New Armor

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you got your new weapon from Goddess Hestia called Hestia Knife, and with it you killed the silverback that was chasing you and Hestia.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's been a few days since the incident during monsterphilia and I killed that silverback. I've seen Aiz around town sometimes but and when she noticed me her cheeks became slightly pink before continuing on her way. I was in the Pantheon to talk to Eina before going to the dungeon.

"Eina, IIs it okay if I start going down to floor 7 from now on?" I tell Eina.

Eina stood behind the counter as I stood in front of the counter.

"Seriously, Floor 7!" Eina almost shouts "But it was only just the other day that you almost got killed on Floor 5, what in the world makes you think your ready for 7. How insane can you possibly be"

"I'm not that crazy, It's been at least a week if not a week and a half since that happened" I tell Eina "C'mon, please let me go, I've gotten much stronger since then. I mean my status is all the way up to E already"

"Wait...E, that's not even possible" Eina says.

"I'll show you and you can see for yourself" I tell her.

Eina brings me over to a corner and I lift the back of my shirt so that she could see my back. Eina leans down and starts scanning my back with her emerald colored eyes.

"Hmm lets see. Strength and Endurance are both E, and Agility is D!. You weren't kidding (Y/n), you have been advancing extremely quickly" She says before standing strait up while crossing her arms. "I am not able to read the whole thing but, well your abilities do appear to be genuine"

I stand up and pulled down my shirt while saying "So it's okay for me to go to Floor 7 from now on, right?"

"On the one hand if you status is really that impressive I have no reason not to clear you for Floor 7" She says before looking at me " But on the other hand, your armor....uhhh" She says while basically saying it's trash.

"Yes I know my armor is trash at the moment" I tell Eina.

"Tell you what, do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Eina asks.

"Well besides going to the dungeon, no not really" I reply.

"Perfect, since I have a day off tomorrow we can go shopping" Eina says excitedly.

"Okay, what time do you want to meet up?"

"How about 10, At the statue in the plaza by the Pantheon" Eina says.

"Okay, see you tomorrow Eina, I'm off to the dungeon" I say. Before turning to walk out.

"Bye (Y/n)" Eina tells me as I leave.

Part 2.

It was the next day and I stood by the statue in the plaza. I was wearing my usual outfit that I almost always wear around. It was only a few minutes before 10. The sun was shining bright and the morning rush of adventurers was over but there was still a lot of people around.

"(Y/n), Over here" I hear Eina say from the opposite direction then the one I was looking in.

I turn to Eina and I see what she was wearing. She was wearing a white shirt that has a black ribbon at the bottom of her collor near her breasts, a short red skirt and black stockings and some dress shoes. But the one thing that I noticed the most was that she didn't have her glasses on and with what she was wearing she looked pretty.....and hot, Maybe not as much as Aiz but still pretty up there.

"Hey Eina, You look really good today" I say.

"So are you saying I don't look good any other day?" She questions as if as if she was luring me into a trap.

"No, To say it better I'm saying that what your wearing brings out more of your natural beauty and you know, sex appeal" I tell her.

"Aww thank you for the compliment (Y/n)" She says as she hugged me tightly against her chest before letting me go and saying "So why are you early, couldn't wait to spend the whole day shopping with me?~"

"What, I just wanted to not be late and keep you waiting that's all" I tell her.

"You would make any girl very happy you know that" Eina says.

"What was that?" I say.

"Oh nothing" She says.

We then start walking down the street of Orario side by side and I ask "So where are we going any way?"

"In there" Eina says while pointing at babel.


"Right, to the Hephaestus familia shop" Eina says.

"What, the stuff there is so goddamn expensive for me to even think about buying anything there" I tell her.

"Oh stop yelling, you should really loosen up a bit" She says as she wraps her arms around my left arm and drags me towards Babel while giggling a bit "Let's get shopping"

{Time Skip}

We got off the elevator for the Hephaestus floor and I saw the well lit hallway with many windows showing all sorts of things that looked as expensive as hell.

"I didn't know there was a shop like this in Babel" I say.

