no problem" Syr says with pink cheeks and steam coming out of her ears.

"Here, take it" Ryuu says while handing me Hestia knife.

I then took Hestia knife from Ryuu "Thank the gods. If I had to tell Hestia that I lost the knife then I might of gotten my ass whooped. I'll make sure to never drop it again. Anyway, where did you find my knife?"

"Well to be precise, I took it from a prum who said she found it" Ryuu replies.

"A prum?" I question.

"Anyway we should really get going" Ryuu says.

"Okay, Thanks again I say.

Ryuu and Syr then walked off with their goods in hand. I turned to Lili who was standing behind me.

"Talk about perfect timing, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to find you. So, Lili, do you want to go back to the dungeon with me tomorrow and become my full time supporter?" I say with a smile.

"Ohh thank you Master (Y/n)!" Lili shouts then hugs me tightly.

"It's okay Lili" I say as I patted her head.

She then starts crying out in embarrassment "Ahh Master (Y/n) your doing it again"

"You like it" I state simply.

"Uggghhh, Please stop Master (Y/n)!!" She cries out more in embarrassment.

"Okay, okay" I say with a smile while taking my hand off her head.

"Awe she's so cute when she's embarrassed. Now I have small cute girl as my supporter, That's wonderful"


Hello everyone here is the end of the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Until next time bye.

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