Dark Goliath

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Hello everyone it's time for another chapter. Last chapter, you accidentally saw the girls as they bathed and you saved Hestia from Mord and his gang, but the Dungeon had other ideas besides letting you leave.


POV: You

Part 1.

The crystals above cracked after we all saw the skull faced figure. The crystals light had faded away, leaving it mostly dark on the 18th floor. Then a huge humanoid figure with dark, almost black skin and white hair in the fetal position fell through the crystals on the ceiling and landed at the base of the large tree that was in the middle of the floor. After hitting the ground, the figure stood up and roared. I looked at the figure more and noticed that it looked exactly like Goliath but with the dark skin and white hair. Then monsters of many types start to spawn in the forest below, Battle Bears, Hell hounds, Minotaurs, Mantises.

"Great, the dungeon must really fucking hate me"

"Let's go, we got to help" I say as I see Mord and his friends get surrounded.

"No, Don't, are you sure you'd be doing them any good?, think about it"Ryuu tells me.

"Having people die because I made the wrong deduction isn't on my bucket list" I tell Ryuu.

Ryuu smirks "I'm not sure about your skills as a leader, but that doesn't make you wrong" Then she runs and jumps off the ledge.

"Chigusa, you protect Goddess Hestia,. Everyone else, let's move out" I say.

"Alright" Everyone states.

We left Chigusa and Hestia behind as we headed towards what I would call, Dark Goliath. When we arrived near Dark Goliath, we see Mord and his gang trying to hold off a pack off battle bears. A minotaur came up to Mord out of no where and tried to punch him. Before it could, I cut off its hand with Hestia knife before splitting it in half with Raikou. Welf and Lili took out one of the battle bears while Mikoto and Ouka took out the other. Lili then dragged off a shocked Mord away from the battle scene. I see a mantis heading towards Welf as he fought a battle bear and jumped in the air before slicing the Mantises' head off. Ryuu, went behind Dark Goliath and was able to get on its knees. Mikoto and Ouka attack Dark Goliath as it was vulnerable. Their attack was ineffective as their attacks were nothing but a tickle to it. Dark Goliath started to charge an attack from its mout but Welf intervined.

"Willo the Whisp!" Welf shouts and Dark Goliaths attack explodes in its face.

Some covered its face but when the smoke disappeared the attack did miner damage, only removing Dark Goliaths lips. Dark Goliath charged up for another attack but Ryuu hit it in the face before it could fire the shot off. I ran toward Dark Goliath and stabbed both Ushiwakamaru and Hestia knife into Dark Goliath's left leg using my momentum to slide down his leg with my knives dug under its skin. Dark Goliath roared in pain before I pulled my knives out.

"(Y/n)! The mages are about to unleash their attacks!" Welf shouts at me.

"Okay!" I replied before running away from Dark Goliath.

Then explosions of fire hit Dark Goliath, then swarms of arrows, Lightining, and Ice and wind attacks. They all occurred for a few seconds, making Dark Goliath roar and fall onto its knees. It was batters with open wounds all over and it's jaw fell of with all the skin on its face gone, leaving a skull face staring back at everyone. Dark Goliath stood back up again and everything healed, it's cuts, it's face, and even its jaw in a matter of seconds. After it healed, Dark Goliath and a slight layer of red aura surrounding it. Dark Goliath then roared and slammed both of its fists j to the ground, creating a huge explosion. As it did, The entire floor became blood red, not by blood but from the crystals above. More monsters arrived from out of no where, endless waves of monsters, one after another. I sliced, chopped, hacked and slashed at every monster, It felt like I was being corrupted, so much blood on was on me, I could feel that it had seeped through my clothes underneath my armor, but I was sure that I wasn't the only one. After jumping on top of a minotaur and shoving Hestia knife into its skull, I see my hands sparkling in the white and blue sparkles again.

"Argonaut, it should be able to beat the boss in one hit, I hope"

I ran towards Dark Goliath with no intention of stopping n between, I killed every monster in my way whether it was paying attention to me or not. Then when I got to Dark Goliath, he had just smashed the ground again, trying to hit Ryuu and Asfi. I stood in the disappearing dust and looked at Dark Goliath. I put Hestia knife and Ushiwakamaru away before holding up my right hand up. Dark Goliath charged up a attack as he saw me in my stance.

"Fire bolt!!" I shout and the familiar bolt of fire that was blue and white shot out of my hand and made contact with Dark Goliaths attack, my attack was so powerful that I completely nullified Dark Goliaths attack and kept going. After the light dissipated, everyone sees Dark Goliath standing without the top of its head, Dark Goliath smirked without the top of its head and shot a attack at me which sent me into the air. I saw as Dark Goliath's head healed like it was nothing and went to swat me out of the air like a fly.