"Of course the top of it attracts the most attention but it also happens to be one of the Hephaestus store fronts, let's look around" Eina says.

We started walking and then I see a short sword and I read the price "Holy shit, this sword costs 30 million valis. What the fuck, if I bought this I would expect it to live up to its price"

"Hello valued customers" I hear a familiar voice say.

I turn and see Hestia Standing at the door to the store while wearing a uniform" What the, Goddess why didn't you tell me about having 2 jobs?" I question.

"Well first I would like to know what your doing here?" She asks before looking at Eina and throwing a fit "After telling me who this hefoof is"

"Umm Goddess Hestia I would like you to meet-"

"It's a pleasure to meet you Goddess Hestia, I am guild woman Eina Tulle, But more specifically I am also elaborate search adviser for Mr. (Y/n) (L/n)"

Hestia the starts having a personal conversation and it seemed like Hestia was trying to ward off people again.

"Goddess can you please stop trying to ward people off" I say to Hestia.

"I'm not trying to ward her off, I'm just giving her some advice that's all" Hestia huffs.

"You can call it whatever you want to call it but it seems like your really possessive of me" I say.


"Sorry Goddess, I didn't mean it" I say "I'll be going now"

I then start walking down the hall while looking at the cases. I hear Eina talk to Hestia a bit before running to my side.

"Hey are you okay?" EIna asks me.


"Your Goddess seems worried about you now"

"I'll make it up to her tonight" I say.

We continued walking until we got to a set of doors that lead to a different room filled with people, weapons, and armor.

"Well okay here we are, you think all these high quality Hephaestus items are going to be way out of your price range right?" Eina says.

"Well of course" I say.

"Well you might be surprised" Eina tells me then walks over to a good quality sword "Here, look at this one"

"Wow it it's not a bad price" I say.

"Pretty good right?, everything sold here is made by novice crafts men. It can be sold for cheap, way below standard prices, plus good reviews are a big help for all the beginner blacksmiths. Sometimes you can find a real bagian if you know where to look.Shall we move on" She says before walking away.

I then started to walk around by the armor section, As I did I strayed away from Eina. Then on the ground in a crate I found a nice quality set if armor. I pick up the chest plate and it was very shiny with a red streak going down one side. I turned it around and saw a signature that said 'Welf Crozzo' on it with a rabbit over it. I looked at the price on the crate.

"9,900 Valis? I guess I can do that" I say.

Eina the walks over to me and looks at the armor I'm holding "I knew you would end up picking another set of light armor"

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask.

"It's fine, if that's what you are looking for" She tells me.

"This armor will com in handy" I say.

'Are you going into the dungeon tomorrow?" Eina asks me.

"Well of course"

"Well I would really like it if you teamed up with someone if you can. You could at least find a supporter for me" EIna tells me.

" do you think I should hire a supporter?" I question.

"Yes. I think it would make you a more efficient adventurer, I'd be happy to find one for you if you went" EIna tells me with a smile.

"Let me think about it okay" I say.

"Sure, take as long as you would like" Eina tells me.

Part 3.

The day was near its end as the sun started to set giving Orario a orange glow. Me and Eina walked back to the statue that we met at this morning. I put my newly bought armor in my bag so I didn't have to waste time going back after I finished shopping with Eina.. I turned to Eina and she had her hands behind her back.

"Thanks for all your help today Eina" I say.

"No problem, ohh and one more thing" EIna says as she pulls out a object wrapped in cloth and revealing the object in the cloth to me "I want you to have this"

I looked at the item and it was a green gauntlet that goes on the the left arm. I pick it up and looked around it.

"Is this a gift?" I ask.

"Mhmm, It's a present from me to you, and don't forget to use it" Eina says.

"I-I don't know if I can take this" I tell her.

"No, you are going to take this. Not just for my sake (Y/n) but for your own. It's a hard life, adventures have no way of knowing what day might be their last. I have known several who didn't make it back alive. I don't want to lose you too (Y/n)"Eina tells me "Well besides, when I see how hard you work at this I just want to do as much as I can to help. Please accept it (Y/n),Please"

I walk up to her and give her a hug, something that she wasn't expecting "Thank you Eina, for caring so much about me" I say.

"Your welcome (Y/n), I'll always be here for you" She says.

We seperate from the hug and Eina's face was red "Eina are you okay?" I ask.

"Y-yeah I'm fine..." She says,

"Well, see you later Eina" I say a started walking off.

"Bye (Y/n)" She says.

{Time Skip}

I was walking through the alleyways towards home. I was wondering to myself if Hestia was alright, I kinda said something harsh to her earlier. As I walked down a set of stairs a very short girl ran into me when I got to the bottom. She fell to the ground and I asked.

"Hey are you okay?"

The girl tries to get up as I hear a man yelling from behind me " Just where do you think your going you stupid pathetic prum"

I turn around quickly and I see a man with a sword charging towards me. I take out Hestia knife and block the man's sword. I hold the sword back before the man pulls his sword back.

"Got a problem, is this mongrel a friend of yours?" The man asks with an attitude.

"No, I've never met her before" I tell him.

"Then why are you trying to help her" The man says.

"Because, she's a girl" I reply.

He then draws his sword and points it towards me "Well that's a ridiculous reason to die"

I then hear a familiar voice "That's enough" I turn my head to the voice and see Ryuu carying a bag while in her work uniform"Please, crossing swords within the city limits. You two ought to be ashamed"

"And you oughta keep your fat mouth shut. Beat it before I have to-" Ryuu cuts the man off.

"Be quiet" She said in a demanding voice "We should avoid resorting to violence, I tend to get carried away sometimes" She says in a more quiet voice.

The man grunts before walking away with his sword in hand while saying one word to Ryuu "Skank"

Ryuu then walks down the set of stairs she was standing on towards me "You know I could of handled that myself" I say to her.

"I probably shouldn't of intervened" Ryuu says.

"Ohh, where did that girl go?" I question while looking around after noticing "Must've gotten scared then ran off"

"Syr would be extremely upset if you got yourself hurt, and I would of too but I know you can handle yourself up to a extent. Be careful" Ryuu tells me.

"Of course Ryuu"

"Well, goodbye Mr. (L/n)" Ryuu says before walking away.

"Okay, see you later" I say before continuing to head home.

{Time Skip}

I walked into the broken down church I called home and walked through the door by the alter and down the stairs. Once I got down to the bottom of the stairs I see Hestia and she had tears welled up in her eyes. When she sees me she immediately jumps towards me before hugging me with a death grip.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for whatever I did (Y/n). Please don't be mad at me" Hestia cries into my chest.

I hug her back and I say "No, I'm the one who should be sorry for saying something like I did to my goddess"

"So your not mad?" Hestia says while looking up at me.

"Not at all" I tell her.

She wipes her tears and says while leaning her cheek against my chest " Hey (Y/n)?"


"If you ever started, you know, dating a girl or girls, Your not going to leave me right?" She says.

"It doesn't matter who I am with, I will alway be at my goddess' side" I tell her "Even if I was seeing multiple girls, I will never leave you goddess, I promised you and I don't tend to break that promise"

"I should off expected you to say that" Hestia says. "Also, can you just call me Hestia"

"I-I don't know if I can do that Goddess" I tell her.

"C'mon, Pleaseeeeee" Hestia says while looking up at me with puppy eyes.

"F-fine" I say in defeat.

She separated from the hug and jumps in the air with joy while saying "Yaaaay"

Hestia then jumps onto the bed and starts hugging her pillow so I as curiously "Are you okay Hestia?"

"Yup, I'm just really happy now" She replies.

"That's good. Well I'll be heading to sleep now" I say.

"Okay, Good night (Y/n)" Hestia says cheerfully.

I smile to myself before laying down on the couch and pulling the blanket over me and heading to sleep. Soon from under my eyelids I see the light in the room go out, so I assumed that Hestia was heading to sleep.

"I wonder, would Hestia really be fine if I dated Aiz?" I question before falling to sleep.


Hello everyone this is the end. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. If you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to tell me. Until next time bye.

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