Before Dark Goliath's hand hit me Ouka jumped in the air infront of it with his shield, taking most of the impact for me before we both were swatted out of the sky. That's when everything went black, when I open my eyes, I find myself in a cottage, the same cottage that me and my grand father lived in while on the farm. I see Grandpa sitting in his rocking chair and I was sitting on his lap. It looked like I was 7 or 8, I was just a spectator to this memory that I some how don't remember.

"Grandpa, do you think I'm old enough to know about father now?" My younger self asked Grandpa.

"I suppose your old enough" Grandpa chuckled "Your father was the greatest hero who ever lived, He, was the Demi-god Heracles. He killed 12 strong beasts that were apart of 12 difficult tasks called the 12 labors. Despite the warrior he was, he was the most caring and emotional person I knew. He met your mother soon after the 12 labors, he wanted to settle down peacefully with her after they got married, but one of my wives got jealous and made him go insane, killing your mother in the processes and almost killed you but I got to you before he did. I had to kill him before he killed anyone else"

"Woah, father had to be strong to of taken on 12 strong beasts" My past self said "Wait, If father was a Demi-god, What god are you then Grandpa?"

Grandpa chuckled a bit more "I'm one of the greatest gods ever, I am Zeus"

"If your one of the greatest gods ever why are we living on a farm?" My past self asked.

"Some day it won't be like that for you, when you get older, you'll become a adventurer and become a living hero of your own, just like your father. You'll have many women who'll love you for eternity and have many children" Grandpa says.

"Do you really think I can become a hero like father was?" My past self asked.

"Of course you can, no one can stop you from what you want but yourself. Since you're part god, you will be a great hero, maybe even surpass your father. But let me tell you this, if you ever find yourself in a bind while fighting a strong foe, imagine power coursing through your body from your heart, and think about what you want to do with that power, then you'll be unstoppable" Grandpa says.

The word unstoppable rang a bit before the memory faded away, when I blinked once more I find myself back into reality. Hestia and Lili were at my side.

"(Y/n) your alright!" Hestia says and hugs me.

"Of course I am" I state "But right now I have to go kill something"

I sit up and I feel multiple sharp pains in my back and sides. I groaned at the pain before standing up. Lili grabs something that was wrapped in a float hand handed it to me.

"Here use this" She tells me.

I grab the handle of the weapon in side the cloth and in wrapped the cloth to see another handle and a long jagged blade, just from the feel of it, I could tel that it was a magic sword.

"A magic sword!, where'd you get this!" I questioned.

"It doesn't matter, go kill that thing!" Lili shouts.

"Got it" I say then ran off with the magic sword in my hands.

After the sort run, I see Dark Goliath facing a different direction as Ryuu and Asfi was fighting it close up. I held onto magic sword by both handles.

"Grandpa, thanks for being there for me" I thought before imagining my heart pushing power through out my body "I need to protect everyone I care about now, and the only way to do that is to kill this fucker"

I then feel the familiar power from the fight with the large minotaur. The pain in my torso went away and I saw orange lightning bolts sparking all around me and on top of my skin. I hand never noticed it myself the other times I had this power. Dark Goliath senses my power and turned towards me. The orange lightning bolts then changed to blue and white as my argonaut skill kicked in. A sound of a large bell started to ring out periodically. I looked at Dark Goliath with a death glare and positioned myself to strike, now with the entire blade of the sword covered in blue and white sparks as well.

"I am (Y/n) (L/n), Son of Heracles and Grandson of Zeus!" I announced "In the name of Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth, I shall rid you from the earth!!"

I swing the large blade at Dark Goliath and a massive surge of energy hit Dark Goliath, causing a massive explosion of white light. The light disappeared and there was a hole with half of Dark Goliath missing and my power had gone away. Almost the entirety of its magic stone was visible but Dark Goliath was regenerating insanely fast. I grabbed Hestia knife and threw it as hard as I could at the magic stone. Hestia knife hit the magic stone just in time and broke it half. A explosion of crystal dust happens and I shield my face from it. Soon enough the dust was falling from the sky like snow. I jump into the whole next to the big magic stone and grabbed Hestia knife.

"You never let me down" I say to Hestia knife. I hear cheering from outside of the hole which made me smile.

"Master (Y/n), you did it!" I hear Lili shout as she hugged Hestia.

"This is just the beginning of the large road of beasts ahead"

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it. To me the first half felt a bit rushed but if you guys haven't noticed I like to mostly stick to the protagonist point of view. Anyway, until next time bye

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